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Department of Communication 2011/12 Performance Review Presentation

A detailed review of the Department's performance focusing on goals, corrective measures, and financial status for Apr-June 2011.

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Department of Communication 2011/12 Performance Review Presentation

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  1. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONPRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS2011/12 FIRST QUARTER ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE 26 AUGUST 2011 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  2. DoC Team A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  3. INTRODUCTION • Presentation focuses on the Department’s Performance for the period 01 April 2011 to 30 June 2011 focusing on: • Performance against the 2011/12 Targets as identified in the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan; • Corrective measures to address areas where there are delays or no progress; and • Financial performance as at 31 July 2011 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  4. KEY POLICY CONSIDERATION • Access • Repositioning the public broadcaster in the changing environment. • Accelerate the implementation of the Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy within the agreed timelines. • Modernization of postal and financial services to increase universal service and access through adopting appropriate technologies. • The need to make broadband accessible. • Affordability • High cost of telephony in South Africa. • Cost of broadband. • Content • The need to transform and diversify the content industry. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  5. KEY POLICY CONSIDERATIONS…….. • Growth • The development of a competitive ICT industry is crucial for the long-term development of the country. • The development of an overarching strategy to develop manufacturing capabilities of ICT-related devices and software applications. • Creating green ICT products and services markets in support of an eco-friendly economic growth. • Job Creation • Unlocking the potential of the industry to create jobs. • Skills Development • Establishment of E-skills Institute. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  6. KEY POLICY CONSIDERATIONS…… • Institutional alignment • A need for a strong leadership and coordination towards a coherent ICT policy in support of the developmental agenda. • The need to move towards a coherent and overarching ICT policy to support a knowledge economy. • The need to review and strengthen the mandates of all state-owned enterprises as delivery arms of government. • The need to address corporate governance, funding, as well as the structural issues of the public broadcaster. • Capacity of the Regulator • Development of an alternative funding model for ICASA. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  7. CASCADING OUR STRATEGY 2011-2014 Strategic Plan 2011/12 Branch Business Plans & Budget 2011/12 Operational Plans / Project Plans 2011/12 Individual Performance Agreements 3 year targets Quarterly Reporting 1 year target & milestones Activities & deliverables A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  8. ICT POLICY DEVELOPMENT (1) • Integrated ICT Policy Framework • Due diligence on Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Postal White Papers completed and findings incorporated into the discussion document which identifies the broad areas for the Integrated ICT Policy Framework. • Desktop Research international best practice conducted and incorporated into a discussion document. • A discussion document on the process to develop vision 2020 and the integrated ICT Policy Framework was developed and presented to Top Management. • SAPO Bill • The Department actively participated in the Parliamentary informal deliberations on the Bill. • The SAPO Bill was formally adopted by the PCC. • Postbank Act • Proclamation notice of the Postbank prepared and signed by the President. However, it could not be implemented. A new proclamation has been drafted and sent to the Minister. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  9. ICT POLICY DEVELOPMENT (2) • Electronic Communications (EC) Amendment Bill • Proposals on amendments to the EC Act drafted and approved by Top Management. The Bill is yet to be presented to the Executive for approval to solicit public comments. • ICASA Amendment Bill • Analysis of the input from the public was completed and a report produced. Input emanating from the public are yet to be redrafted and incorporated into the Bill. • Further consultations on the Bill were held with the other sector regulators including chapter nine institutions to test some of the provisions proposed in the Bill. • The process to appoint a service provider to look at the funding model of ICASA is underway. • Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIA) • RIA on the purpose and intended impact of the ICASA Amendment Bill prepared. • Desktop research is being conducted on the structure and functions of other ICT regulatory institutions internationally. • Going forward, RIA reports must be attached to all Policy Directions. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  10. ICT POLICY DEVELOPMENT (3) • Public Broadcasting Services • Work is underway in finalizing various commissioned research projects:- • Financial Modeling of Public Broadcasting Services; • Investigation of a viable business model for community TV; and • Impact assessment of the government support programme for the community radio sector. • Terms of Reference on the:- • Establishment of the Broadcasting Review Panel was developed and the process is underway to appoint the Panel Members, • Broadcasting market was developed and process is underway to appoint a preferred service provider. • Borrowing, Lending & Investment Policy of the Postbank • Desktop research on the policies are currently underway. • Delays in the project are largely due to capacity constraints however an operations committee consisting of DoC, SAPO and Postbank was established to assist with the development of policy to mitigate the lack of capacity in the unit. • Scheme for Ownership Support (SOS) • The Scheme for Ownership Support Roll-Out Framework has been