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This induction provides employees with information on Go2 Recruitment's safety policies, hazard identification, and proper equipment operation. Employees must complete the induction before commencing work.
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This is an induction to your employment with Go2 Recruitment (Go2). Before completing this induction, you MUST have completed the Construction Industry White Card. DO NOT commence work at any workplace without completing the site specific induction.
Duty of Care and Responsibility All persons must work together to eliminate or reduce risks in the workplace so far as is reasonably practicable.
EMPLOYEE’S DUTIES: • Use safety devices, protective equipment and clothing; • Report hazards, accidents and incidents; • Follow instruction and systems as instructed by the employer as reasonably able; • Participate in consultative mechanisms; • Take reasonable care of their own safety at work and that others are not adversely effected by their own acts or omissions; • Cooperate with any reasonable policy/procedure of the PCBU relating to WHS; • Observe the act and regulations; • Understand the consequences of not following safe work practices. Please continue...
Safety Policies At Go2, we have a number of very important policies in relation to safety including our WHS, Drug and Alcohol, Manual Handling polices (to name just a few). We insist that all employees are familiar with the Go2 Policies. These policies are available for you in our offices and online at www.thego2people.com.au We encourage employee participation and consultation in matters affecting the Safety and Health of our people. We seek suggestions from our work force for ways in which Safety and Health can be improved. All employees are given a copy of our policies. Take some time now to read the policies. If you are registering remotely, print the policies from our website and familiarise yourself with them now. Please continue...
Hazard Identification Definition of a hazard: Any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work. Dealing with Hazards: ELIMINATION - removing the hazard, or practice, altogether. BEST METHOD SUBSTITUTION - using a safer alternative (e.g. less toxic chemicals for cleaning). ENGINEERING- isolating, enclosing and containing the hazard. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS- are things like Isolation and Lock Out, job rotation, training, signage and safe work procedures. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE - should be seen as the "last line of EQUIPMENTdefence" against hazardous situations. It should only be considered if all other methods are impractical. WORST METHOD Please continue...
Equipment Operation • Equipment should only be operated by persons who are: • trained; • competent; and • authorised to operate that unit. Do not assume you are authorised - check with your supervisor before operating. Understand and carry out all pre-start checks before operating equipment. Report all faults on equipment to your Supervisor. Do not operate equipment in unsafe condition or outside of design capacity.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Process:1. Break the job into individual steps; 2. Identify the hazards in each step; 3. Ensure controls are in place to prevent injury from each hazard; 4. Record the steps and the controls for each = SAFE WORK PRACTICE To Identify Hazards and Controls: Ask questions such as: Can I be struck by / caught between anything? Can I contact anything which will hurt me? Can anything be caused to move while I am working on it? Will anything be released unexpectedly? Is anyone else working in the same area?
Accident and Incident Reporting Report all accidents and incidents immediately to your supervisor and your Go2 contact. If you don’t know who your Go2 contact is, ask now. • making everyone aware of the problem; • allowing the host employer the chance to investigate thoroughly. When you are reporting accidents you are: • initiating immediate corrective action; • making the work place safer by improving work practices; • meeting your legal obligation; • possibly saving a work mate from injury or death; Please continue...
Injury Reporting All injuries must be reported immediately to your Supervisor. Failure to do so could result in the worsening of your injury by delaying treatment. • If you receive treatment from a doctor or have time off work as a result of a work-related injury, you must: • 1. Notify your Supervisor immediately; • 2. Obtain a First Medical Certificate from the doctor; • 3. Fill in a Workers Compensation Claim Form 2B - obtain from your Supervisor; and • Hand the claim form, medical certificates and receipts for any reimbursements to yourSupervisor. • 5. Your Supervisor will arrange suitable duties in accordance with your medical certification.
Housekeeping • THE PRICE OF NEGLECT: • injuries, cuts to hand and eye injuries; • slip and trip hazards; • wasted material; and • wasted time. • THE BENEFITS OF GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: • less risk of accidents, injuries & fires; • a more pleasant workplace; and • less time wasted trying to find tools, equipment and materials. • FLOOR AND ACCESS WAYS: • only keep materials and tools in use in your work area; • keep walkways, stairways and accessways clear; • keep floors around benches and machinery clear; • never stack or store anything in front of doorways, electrical switchboards, emergency exists or safety showers; • never stack or store anything within one metre of fire-fighting equipment; and • keep floors free of oil, grease, mud, liquids and loose objects. Please continue...
Slips, Trips & Falls • Keep workspace and access ways clear of slip and trip hazards. • Check underfoot conditions before stepping down particularly if working on uneven ground. • Use handrails when climbing or descending stairways. • Maintain 3 points of contact when climbing up or down. • Ensure footwear is in good condition. • Walk, do not run. Please continue...
Hazardous Substances What you should know about hazardous substances: • How it can enter your body. • Possible health hazards. • Personal protective equipment. • Safe storage. • Correct use and handling. • First aid treatment. • Correct cleaning and spillage disposal procedures. • What to do in case of a fire. Read the container label and the Material Safety Data Sheet before you use or handle the substance. Please continue...
Keep the Curves Keep your back in it’s natural curves. This is the power position. Preparation Warm up before you start, plan to take a break. Manual Handling Go2 offers all employees with FREE Manual Handling training The four basic principles of lifting Build a Bridge Don’t hang your upper body weight over the load, support it. Supported by your arm, body harness etc. Stagger the Stance Keep your legs in the mid position and stagger your stance in a naturally balanced position. Please continue...
