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In-depth Look at Mollusks' Diversity and Anatomy

Explore the fascinating world of mollusks, from chitons to cephalopods, with more than 500,000 known species. Learn about their body plan, feeding types, and see intelligence in octopuses. Discover unique creatures like the Spanish Dancer nudibranch and the deadly Blue-ringed octopus.

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In-depth Look at Mollusks' Diversity and Anatomy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mollusks

  2. Phylogeny Platyhelminthes Porifera Mollusca Chordata Arthropoda Annelida Cnideria Nematoda Echinodermata pseudocoelom segmentation acoelom Protostome: schizocoelem Deuterostomes: eucoelom radial symmetry bilateral symmetry no true tissues true tissue Ancestral Protist

  3. Phylum Mollusca Class Polyplacophora Class Gastropoda Class Bivalvia Class Cephalopoda chitons Snails Sea slugs nudibranchs Squid Octopus Cuttlefish Nautilus clams Class Scaphopoda Tusk shells More than 500,000 known species

  4. Body Plan • Three main parts: • Muscular foot- for movement • Visceral mass- contains most of the internal organs • Mantle cavity- houses gills

  5. Generalized Mollusc Anatomy mantle visceral mass foot

  6. Feeding Types • Grazers (radula- scraping tongue) • Filter feeding • Egg eaters • Active predation

  7. Kingdom Animalia Phylum Mollusca

  8. Class Polyplacophorachiton

  9. Class Scaphopodatusk shell

  10. Class Gastropoda Subclass Opisthobranchia Spanish Dancer (nudibranch) & egg mass

  11. nudibranchsPhistella Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda

  12. nudibranchs Nembrotha kubaryana

  13. Chromodoris annae Halgerda batangas nudibranchs Cuthona sp. Chromodoris

  14. Class Gastropoda periwinkle Opihi Cowery Cone snail

  15. Epitomium

  16. Triton’s trumpet

  17. pterapods

  18. Class Bivalvia

  19. Class Cephalopoda Squid

  20. Class Cephalopoda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2s3C0lkQE0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR53smpV_xg

  21. Class Cephalopoda Flamboyant cuttlefish

  22. Class Cephalopoda nautilus

  23. Class Cephalopoda octopus

  24. Octopus Intelligence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQwJXvlTWDw Start at 2 minutes

  25. Mimic octopus from Indonesia flatfish Sea snake lionfish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8oQBYw6xxc

  26. Coconut Dumbo Amphioctopus marginatus Vampire

  27. Blue-ringed octopus Highly venomous

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