finalized and awaiting approval by the Executive. • Extensive consultation is ongoing with USAASA to monitor progress against their SOS implementation plan and discuss the qualifying criteria for subsidy scheme respectively (means test). A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  11. ICT Policy Development (4) • STB Manufacturing Sector Development Strategy • The draft STB Manufacturing Sector Development Strategy been developed and awaiting approval by the Executive. • The Digital Migration Project Office Structure has been developed and approved. • PoA on Cost to Communicate, quality, availability and usage of ICTs • A report on the implementation of the seven key interventions to reduce the cost to communication has been developed and presented to Cluster. • Research on the feasible interventions on the terminations rates on public payphones was conducted. • Research on international best practice on business process services (BPS) was conducted. • A data warehouse is currently being developed. • Local and digital content • The Local and Digital Content Development Strategy has been developed and is being expedited for approval. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  12. ICT Policy Development (5) • Additional achievement • Two Local Government Election Training Workshops for community radio journalists were hosted in Johannesburg and Cape Town. • Pre-inspection for the rollout of broadcasting infrastructure in fifteen (15) community radio stations has been completed. • The Regional Signal Piracy Seminar was hosted and a report was produced. • Forty community radio stations benefited from signal distribution subsidy. • Workshop on the development of an Integrated DTT Rollout plan was hosted and a Plan was developed. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  13. ICT Infrastructure Development (1) • Disposal of ICT waste • Completed consultation with various waste organizations, including dept of Environmental affairs, towards the development of a research report. • Successfully participated in the UN Commission of Science and Technology for Development, with respect to implementation of WSIS outcomes. • Broadband • Tender evaluation concluded to appoint service provider to determine current Broadband status in SA and perform feasibility study regarding Broad Band Public Private Partnership (Broadband PPP) process. • Sentech Broadband Project Plan analysed. • Site surveys for Amajuba and Uthukela complete, while Umzinyathi in progress. • At Sisonke District Municipality, the wireless broadband network is being deployed and will be ready for launch by end of July 2011. • At Msinga, the wireless broadband network is being deployed and will be ready for launch by end of October 2011. • Broadband legislation incorporated in the ECA Amendment Bill • Broadband input developed and presented to ICT Policy Development for their inclusion in the ECA Amendment Bill. • Provinces and Municipalities Broadband guidelines • The provincial and municipal broadband guidelines are complete and have been distributed via BBIIC. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  14. ICT Infrastructure Development (2) • DTT infrastructure roll • Sentech has to upgrade existing DVB-T transmitters to DVB-T2. They are currently in the tender/procurement process for DVB-T2 equipment. • The monitoring of the roll-out of Low power Transmitters has been continuoulsy conducted including regular site visits. • Set Top Boxes standards conformance testing • EMC and Safety requirements and local capabilities have been defined and discussions on requirements for software and functional testing still on-going. • Technical Sub - working group under chairmanship of DoC has been formed to specifically address the conformance testing requirements of the STB’s. • Interaction with foreign conformance testing organizations initiated. • Tender for conformance-testing equipment is being finalised. • Mobile, fixed line and internet directives (RICA) • RICA Directives amended to address shortcomings identified by law enforcement and ICT industry. The amendments were developed in conjunction with Government Stakeholders and Industry. The Minister of Communications is in the process of consulting relevant Ministers and ICASA A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  15. ICT Infrastructure Development (3) • Public Telephone Network and Value Added Network Service Directives • First Draft of PTN’s and VANS Directives have been developed and discussed with Government Stakeholders. • Whilst implementing the RICA a number of issues have been identified for correction. Government stakeholders are of the view that it may be necessary to review the RICA Act rather tan developing PTN and VANS directives • ECT Act provisions (Cryptography & cyber inspectorate) • 7 Companies renewed their accreditation, 3 new applications were registered. All applications were processed in terms of the ECT Act and regulations thereof. • The appointment of an Evaluator to assist the DoC in the accrediting process was concluded. • A training programme for Cyber Inspectors was designed and a service provider appointed. • Review ECT Act with specific focus on Cybersecurity • The Initial draft issues paper has been finalized and will be prioritised for submission to Policy Meeting • Policy on use of Satellite for communication • A draft Policy has been developed and its internal approval will be expedited. • Cyber Security Policy • Draft Cyber Security Policy was endorsed by the JCPS cluster and further amendments have been incorporated for consideration by Cabinet. • Draft Cyber Security Policy has been held in abeyance subject to resolving policy issue with SSA regarding national CSIRT. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  16. ICT Infrastructure Development (4) • National Radio Frequency Spectrum • The appointment of a service provider to conduct the frequency spectrum audit has been concluded and a preferred service provider has been recommended. • ISSA capacitated and programme implemented focusing on: • Software development and research • Joint software engineering mentorship programm • Revised Business plan for ISSA to become an Apps Factory has been developed. • Core focus area and technical competencies for ISSA software unit has been defined to address future needs/requirements for Online Government applications. • IT infrastructure • With regards tp the roll-out of e-DMS, 3 processes have been developed, tested and signed (Request for stationery, Request to use official DoC vehicle, Applications for Training and development ). • Draft Disaster Recovery Policy, draft IT Governance Policy and draft IT Strategy were developed. • WRC-12 • National Common Positions for WRC-12 developed through the National Preparatory Working Group (NPWG) in its 7th Working Meeting • Sub-regional Common Positions for WRC-12 developed. