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Publishing Implementation Science and QI from Learning Health Care Systems

This publication discusses the importance of studying context and implementing quality improvement strategies in learning healthcare systems. It emphasizes the need for rigorous reporting standards that consider organizational context.

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Publishing Implementation Science and QI from Learning Health Care Systems

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  1. Publishing Implementation Science and QI from Learning Health Care Systems Steven M. Asch MD MPH National Academy of Medicine May 22, 2019

  2. Basic Science Clinical Trials Health Services Research Clinical Epidemiology Quality Improvement Implemen-tation Science Learning Healthcare Systems Lean Right on Translation Spectrum

  3. Basic Science Clinical Trials Health Services Research Clinical Epidemiology Quality Improvement Implemen-tation Science Generalizablity> Internal Validity

  4. Clinical trials actively try to eliminate and control for context; implementation science and quality improvement instead take context, especially organizational context, as an important object of study. Translation: LHS want to learn about themselves. May CR: Implementation Science 2016 11:141

  5. Analytic capacity no longer (even mostly)the domain of researchers

  6. Doctors Like You Ordered Things Like These on Patients Like Yours…

  7. A Data Consult Service Given a specific case, provides a report summarizing similar patients in Stanford’s clinical data warehouse, the common treatment choices made, and the observed outcomes. greenbutton.stanford.edu What do we do when LHS want to publish this work?

  8. Reporting standards for implementation science/QISQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence)StaRI (Standards for Reporting Implementation Studies)QI-MCS (Quality Improvement Minimum Quality Criteria Set) Ogrinc C: BMJ Quality & Safety 2016;25:986-992 Pinnock H: BM J2017;356:i6795 Hempel S: BMJ QualSaf 2015;24:796–804

  9. Discussion Points • Much of what learning health care systems study is themselves • Puts much of their intellectual product in the domains of implementation science and quality improvement • Context is king of that domain, but dissemination still important • Need rigorous reporting standards that guide field but take context into account

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