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PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS ON 2014-2019 STRATEGIC PLAN AND 2014/15 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Director-General Department of Public Works 08 July 2014. 2014-19 Strategic Plan 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.
PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKSON2014-2019 STRATEGIC PLAN AND 2014/15 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSDirector-GeneralDepartment of Public Works08 July 2014 2014-19 Strategic Plan 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan
1 Regulatory requirements for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans This section provides context to the regulatory requirements in accordance with the National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans
NATIONAL TREASURY GUIDELINES FOR STRATEGIC PLANS AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLANS • The Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans, issued in September 2010, provides a new format and revised timeframes for the compilation of the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan. • National Treasury issued an Instruction Note (No. 33) in July 2011 on the full compliance to the mandatory requirements of the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans. • A Strategic Plan covers a period of at least five years ideally from the first planning cycle following an election linked to the identified outcomes of the Presidency. • A Strategic Plan may be changed during the five year period it covers. However, such changes should be limited to revisions related to significant policy shifts or changes in the service delivery environment • The Annual Performance Plan sets out what the institution intends doing in the upcoming financial year and during the MTEF to implement its Strategic Plan. • The format of the APP (including the tables) is prescribed by the National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans and aims is to link the plans, budget and performance of the Department. • Annual targets are broken up into quarterly targets where possible to ensure effective monitoring of performance on a quarterly basis
NATIONAL TREASURY GUIDELINES FOR STRATEGIC PLANS AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLANS Strategic Objectives and Annual Targets (Table 1) Programme Performance Indicators and Annual Targets (Table 2) Quarterly targets (Table 3)
2 PART A: Strategic overview This section specifies the vision, mission, values and the goals that the Department aims to achieve over a five-year period. (SP Pages 15 - 58 and APP Pages 16-50)
LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES • Constitutional mandate: • The Constitutional mandate is provided for in Schedule 4, Part A, of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa: Functional Areas of Concurrent National and Provincial Legislative Competence. • Legislative mandate • The legislative mandate is primarily governed by the Government Immovable Asset Management Act, 2007. • The Department regulates the construction industry and built environment through the Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000) and the six Professional Council Acts that regulate the six Built Environment Professions (BEPs), and through the Council for the Built Environment Act (Act No. 43 of 2000) • Policy mandates • DPW White Paper: Public Works, Towards the 21st Century, 1997 • DPW White Paper: Creating an Enabling Environment for Reconstruction, Growth and Development in the Construction Industry, 1999 • Construction Sector Transformation Charter, 2006 • Property Sector Transformation Charter, 2007 • DPW Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Strategy, 2006 • Property Management Strategy on BBBEE, Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation, 2007 • Green Building Framework, 2011
INTRODUCTION AND STRATEGIC CONTEXT • The following Government priorities form the basis of the Strategic Plan informed by the ruling party manifesto and National Development Plan translated into the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF): • Outcome 4 (Chapter 3 of the NDP) - Decent employment through inclusive economic growth – The EPWP will continue to be an effective cushion for the poor and unemployed. Phase 3 of the EPWP which covers the period 2014/15 to 2018/19 aims to create 6 million work opportunities. • Outcome 6 (Chapter 4 of the NDP) – An efficient, competitive and responsive infrastructure network – The Department will continue prioritising infrastructure requirements at the LPOE to facilitate cross border trade and strengthen socio-economic development. • National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy (NIMS) is a coordinated programme of action being led by the Department and supported by the Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) to deal with infrastructure maintenance for different sectors. • Outcome 7 (Chapter 6 of the NDP) - Comprehensive rural development – The Department will be collaborating with sector departments and rural municipalities to coordinate infrastructure planning and ensure maximum impact in rural areas. • Outcome 12 (Chapter 13 of the NDP) - An efficient and effective development-oriented Public Service – Through strategic planning instruments (U-AMP and C-AMP) the Department provides accommodation to user departments that promotes integration, accessibility, sustainability, environmental sensitivity, economic growth and social empowerment.
