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Explore the importance of critical thinking in CLIL classrooms and learn practical strategies to develop higher-order thinking skills in students. Discover specific thinking routines to analyze images, make connections, and form conclusions effectively.
Dr. Jason Skeet skeetjag@gmail.com CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)Thinking skills in CLIL14th February 2018
Learning objectives We are learning to… • Analyse what critical thinking is and the role of critical thinking in the CLIL classroom • Use specific thinking routines for working with images in the CLIL classroom
What is critical thinking? Are there any surprises for you on this list of critical thinking skills? Are there any skills that are missing? Observing closely and describing Building explanations and interpretations Reasoning with evidence Making connections Considering different viewpoints and perspectives Capturing the essence and forming conclusions Wondering and asking questions Uncovering complexity and going below the surface
Learners need to be supported and guided in order to use higher order thinking skills. • Teachers need to make thinking visible to learners.
See, think, wonder Double T-chart • 1.What do you see? Only what you observe. No interpretations.
See, think, wonder Double T-chart • 1.What do you see? Only what you observe. No interpretations. • 2. What do you think is going on?
See, think, wonder Double T-chart • 1.What do you see? Only what you observe. No interpretations. • 2. What do you think is going on? • 3. What does it make you wonder?
See, think, wonder Sharing options • Each column individually • Each column in small teams • Other options? What is the title of this painting?
Mother is so proud, she forgot how to smile, he’s taken his first steps, and keeps going. See, think, wonderFollow-up: ‘First steps’ by Tejas A little child taking his first steps, he’s nervous, shocked, and worried, his brain keeps on thinking that he will topple over and fall. He’s a penguin wobbling around, he’s a turtle going as slow as a snail.
Which thinking skills are being developed in see, think, wonder? Observing closely and describing Building explanations and interpretations Reasoning with evidence Making connections Considering different viewpoints and perspectives Capturing the essence and forming conclusions Wondering and asking questions Uncovering complexity and going below the surface
Self-portrait Georges Seurat Zoom inLook closely at a small bit of image that is revealed
Which thinking skills are being developed in zoom in? Observing closely and describing Building explanations and interpretations Reasoning with evidence Making connections Considering different viewpoints and perspectives Capturing the essence and forming conclusions Wondering and asking questions Uncovering complexity and going below the surface
CIS (colour, image, symbol)theme: The Hero • Colour • Image • Symbol
As an introduction to the Hero theme, we discussed the idea of a hero (What is a hero? What are the characteristics of a hero?) and then worked on the CIS routine. I then introduced the book “Gilgamesh the hero”. We read and discussed the book over two weeks. Nola (April) Nola (May)
Luca (April) Luca (May)
Sam (May) • Sam (April)
Which thinking skills are being developed in CIS? Observing closely and describing Building explanations and interpretations Reasoning with evidence Making connections Considering different viewpoints and perspectives Capturing the essence and forming conclusions Wondering and asking questions Uncovering complexity and going below the surface
Summing up… • You have analysed what critical thinking is and the role of critical thinking in the classroom • You can use specific thinking routines in your lessons. Further reading: Project Zero Harvard Graduate School of Education: • http://www.pz.harvard.edu/ • http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_files/VisibleThinking1.html