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Engaging Perspectives: Visual Participatory Monitoring Explained

Explore the methodology of participatory monitoring through photography, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and collective dialogue. Discover how visual productions empower communities, influence policy-making, and foster critical engagement. Watch the video linked to grasp the significance of imagery in community consultation and knowledge sharing. Implement these methodologies in diverse contexts to capture and interpret various viewpoints effectively. Experiment with visual assignments and group activities to understand the richness of subjective observations and enhance collective learning experiences.

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Engaging Perspectives: Visual Participatory Monitoring Explained

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  1. Participatory monitoring to overpass subjectivityGerald Assouline www.geraldassouline.fr - www.parimage.org

  2. The intention: participatory monitoring • Photography is the result of subjectivity of the shooter and of the voyeur... • By giving the word to different stakeholders, you overpass individual subjectivity and develop participatory monitoring . • According to their social, cultural and economic background and position, actors will collect and develop different points of view. • The confrontation of those different visions will help to identify core issues. • Collective discussion will emerge on those issues

  3. Methods are rather opened Participatory monitoring is ambiguous. • the World Bank: outsiders (external experts) define the scope and criteria to be monitored and insiders collecte data, visual ones for instance, to be analysed by experts. >> participation as alibi • Development NGO (Oxfam): insiders and outsiders debate and define together what is relevant and not, the kind of data to be monitored and how it should be analysed.

  4. Visual participatory monitoring: the photovoice approach Photovoice is a methodology mostly used in the field of education which combines photography with grassroots social action. • Subjects are actors: they are asked to represent their community or points of view by taking photographs. • As a form of community consultation: photovoice attempts to bring the perspectives of those "who lead lives that are different from those traditionally in control of the means for imaging the world" into the policy-making process.

  5. Empowerment and dignity As a practice based on the production of knowledge, photovoice has three main goals: • to enable people to record and reflect their community's strengths and concerns, • to promote critical dialogue and knowledge about important issues through large and small group discussion of photographs, and • to reach policymakers. • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shrFa2c305g

  6. Wording through imaging Taking the word with image: • to be able to say with image • to be able to say, besides image • to engage a collective process, which frees the word...

  7. Visual productions • In case of participatory photo process, the outcomes can be: - an exhibition, or photo series projection; - a film made of still images put into motion and words/interviews taped: it is called a photofilm. >> People engaged in the process take the word with image and voices. • In case of documentary photo and video done on a specific situation, a documentary film can be edited. >> An outsider gives his point of view and may give people the possibility to express their visions.

  8. Experiences (1) • Collective imaging / taking the word: documentary function of the process >> Here, it is quiet: photofilm done with images of participants to a photoworkshop: disabled people at a social farm >> Little farmers stories: photofilm done with with images of disabled childfren going every week to a social farm: how do they live the experience? • Engaging a group into a creative process: short fiction films >> Noir & Blanc (2 mn)

  9. Some lessons • Still image different from video making, more accessible tool • key function of the editing • importance of giving the word and hearing the words • so there are parallel processes: image production and word production. Both have their own pace and logic. • The ideal outcome is when participants in photo making and word expression can say: it is our movie.

  10. Visual participatory monitory in Pisa summer course How do we adapt those methodologies? Our context: • A group made of students with different social, cultural backgrounds, and farmers, • This heterogeneity leads to diverse comprehension of: - rural reality and ways to understand and observe it, - the representation of this rurality with images - the reading and interpretation of those images • So shooting, showing and reading photos will show different points of view. This diversity of points of view is a richness, not a problem, when the objective is to document and monitor a situation. >> It contributes to objectivise the observation.

  11. Day 1 - A warming up experiment The goal of this 1st exercise is to observe what is around us: to establish a personal dialogue with landscape nature, people, houses, vegetation… • So till 4:30 pm, you go around, take photos and select 1 single photo, • Then at 4:30, you present this single photo which will reveal what you liked most from this observation. • You will explain why this photo is meaningful for you and deserves to be selected. In 3-4 mn.

  12. Day 2 - Field trip, the visual assignment • We will focus on people, farm(s), environment (nature, landscape…), products, production model, work…and also surprising points, observed during the field trip : • what attracts your attention ? • what is specific, typical according to you ? • what is not specific ? • what characterises positively farm activity and local rural development ? • which weaknesses you could notice on the farm and its environment ?

  13. Photo editing • At the end of the field trip day, each participant will select 15 photos maximum. Then we shall see the next steps tomorrow…!

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