INTRODUCTION AND STRATEGIC CONTEXT • In addition the following priorities has also been considered as significant to the Strategic Plan: • Outcome 1 (Chapter 9 of the NDP) - Quality Basic Education – The Department in collaboration with DBE will be replacing inappropriate structures at 36 schools and making aesthetic improvements to 915 schools. • Outcome 5 (Chapter 9 of the NDP) – Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. The Department has a number of development programmes such as the young professionals programme, internship programme, learnership programme and artisan programme providing valuable on the job experience. • Outcome 8 (Chapter 8 of the NDP) – Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. Through the ICR Programme the Department consolidates Government’s services to ensure accessible public services to those living in remote areas. • Outcome 10 (Chapter 5 of the NDP) – Protect and enhance our environment assets and natural resources. The Department will continue implementing the Green Building Framework in line with Government’s transition to a low carbon economy. • Outcome 14 (Chapter 15 of the NDP) – Nation building and social cohesion – The Department in partnership with the CoT will create a more functional and aesthetically pleasing inner city.
INTRODUCTION AND STRATEGIC CONTEXT Vision A service oriented Public Works Department delivering value and contributing to the national agenda for social and economic development. Mission • Provide quality accommodation and related services to our clients, • efficiently and effectively manage the immovable assets in our custodianship, • actively contribute to the national goals of job creation and poverty alleviation through the Expanded Public Works Programme, • provide expert built-environment advice to our stakeholders, • provide strategic leadership to the South African Construction and Property Industries.
PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES • The Department will review and/or develop the following policies and legislation: • Review of the Department’s White Papers: “Public Works towards the 21st century, 1997; and Creating an Enabling Environment for Reconstruction, Growth and Development in the Construction Industry, 1999” • establish Agrément South Africa (ASA) as a public entity mandated to assess non-standardised and/or unconventional construction products, materials and systems fit for purpose, • develop a draft Built Environment Professions (BEP) Policy towards possible amendments to the legislative framework governing the BEPs, • promulgation of a new Expropriation Act (repealing the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975) to ensure consistency with the Constitution and uniformity in the expropriation of property by all expropriating authorities, • develop legislation to establish the Independent Development Trust (IDT) as a public entity to support the State in the delivery of social infrastructure, • develop a Green Building Policy and Strategy for the Department to give effect to Government’s green economy initiatives.
PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES • In addition, the Department will: • Develop a Public Works General Laws Amendment and Repeal Bill, to amend or repeal legislation assigned to the Department that are: • inconsistent with the Constitution; or • redundant or obsolete. • Review the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Act, 2000 and its Regulations to determine legislative or regulatory challenges that may hinder the CIDB from achieving its mandate. • Develop CIDB Regulations to: • ensure prompt payments to contractors and sub-contractors; • ensure the use of CIDB registered sub-contractors on public sector contracts; and • provide for the use of CIDB registered contractors on home building contracts. • Revise CIDB Regulations on Register of Contractors (RoC) addressing: • Contractor grading criteria for Grade 1 registration; • Contractor grading criteria for Contractor registration renewal; • Requirements for submission of BBBEE recognition level for registration; and • Incorporating a demerit system with reportable health and safety incidents.
PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES • Develop Built Environment Professions (BEP) Regulations dealing with functions of the BEP Councils (e.g. Recognition of Prior Learning, Registration of Professionals, Codes of Conduct, Accreditation of Built Environment Programmes offered by Tertiary Institutions and Continuous Development of Professionals). • Through active participation in the Property and Construction Sector Charter Councils: • revise and align the Sector Charter Codes to the revised BBBEE Codes of Good Practice (2013); • ensure that the Councils give effect to their mandate of encouraging transformation of the Construction and Property sectors. • Revise the Contractor Incubator Programme (CIP) Strategy and Guidelines to ensure alignment to CIDB’s National Contractor Development Programme (NCDP) and DPW business processes, to facilitate mentorship and enhance development of contractors (Grades 3-6). • Commence development of an Immovable Asset Management Strategy to ensure holistic and uniform management of immovable assets, in line with GIAMA. • Commence development of a policy to ensure viable and efficient management and maintenance of heritage assets under the custodianship of the Department. • Conduct a case study towards establishing the optimal ratio between private and state-owned properties in the Department’s portfolio.
PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES • Develop a policy on the use of non-core space, including advertising,on state-owned properties in the Department’s portfolio.