Safety Signs Examples of Safety Signs The message on the sign must always be obeyed. REGULATION Take proper precautions for the identified hazard. CAUTION Indicates the type and location of emergency and Fire fighting equipment. FIRE EMERGENCY Indicates a potential high risk area. DANGER SIGNS Provides locations, directions and instructions for dealing with emergencies. . GREEN EMERGENCY Please continue...
Fire Prevention Actions to prevent fires • Go2 offers FREE Training in Fire Prevention for all employees • Observe “No Smoking Signs.” • Report all fires. • Don’t accumulate rubbish. • Put rubbish in bins. • Handle & store flammable liquids correctly. • Don’t use sawdust to absorb oil spills. • Keep electrical fittings in good order. • Keep combustible materials clear when cutting or welding. (Use appropriate permits) • Avoid the use of adaptors and long electrical leads. • Understand what each extinguisher is used for and • keep them unobstructed and full. Please continue...
First Aid • Go2 offers all employees FREE First Aid training. Please continue...
Emergency Response Module 2 Emergency Procedures and Muster Points Familiarise yourself with the emergency procedures and muster points in you area of work. Please continue...
Personal Protective Equipment Module 3 Examples of Personal Protective Equipment use Head - helmets, sun hat, hair net etc. Ears - ear muffs & plugs. Eyes - safety glasses, goggles, face shields, welding masks etc. Respiratory system - masks & respirators. Body - aprons, overalls, jackets, wet weather gear etc. Hands - gloves and gauntlets. Legs - leggings, spats, overalls. Feet - safety boots & shoes. Please continue...
OUT OFSERVICE Do Not Operate Isolation and Lockout Out of Service tags: • Tags should be affixed at the isolators as an obvious control point. • Tags can be affixed by anyone. • Tags can only be removed by authorised, competent personnel. • Tags protect machinery - not people. • Check with your place of work to understand the out of service procedure. Out of Service tags are used to warn people that a piece of equipment is defective, but is not currently being worked on. Print short description of fault to assist repairs. Print name. Please continue...
Isolation and Lockout Personal Danger tags: • Tags should be affixed to the isolator. • Isolators must not be operated whilst tags are affixed. • Tag is placed on isolator by each person working in the area. • Tag can only be removed by person whose name is on it. • Check with your place of work to understand the personal danger tag procedure. Personal Danger tags are used to prevent the movement or operation of an isolation switch, valve or device, and protect the individual who has hung the tag. Print Name Clearly Please continue...
Confined Space Confined Space Entry Go2 offers all employees with FREE Confined Space training Alwaysread the permit before entering the confined space. Always sign-on to the permit before entering the confined space. ENTRY PERMIT Alwayssign-off the permit as you leave the confined space. Neverenter a confined space until a Confined Space Entry Permit has been issued. Please continue...
Hot Work Permit Check with your place of work to make sure you understand their Hot Work Permit Procedure. Please continue...
Working at Heights ONLY employees with Working at Heights training certificates can work at height: Go2 offers FREE training for employees in Working at Heights Please continue...
Welding Safety Alwaysswitch off the electricity at the power source if work is stopped for any extended period of time. Neverchange electrodes with bare hands, wet gloves or while standing in water. Nevertouch any exposed portion of the electrode with any unprotected part of your body while standing on, or resting against the work being welded. Nevercompletely loop welding or return cables around any part of the body. Usean insulating mat if you have to kneel on the work piece. Disposeof electrode stubs into metal bins. Ensureadequate ventilation to disperse welding fumes and reduce heat build-up. Protectyourself from radiation burns. Shieldothers from weld flash by use of screens or barriers. Alwayscheck the area for smouldering material before leaving the area. Attachearth lead close to the welding site to reduce risk of damage from stray currents. Protectcables and handpieces from damage to the insulation. Please continue...
Flashback arresters should be fitted at the regulators and non return valves at the torch connectors Oxy Safety Using Oxy and Acetylene • Never store or locate cylinders: • together; • in a confined space; • in front of the designated entry/exit point of a confined space; • near the ventilation intake point for a confined space; or • laying down in the back of a ute. • Always keep cylinders away from other sources of heat and flames; • Store & transport cylinders standing vertically; • Restrain cylinders to prevent falling over; and • Shut off at the cylinders if left unattended. Please continue...
IMPORTANT CANDIDATE INFORMATION Timesheets must be completed and submitted with approval before 12 noon on Monday. Otherwise you wont get paid until the following week. Pay day is Friday. Go2 Pay all casual staff on Fridays. Depending on your bank account, you may be lucky and get your pay on Thursday night sometimes but FRIDAY is pay day.
CANDIDATECARE Depression and anxiety are issues many of us battle with. FIFO work can put a huge strain on the employees relationships. It is not something you should enter into lightly. More generally, the construction industry and life in general can get you down. Take the first step knowing that your employer is behind you. Go2 offer advice and counselling to all employees. You can access this free service by emailing our confidential address confidential@thego2people.com.au This email is monitored by the Directors of Go2 ONLY. We also recommend visiting the following sites when seeking assistance: www.beyondblue.com.au www.matesinconstruction.com.au Your health, both physical and mental is important to us.
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General Induction This Concludes the Go2 WHS Induction Please complete the Multiple Choice Assessment.