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Explore TABE's successful implementation of leadership, advocacy, communications, networking, professional development, and organizational infrastructure goals in 2014-15.
2014-15 ACTION PLAN Texas Association for Bilingual Education June 2015 Final Report
Area of Focus 1: Leadership and Advocacy • Plan and implement 2014 annual conference and realize $170,000 in net profit. COMPLETED: The net profit for 2014 conference was $162,917. • Submit to local, state, national, and social media two articles (via links, webinar) per month on leadership and advocacy. COMPLETED: TABE president and past president provided oral testimony to the Public Education Subcommittee on Educator Quality in favor of HB 218 relating to certification requirements for teachers in bilingual education. TABE past president provided oral testimony on bilingual education funding weights. • Present at two professional associations during 2014-2015 to educate the public about TABE agenda. COMPLETED: TABE past president participated at the Council of Great City Schools 2014 Fall Conference on October 23, 2014 and presented: “A Collaborative Model for Design and Implementation of Dual Language and ESL Programs in Austin ISD”. TABE past president participated in the December 2, 2014 E3 Alliance Collaborative Meeting and presented: “Success for English Learners: From Policy to Sustainable Implementation”.
Area of Focus 1: Leadership and Advocacy • Add content to TABE ALERTS on the TABE website. COMPLETED. • Work on dual language position statement. Distribute to Executive Board for revisions and edits. COMPLETED. • Publish “Get Out the Vote” special edition newsletter. COMPLETED. • Increase BESO membership by 2%. COMPLETED: Current membership for 2014-2015 as 288. • Plan and implement bilingual/ESL Directors‘ Institute at annual conference and meet or exceed 60 participants. COMPLETED: Total participation was 59. • Increase membership of bilingual/ESL directors at 2014 conference. (2013 count was 41). COMPLETED: Total current membership is 59.
Area of Focus 2: Communications and Networking • Disseminate 100% of TABE minutes to stakeholders consistent with established protocol. COMPLETED: 100% of TABE minutes were posted to website. • At least twice annually, disseminate news and membership information electronically during 2014-15 school year. COMPLETED. More than 5 notices were disseminated. • Promote a positive public image by becoming involved in several national and state conferences where the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse students are communicated. COMPLETED: During the 2014-15 year, Executive Board members collectively made more than 12 presentations at local, state and national conferences. • Continue transition to electronic version of TABE 2014 conference program. Hard copies and electronic copies will be available on demand. Explore using digital app for TABE conference program. COMPLETED. Digital application was piloted. • Launch monthly E-Blasts reminding members to vote. COMPLETED. E-Blasts were launched.
Area of Focus 2: Communications and Networking • Ensure each TABE board member chooses a local affiliate and makes contact about TABE affiliate president meeting and membership. IN PROGRESS. • Compose and send letter to TABE Honorees. COMPLETED. • Redesign website and increase use of social media. DEFERRED TO NEXT BOARD. • Publish at least three TABE newsletters in 2013-2014. COMPLETED: Three TABE newsletters were published in November 2014, January 2015, and May 2015. • Increase the dissemination, readership and scope for the TABE Journal to a wider national audience. IN PROGRESS. • Identify at least 2 new/former constituent groups to promote advocacy for bilingual education, COMPLETED: Partnered with Texas Latino/a Policy Task Force and E3 Alliance. • Benchmark TABE web presence. IN PROGRESS.
Area of Focus 3: Professional Development • Increase number of annual conference sessions in Spanish to 10% targeting parental involvement and leadership development. COMPLETED. 10% of sessions at 2014 conference delivered in Spanish. • 100% of teachers selected for Teacher of the Year honor will exemplify TABE values. COMPLETED. • 100% of students awarded scholarships will meet the established criteria. COMPLETED. • Post handouts from the Bilingual Directors’ Luncheon at TABE on the TABE website. COMPLETED. • Report to Board regarding dates of local conferences. COMPLETED.
Area of Focus 4: Organizational Infrastructure • Increase affiliate participation as evidenced by attendance at House of Delegates and Affiliate Presidents’ meeting participation by 10%. COMPLETED. • Ensure 100% compliance with acceptable financial reporting standards for non-profit organizations. COMPLETED. • Present a report on financial transactions and an update on the organization’s financial status at 100% of TABE board meetings. COMPLETED. • Increase overall active membership by 10% (1,834 members currently). COMPLETED. Current membership at 2085 • Monitor and recommend non-substantive changes to Constitution language, as necessary, in the context of ongoing board work. COMPLETED. • Evaluate Executive Director. COMPLETED. • Maintain parent participation at conference at 100% of target. COMPLETED.
Area of Focus 4: Organizational Infrastructure • Revise Action Plan and post on website to codify 2014-2015 board impact. IN PROGRESS. • Obtain committee reports before board meeting and distribute to board members one week prior to meeting. COMPLETED. • Create templates/examples of motions and resolutions for affiliates to use as exemplars. IN PROGRESS. • Lead project to name a school after Joe Bernal. COMPLETED: In 2014 a middle school in Northside ISD was named after Dr. Joe Bernal. • TABE will advocate for a change to policy to allow ESL certified teachers to provide dual language instruction in English. COMPLETED.