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS • The following external factors have been considered during the strategic planning process: • Economic outlook - Economic output is expected to increase at an average of 4.1% between 2015 and 2018 led by more robust growth in advanced economies. Fiscal pressures will likely see fixed investment by the public sector remain weak through to 2015, before accelerating between 2016 and 2018. • Inflation, rand and the interest rate - Over the medium-term, increased commodity prices on the back of more robust global economic growth should keep inflation higher. • Building and construction sector - The building and construction sector is currently experiencing a modest revival. After accelerating by 3.7% in 2012 from 1.7% in 2011, growth in the civil construction sector is expected to average only 3.3% between 2013 and 2015. Most of this slowdown in construction demand stems from the predicted moderation in investment spending by the public sector as delays in key infrastructure projects and the slow uptake of new projects weighs. However, growth is expected to improve significantly beyond 2015 as fiscal pressures ease. • Perceived risks – increase in unemployment due to strained industrial relations and strained Government finances, price escalations, further collusions in leasing and construction projects, depreciation of the rand, credit ratings downgrade.
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS • The following internal factors have been considered during the strategic planning process: • Despite resource constraints, significant progress has been made in the overhaul of the Immovable Asset Register, review of private leases and the lease management process, addressing audit findings. • The operationalisation of the PMTE is a critical, high profile component of the Department responsible for the State’s immovable assets, providing property management and facilities management services. • General constraints impacting performance in the 2013/14 financial year relates to inadequate capacity in critical areas of the business, fragmented ICT systems that compromised data integrity and weak SCM processes and procedures, which are being addressed through: • ICT interventions such as upgrades to infrastructure, upgrades to application software, business application stack intervention. • A clean audit project was initiated to address the Department's finances and provide a tailored solution for SCM. This includes the redesign of the SCM Model and mapping out of new structures, processes and systems. • As part of the Change Management initiatives, the Department has developed a functional HR Plan, reviewed the organisational structure, reviewed the Recruitment Policy and updated the HR Delegations. These initiatives are designed to build professional and technical capacity.
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Service delivery improvement • The development and implementation of Service Delivery Improvement Plans is a statutory requirement to achieve continuous and incremental service delivery improvement over a three-year horizon. • The DPW SDIP has been developed during the 2013/14 financial year and approved by the Executive Authority in March 2014. • The SDIP is underpinned by the need to address a number of key service delivery challenges and the need to adopt the Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS) as the primary system for the management of delivery. • The SDIP sets out in clear terms three areas for improvement which have been identified through a scientific situational analysis process. These areas include the following- • Provisioning of accommodation through construction (aligned to the IDIP); • Provisioning of accommodation through private leases (aligned to IDIP); and • Customer relationship management. • In order to measure client satisfaction levels the SDIP includes the development of client satisfaction surveys, service delivery standards and charters within the selected areas for improvement.
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT Turnaround Strategy: • The Department launched a Turnaround Strategy in 2012 to address multiple issues of underperformance that ultimately resulted in progressively negative audit reports by the Auditor-General • A 7 Year Turnaround Plan has been developed primarily to implement the Turnaround Strategy in three phases being:
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Significant progress has been made in Phase 1 (Stabilisation) which was primarily to address critical and foundational aspects within the Department. This phase has laid the foundation for further improvement. • The Efficiency Enhancement Phase (Phase 2) of the Turnaround Strategy has commenced. • For reasons of impact and strategic importance, 10 projects have been conceptualised from the 23 key stabilisation projects, as essential drivers of Phase 2 for the rebuilding the Department. These projects are: • The development of a Service Delivery Framework • The development of the Service Delivery Framework is the next phase in this project following the approval and implementation of the SDIP. This Framework will institutionalise service delivery tools, systems, processes, mechanisms and intervention programmes to improve efficiencies within the Department.
