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Asset Management Update

Join the MFOA for an update on asset management regulations and training tools. Discover challenges faced by small municipalities and learn about new initiatives. Don't miss the opportunity to confirm early issues through consultation.

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Asset Management Update

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  1. Asset Management Update Dan Cowin Hamilton Ontario April 4, 2016

  2. Agenda MFOA and asset management Consultation Training Tools Challenges in small municipalities Capacity vs Projects New initiatives Early confirmation of issues

  3. Consultation MEDEI is currently consulting with the sector on regulations under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 Act provides for significant LGIC regulatory authority Will be broad based regional consultations in coming months Initial consultation includes AMO, CNAM, OCSI, MFOA, OGRA and several other associations plus several municipalities

  4. AM: Training • Asset management roadmap • Asset management courses on all aspects of AM sequenced over 24 months to be training just when you need it • Asset management training with partners: • CNAM • OGRA • AMO/LAS

  5. AM: Tools • In partnership with MMAH, MFOA has produced: • AM report cards • Checklists • Spreadsheets for budgeting (including current work on comprehensive model from Petrolia) • Tip sheets • AM case studies • Shared services • Often discuss next round of tools with MMAH

  6. Tools (con’t) • Are more tools what we need? • Some places will struggle even if they have more tools

  7. Capacity Building • MFOA’s work is about building capacity • To do that we need to proceed from a notion of “best” or “good” AMP practices

  8. Challenges in small places • Most municipalities in Ontario are relatively small • About 61% are under 10,000 (excluding UTs) • Many challenges in small places • Small in population, big in geography • Limited tax base • Limited full time staff

  9. Population Thresholds

  10. Small Places Dominate

  11. 1% Levy Increase

  12. Limited Tax Base

  13. The Programs MFOA is working on four projects with financial assistance from MMAH: • Limited direct AM assistance on site • Limited remote AM assistance • Guide to establishing Communities of Practice • On-line AM self assessment tool

  14. Target Municipalities • Emphasis on small municipalities under 10,000 that are interested in refining their asset management plan but aren’t sure how to do it. • The municipalities will: • be regionally diverse (north, south, east, west) • Rural/urban

  15. Project 1 • Will send AM experts (finance and engineering) to your municipality to: • Assess your existing AMP • Determine your level of involvement/knowledge/comfort with the plan • Identify next steps that can have the biggest impact in advancing your plan • Devise a near and medium term work plan

  16. Project 1 (con’t) • Limited ongoing assistance in 2016 • Detailed evaluations of both the status of AMP before/after as well as value of the assistance provided • Will give very good information on state of AM in small places • Can accommodate 20 municipalities in this program

  17. Project 2 • Similar to project 1 in purpose, objectives,eligibility and deliverables • Will deal with municipalities more remotely • Skype sessions • Webinars • We can accommodate 70 municipalities in this program (90 in total between projects 1 and 2)

  18. Project 2 (con’t) • Second intake for projects 1 and 2 ends at the end of this week • Projects will begin at end of April • These projects will run for most of 2016

  19. Project 3 • Preparing a guide on how to create a community of practice • Similar to PSAB sharing group • It is thought that this can be very beneficial to smaller municipalities • An extension of MFOA’s work on shared services • Complete before the end of 2016

  20. Project 4 • On-line self assessment tool • Two key components • Asset management maturity framework, and • On-line survey tool to determine where a municipality sits with respect to the maturity framework • Framework must be consistent with the current AM guide from the Province as well as direction that MEDEI is going with its regulatory framework

  21. Early Confirmation of Issues • Currently running second round of intake • Feedback from calls, emails and submitted applications confirms that direct assistance of some sort is very much needed • Stay tuned for the results!!!

  22. Questions? Dan Cowin Executive Director Municipal Finance Officers' Association 2169 Queen Street East, 2'nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M4L 1J1 Tel: 416-362-9001 x 223 E-mail: dan@mfoa.on.ca

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