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Learn about IAEA's coordinated research projects aiming to acquire new knowledge, solve specific issues, and stimulate nuclear sciences worldwide. Discover how developing and developed countries collaborate for scientific advancement.

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  1. Françoise Mulhauser F.Muelhauser@iaea.org INTRODUCTION to the IAEA CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECTS July 23 2007, Sapporo, Japan

  2. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Founded 1957 in Vienna, Austria 144 Member States 6 Divisions 2200 Staff 240 M$ Regular Budget 70 M$ Additional for Technical Cooperation http://www.iaea.org/

  3. Pillars of Nuclear Cooperation Promoting Safeguards & Verification: the world's nuclear inspectorate Promoting Safety and Securityhelps countries to upgrade nuclear safety and security Promoting Science & Technology the world's focal point to mobilize peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology for critical needs in developing countries

  4. Director General Nuclear Sciences & Applications Physical & Chemical Sciences

  5. Historical background 1958 – first RCs 1959 – budget of $ 315,000 Currently - $6 million; 1000 RCs and 200 RAs

  6. PURPOSE OF COORDINATED RESEARCH Acquisition and dissemination of new knowledge Contribution towards the greater understanding or solution of a specific issue or problem to meet the wider objectives Stimulation of the growth of nuclear sciences and technologies in developing countries Bringing together developing and developed countries to concentrate on the same research topic at the same time; helping the countries in sharing and using the knowledge and experience gained

  7. ROLE of the IAEA Creates framework for supporting scientific and technical exchanges between countries Brings together scientists to meet and focus on well defined areas of research (RCM – face to face discussions, exchange of progress, building personal bonds) Ensures that research is carried out within a specially designed CRP Ensures that the research results are freely available worldwide for use by MSs Publicises the results

  8. COORDINATED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Article III of the IAEA’s Statute – IAEA is authorised to encourage and assist research on, and development of practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful purposes (CRPs contribute to this mandate) Research is implemented according to policies and procedures approved by DG IAEA as sponsoring and coordinating body Project Officer – Chief Scientific Investigators Agency’s RC Administration Section (NACA) in NA Department is responsible for coordinating and administering the CRP financial and contractual arrangements

  9. COORDINATED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Financial support Through a lump-sum cost-sharing contract (Average IAEA contribution EU 5,000 per annum per contract) Contractors are invited to attend periodic research coordination meetings at the IAEA’s expense No financial support to RAs Proposals-evaluation-approval by NA RC Committee

  10. COORDINATED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Period of contract or agreement RC awarded for a period of one year, renewable up to the total project period RA awarded for the duration of the CRP Reports Each contractor – final report at the end of the contract; in case of renewal a progress report should be submitted along with Request for Renewal of RC Agreement holder – a report at each RCM

  11. COORDINATED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Publication of results and patent rights Publication of the results of RC or RA is the most appropriate and effective way of bringing these results to the notice of other scientists The contractor must acknowledge the Agency’s support of the work in any publication Provision for patent rights are in the contract

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