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Operationalisation of Property Management Trading Entity and establishment of the Government Component
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Operationalisation of Property Management Trading Entity and establishment of the Government Component (cont…..) • Progress with regard to the opertionalisation of the PMTE includes the transfer of immovable assets from the Department to PMTE as well as a submission to Cabinet on the business case and feasibility study for the operationalisation of the PMTE as a Government Component which is currently in the Cabinet system. • Developing a complete and credible register of State immovable assets • An intergovernmental structure, currently known as the Provincial State Land Vesting and Disposal Committee (PSLVDC) has been developed with a view to coordinate immovable asset disposal processes as well as confirmation of vesting of all State immovable assets in the National and Provincial spheres. • 42 693 State land (registered, unregistered and section 42 land parcels) have been reconciled, although the custodianship of 1 459 land parcels is being resolved. • Physical verification for 32 570 properties has been completed and 13 300 land parcels have been vested
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Conducting a comprehensive audit of leased properties and the establishment of a leasing management framework • A comprehensive audit of 2 161 leased properties has been completed including the physical verification of 2 143 leased properties. • A proposed To-Be Functional Model, Business Processes and Lease Management Structure have been developed including the revised Standard Lease Agreement template, preliminary checklist for documents to be included on lease files and a Lease Management Policy. • Phase 2 of the Lease Review Project will focus on the leasing out of State properties (approximately 2000) to the private sector which involves a desktop audit of lease files relating to leased out properties and a review the leasing out business processes, policies and strategy. • Restructuring of Supply Chain Management (SCM) to better meet business requirements • The SCM function has been divided into four discrete areas being Infrastructure, Property Management, Goods and Services and Prestige which will have tailor-made strategies; structures; processes; resources and budgets designed to improve efficiencies in the procurement of services in each specific area.
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Improving internal efficiencies to meet the service delivery requirements of Prestige clients • The aim of the project is to make processes more systematic, efficient and effective – driving both higher levels of client satisfaction and greater internal efficiencies. • High level progress on the project includes the development of a service delivery model, organisational structure and resource plan, a special SCM dispensation, compilation of a Prestige norms and standards document. • Developing an Information Technology strategy, architecture and platform as a key enabler • As part of the Efficiency Enhancement Phase, ICT convergence will commence post April 2015 with a focus thereafter on further development and value added services with a clear architectural framework, supporting infrastructure and adequate resourcing to support the Department for a prolonged period into the future. • Improving infrastructure delivery through the application of best practice in terms of processes, structures and systems (IDMS) • The Department has commenced the process to institutionalise the Infrastructure Delivery Management System over a three year period. • A Departmental Work Plan has been developed in this regard aimed at sustainable implementation of the IDMS.
PERFORMANCE ENVIRONMENT • Actively combating fraud and corruption, both within the Department and in the construction and property sectors, holding transgressors accountable for their actions • The Department has mobilised all its internal business processes to effectively manage the reduction of the impact of fraud and corruption risks. • The approved Fraud Prevention Strategy serves as an additional measure to assist in reducing the impact of fraud and corruption risks, with a focus on creating awareness and promoting ethical business conduct. • The Integrated Anti-Corruption Strategy is segregated into prevention, detection, investigation and resolution to ensure that corruption and fraud cases are rigidly confronted. • Development and implementation of an effective change management strategy that enables a performance driven culture • The change management project is a key driver to rebuilding the Department through effective human resource planning, recruitment and retention, training and improved performance management. • The change management intervention is designed to systematically support all areas of the Department to effectively change the way in which business is conducted and to make the Department a client-centric one, whilst continually improving service delivery.
ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT High Level Organisational Structure: Mr. T.W Nxesi Mr. J.P Cronin Mr. M. Dlabantu Mr. M. Dondashe Mr. M Govender Mr. C. Mtshisa (Acting) Ms. M. Fatyela-Lindie
ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT • The Department has reviewed the organisational structure which will be approved and implemented over the MTEF. • The Department has an approved establishment of 6 818 posts of which 5 560 are filled. • In addition, an integrated Human Resource Plan has been developed to respond to Government’s priorities and to align the Department’s workforce with the mission, vision, strategic goals and financial resources of the Department. • The Department is experiencing challenges in producing the wide range of skills required in the construction and engineering fields, in order to meet longer-term infrastructure delivery objectives. • The Department will therefore continue to implement its strategy to bring in skilled graduate professionals through programmes such as Young Professional, Management Trainee, Internship, Learnerships and Artisan Development programmes.