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  17. Presidential National Commission (1) • ICT Rural Development • ICT Rural Development Strategy was developed and presented to EXCO however an edited draft, based on EXCO input will be re-submitted. • Health content framework • A draft Health Television Broadcasting Framework was developed. • e-Applications for health • Consultation with National and Provincial Departments of Health as well as an Audit on current e-Applications in Provincial Departments of Health have been conducted. • e-Government services repository portal • The Department held consultations with DPSA and SITA on the consolidated report for the repository. • Further engagement held with SALGA to provide assistance in identifying municipalities for developing interactive websites. Websites in 08 Municipalities will be developed following internal approval by e-Cooperatives. • e-Literacy Training • Stakeholder consultation meetings with relevant role players including DBE, Microsoft, Vodacom & NYDA were held during which the draft concept document was presented for further inputs. • A process to finalise the appointment of a service provider to train for the training of 400 youth offenders in consultation with the DCS has been finalise. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  18. Presidential National Commission (2) • e-Cooperative enterprises • A strategy for implementing the e-Cooperatives programme was developed and the concept document on a Youth Computer Refurbishment programme was finalized. • A workshop was held at the University of Johannesburg which was attended by 400 young people, including young entrepreneurs. • With regards to assessing the status and impact of the existing e-Cooperatives, a draft concept document and a questionnaire that will be used to gather information from e-Cooperatives has been developed. • e-Commerce platform for SMMEs • The first Workshop was held in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province which was attended by 30 SMMEs from various tourism, arts and craft sectors. • Provincial ISAD Framework • Provincial Information Society and Development (PISAD) Guidelines were developed and will be approved by EXCO. It is expected that the guideline will be adopted by the Meeting of IGRF. • WSIS-related programmes from WTDC-10 • In order to Facilitate and coordinate the Implementation of the WSIS programmes and outcomes of WTDC-10, the Department develped POA which identifies actions to be taken to follow up on Conference decisions. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  19. Presidential National Commission (3) • Country Information Society Readiness report • A report on country information society readiness was developed and will be launched in the next quarter. • Analysis of the findings of the Report have been concluded and proposed mitigating actions identified. • ISAD Research Framework • The Department has concluded the development of a draft ISAD Research Framework. • Digital Content programme for military veterans • Recruitment strategy for military veterans has been finalised. • The content collection strategy and relevant documentation for the training of the military veterans have been developed. 28 Military Veterans and beneficiaries were deployed to conduct internship in various media centres including community Radio. • Centre of Excellence Model • A model has been developed. • A proposal to support the African Network Information Ethics a Centres of Excellence in UP. • The Department continue to collaborate with SMME Centre in UJ through an agreed partnership focusing on capacity building, information access and training. • 5-10 year Foresight and Planning report • A framework on the FP an approach towards developing scenarios has been decided by Top Management. This will also support the Vision 2020 project led by the Policy Branch. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  20. Presidential National Commission (4) • National ISAD Council • DraftTerms of Reference of National ISAD Council has been developed however going forward a project team consisting of Policy, International Affairs and Trade and Infrastructure Branch will assist with the project. • The ISAD Multi-stakeholder Forum was held on the 31st of March to 1st April 2011 after which a report was finalised. • Digital content for the NDR portal • The project Proposal has been submitted by NEMISA for financial support. A workshop to discuss the elements of the proposal including enterprise development support mechanism will be held between DOC officials and NEMISA in August 2011. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  21. E-Skills Institute (1) • Application (Apps) factories (Laboratories) • MoU with UNDP to assist the e-SI in developing a conceptual document and the implementation thereof has been complete. A conceptual document has also been completed and discussion is in the process with key stakeholder groups • Discussion is taking place with 3 Hubs i.e. EC, GP, and WC and stakeholder communities in incorporating the Apps factories as part of the hubs activities. • SA’s creative industry • Environmental scans currently being done by the e-Skills hubs on e-skills for creative industry which also covers a needs analysis. The outcome of these scans will guide the process forward. • Going forward it has been decided that a cross functional project team consisting of PNC and Policy development will participate in the project so as to cover the aspects of content and broadcasting. • e-Skill pilot training programmes • FOSS Training was arranged by Northern Cape hub and conducted in North West Province with participation from the Northern Cape. • Two Kiosks terminals were installed at Umsunduzi Municipality. • Competency based trained was conducted with Municipality technicians and marketing personnel by South Korean IT company. • The following FET Colleges have started with Multimedia course training: Ekurhuleni East, Orbit FET College, South West FET College and Capricorn FET College. