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DETECT DEtection Test bed for Event Correlation and Tuning

DETECT DEtection Test bed for Event Correlation and Tuning. Marc Dacier, Eurecom marc.dacier@eurecom.fr. Contributors. University of Milano ( Italy ): D. Buschi Internet Systematics Lab ( Greece ) : Y. Corovesis Institut Eurecom ( France ): M. Dacier

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DETECT DEtection Test bed for Event Correlation and Tuning

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  1. DETECTDEtection Test bed for Event Correlation and Tuning Marc Dacier, Eurecom marc.dacier@eurecom.fr

  2. Contributors • University of Milano (Italy): D. Buschi • Internet Systematics Lab (Greece) : Y. Corovesis • Institut Eurecom (France): M. Dacier • France Telecom R&D (France), H. Debar • Chalmers University (Sweden): E. Jonsson • Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium): B. Le Charlier • Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy): P. Loekkemyhr • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl, UK): T. McCutcheon • Queensland University of Technology (Australia): G. Mohay • Centre de Recherche Droit et Informatique, FUNDP Namur (Belgium): Y. Poullet • IBM Zurich Research Laboratorium (Switzerland): A. Wespi

  3. Paradigm Shift • From “Security by Obscurity” • The bad guys don’t know how to break into the system. • To “Security by Ignorance” • The good guys don’t know how to break into the system.

  4. Rationales • Lack of real data concerning attacks • Can we build fault tolerant systems without providing sound rationales regarding the fault assumptions? … No • Can we reuse existing approaches to address this issue ? . No

  5. In a nutshell • How to build a highly distributed and truly intrusion tolerant system that provides all the data we need for analysis without putting us into jail …. • How can we do this while taking advantage of the dependability body of knowledge (architecture, modelling,protocols, etc) ? • e.g. MAFTIA

  6. Open issues • Architectural issues: • What is the bad guy allowed to do ? • How do we securely exchange information, where ? • How do we recover from successful intrusions ? • How “real” is the fake world we build ? • Data collection issues: • What are we allowed to do ? • Legal issues • Where are we eager to share ? • Confidentiality, privacy issues. • What do we really need to collect ? • Context provisioning, correlation issues

  7. Expected outcome • Continuous stream of unbiased set of real, representative data that can be offered to the whole community for analysis and education purposes. • An easy-to-install set up freely available that can be widely distributed to enrich this stream of data. • A demonstrator to test technical outcome of DESIRE.

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