ORGANISATIONAL ENVIRONMENT • Through the joint project with the Construction Education Training Authority (CETA) to further expand and build technical skills in the Young Professional, Technical Internship, and Artisan Development programmes, the Department is seeking to ensure a continuous flow of professionals into the core business areas. • Targeted human resource interventions in place include the recruitment of technical and professional staff to overcome the short-term challenges. • In an effort to manage personnel expenditure the Department is closely managing the filling of vacant posts. • The Department has also managed to secure additional funding from National Treasury, to specifically focus on the filling of critical, technical and professional positions.
PUBLIC ENTITIES There are four Public Entities reporting to the Department of Public Works. The Entities serve as an extension of and assist the Department in delivering on its mandate. • Construction Industry Development Board (cidb): The cidb supports the Department by providing strategic direction and developing effective partnerships for growth, reform and improvement of the construction sector; • Council for Built Environment (CBE): The CBE implements projects and programmes that address the built environment issues and add value to the built environment professions, Government and the general public; • Agrément SA (ASA): ASA supports the Department by technically assessing innovative construction technologies and promoting their use to stimulate the creation of sustainable short and long-term work opportunities; • Independent Development Trust (IDT): The IDT supports the Department in contributing to Government’s priorities of job creation, sector skills development, green buildings initiatives and eradication of social infrastructure backlogs.
SALIENT ISSUES ON BUDGET: BASELINE REDUCTION • Over the 2014 MTEF an amount of R245 million was reprioritised from the infrastructure budget to compensation of employees, goods and services and transfers and subsidies. • The reprioritisation of funds for compensation of employees was intended to cover the projected shortfall on employees salaries and for the additional appointments in the department. • Reprioritisation of R40 million additional funds for goods and services was allocated for the Presidential Inauguration under State Functions in Programme 5. Between 2015/16 and 2016/17 goods and services was reduced by R53 million to reprioritise funds to compensation of employees. • Transfers and subsidies reprioritisation of R9 million over the MTEF period is for the bursaries awards for non employees for students studying towards built environment qualifications.
SALIENT ISSUES ON BUDGET: BASELINE REDUCTION • There are no budget allocation increases to the baseline between 2014/15 and 2015/16. • The allocation increase to the baseline for 2016/17 amounts to R159 million in support of the following areas: • R74 million for the EPWP Social Sector Grant. • R65 million for the EPWP: Non-State Sector Grant • R10 million for the EPWP: Integrated Grant to Provinces • R10 million for the EPWP: Integrated Grant to Municipalities
SALIENT ISSUES ON BUDGET: BASELINE REDUCTION • Over the 2014 MTEF, baseline reductions of R1.3 billion have been effected in the following areas: • R650 million on infrastructure projects in the Immovable Assets Management programme. • R150 million on non-core goods and services items in all programmes. • R26.2 million on compensation of employees. • R150 million on transfers to the Property Management Trading Entity, and • R308.3 million on the Expanded Public Works Programme. • These reductions are largely a result of continual under spending in the Department’s infrastructure budget.
SALIENT ISSUES ON BUDGET: BASELINE REDUCTION • Spending on infrastructure decreased from R1.3 billion in 2010/11 to R676 million in 2013/14. • The decrease of the infrastructure budget was due to the reprioritisation of funds to provide funding for the turnaround programme. • The Department’s overall infrastructure budget has been reduced by R220 million in 2014/15, R180 million in 2015/16 and R250 million in 2016/17, mainly to provide for Cabinet approved reductions.
3 PART B: Strategic objectives and programme plans This section specifies strategic objectives and their resource implications and the risks that need to be managed to achieve them (SP Pages 59 - 97 and APP Pages 51 - 125)
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME: To provide strategic leadership and support services, including the accommodation needs and overall management of DPW.
PROGRAMME 1: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS • The following key performance areas are most significant within Programme 1: • Investigations initiated within 30 days based on reported allegations in line with National Treasury Regulations • Change in irregular expenditure balance for DPW and PMTE • Change in the value of newly identified transactions relating to irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure for DPW and PMTE. • Compliant invoices settled within 30 days. • Fraud and corruption cases within Supply Chain Management detected. • Relevant and compliant bids awarded within the validity period. • Planned Maintenance contracts awarded to contractors registered on the DPW Contractor Development Programme (CDP). • Contracts on the approved DPW Procurement Plan awarded in line with the batch tendering process aligned to the IDMS model. • Beneficiaries participating in the DPW skills development programme. • ICT infrastructure upgrade to secure system access for PMTE and DPW business units.
