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Enhancing Rural Development through Leader Cooperation 2014-2020

Learn about Leader/CLLD strategies, cooperation initiatives, and the role of networks for participatory rural development in the 2014-2020 period. Explore funding, partnerships, and key aspects of Leader projects for sustainable local growth.

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Enhancing Rural Development through Leader Cooperation 2014-2020

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  1. The CLLD/Leader and the Leader Cooperation Participatory Local Development Strategies: + LEADER for 2014-2020 Madrid, 29 October 2015 Christian Vincentini DG Agricultureand Rural Development Directorate H – General aspects of rural development and research

  2. 2,416 2,416 8.9

  3. Total public support for LEADER LEADER 2014-2020 Indicative figures: - Implemented in 28 MS - Implemented in 109 RDPs - € 9.4 billion total public expenditure - Around 2050 LAGs supported - 147 million of the EU population in LAGs Number of Local Action Groups per MS

  4. The Leader/CLLD 2014-2020 - Mandatory for the EAFRD, optional for the other ESI Funds - Possibility of Multi-funding - In case of multi-funded strategies, there must be a coordinated and consistent support from the ESI Funds concerned Selection committee Lead fund to support running and animation costs

  5. The Leader/CLLD 2014-2020 - Area, LAG, Strategy - Innovation - Strategy: first round of selection  within 2 years from the approval of the Partnership Agreement additional selections no later than 31 December 2017 - Area: 10.000-150.000 inhabitants, except duly justified cases in the PA

  6. The Leader/CLLD 2014-2020 - LAG: responsible for the design and implementation of the strategy draws the procedure for the selection of the operations publishes the calls for proposal and defines the selection criteria selects the operations and fixes the amount of support monitors the implementation of the strategy

  7. MS planning to supportmulti-fundedstrategies(sometimesonly in a few regions)

  8. ESI Fundsotherthan EAFRDinvolved in CLLD (multi-fundedor single-fundedLAGs)

  9. Member States with CLLD possible also in urban areas

  10. Leader Cooperation - Spontaneous cooperation initiatives since the beginning of Leader, whereas initially not supported by EAFRD - Take advantage of similarities and complementarities - Mutual learning is the main expected result of cooperation Cooperation as a mean to tackle common challenges

  11. Leader Cooperation - Pros: new connections to other rural areas new ideas new skills strengthen identity create new business opportunities improve competitiveness

  12. Leader Cooperation - Cons: different expectations • different working methods • communication limitations • conflicting administrative procedures and rules

  13. Leader Cooperation 2014-2020 - Foreseen in Art. 44 Reg. 1305/2013 - Preparatory support now compulsory - Mandatory at RDP level; recommended, but not compulsory, at LAG level - Role of the selection criteria

  14. Leader Cooperation 2014-2020 - Approval of the projects no later than 4 months after the submission of the project application - MSs shall make public the national or regional administrative procedures concerning the selection of transnational co-operation projects and a list of eligible costs at the latest two years after the date of approval of their rural development programmes - Member States shall communicate to the Commission the approved transnational co-operation projects

  15. Leader Cooperation 2014-2020 Possible partnership with: • - other LAGs rural territory that is implementing a LDS within or outside the Union - Local public/private partners in a non rural territory that is implementing a LDS - Internal coordination High level of coordination needed - External coordination

  16. Leader Cooperation 2014-2020 Role of the Networks ENRD (art. 52 RDR): • support the national networks and transnational co-operation initiatives and cooperate with the networking and technical support bodies for local development set up by the other ESI Funds as regards their local development activities and transnational co-operation

  17. Leader Cooperation 2014-2020 Role of the Networks NRN (art. 54 RDR): • provision of training and networking for LAGs and, in particular, technical assistance for inter-territorial and transnational co-operation, facilitation of co-operation among local action groups and the search of partners for the measure referred to in Article 35 Events, seminars, databases, technical support, consultancy, mentoring, search of partners, …

  18. TNC projects by MS (2007-2013) average TNC project amount: €165,000 Cooperation project partners from outside EU: Ukraine, Norway, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Costa Rica Sources: - DG AGRI; SFC notifications, (March 2015)

  19. Leader Transnational Cooperation - Duration: 6-36 months; average 20 months - Budget: few hundreds €–1,9 M€; average 165.000 € - Main themes: Tourism, Culture, Community development, Education - Source of the themes: mainly the strategy - Main beneficiaries: Local businesses, LAGs, NGOs and other associations

  20. Leader Transnational Cooperation - Networking - Can start as cooperation and can evolve into business - Financial and legislative issues with partners outside the EU - Timing of approval in different MS or third countries  delays  pre-approval

  21. Leader Transnational Cooperation • Key issues of the previous programming period: - Lengthy administrative procedures - Restrictions due to national/regional rules - Type and quality of technical support - Absence of compulsory preparatory support - Types of eligible costs - Language and cultural issues

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