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Explore the different approaches to motivation in psychology, including instinct, drive-reduction, arousal, incentive, cognitive, and Maslow's hierarchy. Learn how these factors influence human behavior and motivation.

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  2. MOTIVATION • Motivation deals with the factors that direct and energize the behavior of humans and organizations. • Instinct Approaches; Born to be motivated. • Inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically determined rather than learned. • Unable to agree on what the primary instincts are. • They are 18 (in 1908)to 5759 (in 1924) but they are merely labels for behavior.

  3. MOTIVATION • Drive-Reduction Approaches: • It is a theory suggesting that when people lack some basic biological requirements such as water, a drive to obtain that requirements (in this case , the thirst drive) is produced. • Drive is a motivational tension, or arousal, that energizes behavior in order to fulfill some need. • Basic kinds of drives called “ primary”, contrast with “secondary”.

  4. MOTIVATION • Drive-Reduction Approaches (cont.): • We usually try to satisfy a primary drive by reducing the need underlying it. • The reason for such behavior is “homeostasis”. • Homeostasis is the process by which an organism strives to maintain some optimal level of internal biological functioning by compensating for deviations from its usual, balanced internal state.

  5. MOTIVATION • Arousal Approaches: Beyond Drive Reduction. • It is the belief that we try to maintain certain levels of stimulation and activity, increasing or reducing them as necessary. • Table 10-1. • If the levels of stimulation and activity are too low, we will try to increase them.

  6. MOTIVATION • Incentive Approaches ; Motivation’s Pull. • It is the theory explaining motivation in terms of external stimuli, the incentives that direct and energize behavior. • In this view, properties of external stimuli largely account for a person’s motivation. • Drives and incentives may work together in motivating behavior.

  7. MOTIVATION • Cognitive Approaches; The Thoughts Behind Motivation. • The focus on the role of our thoughts, expectations, and understanding of the world. • Expectancy-Value theory , based on two kinds of cognitions underlie our behavior. • Our expectation that a behavior will cause us reach a particular goal. • Our understanding of the value of that goal to us.

  8. MOTIVATION • Cognitive Approaches ( cont.); • Cognitive theories draw a key distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. • Intrinsic motivation causes us to participate in an activity for our own enjoyment, rather than for any tangible reward that it will bring us. • In contrast, extrinsic motivation causes us to do something for a tangible reward.

  9. MOTIVATION • Maslow’s Hierarchy; Ordering Motivational Needs. • It is a hierarchy shows how our motivation progresses up the pyramid from a basis in the broadest, most fundamental biological needs to higher-order ones. • Only when the basic lower-order needs are met can a person consider fulfilling higher-order needs.


  11. MOTIVATION • Maslow’s Hierarchy (cont.); • The most basic needs are the physiological needs such as needs for water, food, sleep, sex and the like. • Safety needs , come next, that were people need a safe, secure environment in order to function effectively. • Love and belongingness needs include the need to obtain and give affection and to be a contributing member of some group or society.

  12. MOTIVATION • Maslow’s Hierarchy (cont.); • Esteem relates to the need to develop a sense of self-worth by knowing that others are aware of one’s competence and value. • Self-actualization is a state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential in their own unique way. • But how to validate the ordering of the stages and how to measure self-actualization objectively.

  13. MOTIVATION • It is useful to employ several theories simultaneously in order to understand a particular motivational system. • We proceed to consider specific motives, such as the needs for food , achievement, affiliation, and power. • What are the biological and social factors that underlie hunger?

  14. MOTIVATION • Need for achievement is a stable , learned characteristic in which satisfaction is obtained by striving for and attaining a level of excellence. • Need for affiliation is an interest in establishing and maintaining relationships with other people. • Need for power is a tendency to seek impact, control, or influence over others, and to be seen as a powerful individual.


  16. PERSONALITY • How do psychologists define and use the concept of personality? • What do the theories of freud and his successors tell us about the structure and development of personality? • What are major aspects of trait, learning, biological and evolutionary, and humanistic approaches to personality? • How can we most accurately assess personality? • What are the major types of personality measures?

  17. How do psychologists define and use the concept of personality? • Personality refers to the relatively enduring characteristics that • Differentiate one person from anther • Lead them to act in a consistent and predictable manner. • Both in different situations and over extended periods of time.

  18. The theories of the structure and development of personality • According to psychoanalysts, much of behavior is caused by parts of personality that are found in the unconscious and of which we are unaware. • Freud’s theory suggest that personality is composed of the id, the ego, and the superego.


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