PROGRAMME 2: IMMOVABLE ASSET MANAGEMENT PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME Provide and manage Government’s immovable property portfolio in support of Government’s social, economic, functional and political objectives.
PROGRAMME 2: KEY PRIORITY AREAS • The following key performance areas are most significant within Programme 2: • Properties in the Immovable Asset Register populated with information fields that are GRAP compliant and land parcels vested. • Immovable assets valued to determine deemed carrying amounts. • Approved Immovable Asset Management Framework and property performance standards (PPS) for all categories of Immovable Assets. • Approved Construction Implementation Programmes. • Approved National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy. • Properties released for Land Reform and for Human Settlements. • User departments accommodation solutions produced for project implementation • Government precincts integrated with the spatial development frameworks of identified municipalities. • DPW’s infrastructure programme integrated with sector departments and rural municipal spatial development frameworks. • Completed client survey index for SDIP towards compilation of a Client Value Proposition. • Service Level Agreements approved by identified user departments. • Procurement Instructions issued as per approved Construction Implementation Programmes.
PROGRAMME 2: KEY PRIORITY AREAS • Construction and beautification of schools. • Planned construction projects completed as per approved Construction Implementation Programmes. • Land Ports of Entry under recapitalisation as per the CWIP • State-owned buildings made accessible for persons with disabilities as per the CWIP • Approved Infrastructure Programme Implementation Plans (IPIPs) for user departments. • Approval of project scopes. • Budget variance on each completed project. • Implementation of the approved Construction Implementation Programmes. • Reduction of expired leases for leased accommodation. • Lease agreements signed within 30 days after finalisation of the open bid process. • Day-to-day maintenance breakdowns addressed (calls closed) within agreed timeframes. • Buildings retrofitted in terms of green building principles. • Response times for the provision of office and residential movable assets to Prestige Clients (in line with the Ministerial Handbook) from date of receipt of request. • Response times for resolution of Prestige maintenance issues after logging of complaint (within the mandate of DPW).
PROGRAMME 3: EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME (EPWP) PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME To provide work opportunities and income support to poor and unemployed people through the labour-intensive delivery of public and community assets and services, thereby contributing to development
PROGRAMME 3: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS • The following key performance areas are most significant within Programme 3: • Work opportunities created through EPWP labour intensive approach aligned to the EPWP business plan (Phase 3). • Disbursement of performance based incentive allocations to eligible public bodies across all sectors • Beneficiaries trained through the National Skills Fund • Youth participation in the National Youth Service programme within DPW • Work opportunities created in rural municipalities aligned to the EPWP phase 3 business plan • Work opportunities created by DPW
PROGRAMME 4: PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY POLICY REGULATIONS PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME • To promote growth and transformation in the construction and property industries. • To promote uniformity and best practices in the construction and immovable asset management in the public sector.
PROGRAMME 4: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS • The following key performance areas are most significant within Programme 4: • Draft amendments to legislative framework for the Built Environment Professions (BEPs) developed. • Revised draft Independent Development Trust (IDT) Bill developed. • Draft revised DPW White Papers developed. • Construction and Property Sector Codes aligned to the revised BBBEE Codes of Good Practice (2013). • Draft Immovable Asset Investment Policy developed.
PROGRAMME 5: AUXILIARY AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES Purpose of the programme: Provides services including compensation for losses on the Government assisted housing scheme, assistance to organisations for the preservation of national memorials. Meet the protocol responsibilities for state functions. The following key performance areas are most significant within Programme 5: • Prestige events supported with infrastructure related services.
4 PART C: Links to long term infrastructure plan This section considers the long term infrastructure plans and conditional grants (SP Pages 98 - 107 and APP Pages 126 - 135)
DPW INFRASTRUCTURE BUDGET SUB-PROGRAMME: INFRASTRUCTURE (DPW CAPITAL BUDGET) The acquisition of infrastructure for DPW’s own accommodation needs as well as for the prestige portfolio, land ports of entry, dolomite risk management, inner city regeneration programmes and accessibility programmes in terms of the disability policy is funded from the Infrastructure (Public Works) allocation. • New, replacement, upgrade and additions