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  22. E-Skills Institute (2) • e-Skill pilot training programmes (continued…) • All 5 hubs (GP, KZN, NC, EC and WC) have started with their environmental scans to identify gaps and opportunities in curriculum development to address the future needs in relation to the MTSF and MDGs. • A National curriculum development and training working group has been established for the e-SI. • First e-skills training course, as part of the e-inclusion programme, was developed and started by the Western Cape hub and commenced at 10 centres in the NC and WC. • In partnership with Cisco Systems the e-SI is in the process of designing and piloting a national virtual ICT collaborative network architecture. • The Walter Sisulu University is coordinating the activities of the national research network for e-Skills (Resnes). • A national working group has been established with the initial participating universities to develop a research, evaluation and monitoring framework for e-Skills interventions. • A recent Australian/SA congress gave rise to two identified projects for joint research and funding i.e. ICT for life events and social needs; and a national evaluation framework. • e-Skills awareness campaign • Following discussions with communications unit, a draft ToR has been developed to source marketing initiatives. • ICT career expo • Consultations with stakeholders including Telkom and Ron Beyer for YESA, the two key sponsors, have been conducted and a draft ICT Career Expo document was prepared. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  23. ICT International Affairs & Trade (1) • International training and development opportunities • Draft Memorandum of Understanding has been prepared and will be shared with our Mexican counterparts through DIRCO for their consideration. • SADCICT structures further strengthened • SA position paper informed by a National Preparatory Meeting inclusive of SOEs was developed in preparation for SADC Ministers responsible for ICT, Communications and Postal held from 14 – 16 June 2011 in Gaborone.Botswana • Participated in the SADC Regional Infrastructure Meeting and gave inputs towards the ICT infrastructure programme. • Actively participated in the SADCICT Ministerial meeting. The meeting adopted ten positions out of which the DoC appointed Africa Desk as the Programme Management Officer (PMO) to lead the programme of the SADC decisions. • African Multilateral Organisations further strengthened • DOC developed a position paper with the primary focus towards the implementation of the Oliver Tambo Declaration. • Proposed standards for international spectrum pricing • South Affrica chaired and partiticpated in a SADC technical meeting, which consolidated SADC common positions for WRC-12. The technical meeting addressed issues of spectrum farming, harmonization in spectrum migration and rationalization and reallocation of digital dividend. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  24. ICT International Affairs & Trade (2) • Bilateral relations with Priority countries further strengthened • Programmes of Cooperation with Egypt and Algeria has been developed. • A Programme of Cooperation for Projects of implementation has been developed for engagement with Angola. • An MoU on ICT with Mozambique on Framework of Cooperation on Frequency Spectrum Collaboration has been developed for negotiation. • An MoU on ICTs with Ghana has been drafted, negotiated, and has undergone legal scrutiny. • The MoU with Tunisia has been finalized. However, Political developments in Tunisia will delay signing of the Agreement. • Strategic trade and investment opportunities internationally • A list of the SA’sICT Companies has been developed and compiled into a database however issues around trade and investmentment opportunities will be projectised and prioritised. • Identification & positioning of candidates for election in multilateral organisations • Currently analysing the draft placement strategy on International Institutions by DIRCO, in line with the proposed platform for elected candidates in Multilateral Organisations A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  25. ICT International Affairs & Trade (3) • Placement opportunities in multilateral organisations • Currently engaging ITU and UPU on possible employment positions for South Africans • In discussions with the ITU, the proposal for greater South African participation in terms of employment in the ITU was well received , with the ITU indicating their support once positions are available. • Strategic multilateral partnership implemented with EU, and beneficial engagement implemented with UNESCO and UNECA • Meeting with the European Commission took place to discuss SA proposals for cooperation – agreed in principle to contents of a draft action plan which will be finalized in July for inclusion in the Joint Cooperation Council report. • Successfully participated in the UN Commission of Science and Technology for Development, with respect to implementation of WSIS outcomes in International system. • Participation in OECD strengthened • The Department requested the OECD to provide their draft Work Programme so as to establish opportunities for SA. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  26. Governance and Administration (1) • Intergovernmental Relations • With regards to implementing the DOC Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) Engagement Framework, the Department has conducted engagements with various Provinces in terms of work-shopping the Framework and establishing relevant structures to support its implementation. • SOE forum meetings were with USAASA, SENTECH, SAPO, SABC in terms of addressing relevant projects. • Work has also commenced with regards to developing Provincial ICT Profiles for North West and Eastern Cape. • Extensive work was done with regards to the Launch of Computer lab for Maphophoma Higher Primary School in Nongoma, the Launch of Cyber lab at Mzwingezwi School in Ndwedwe, the switch on of low transmitters in Tugela Ferry, Launch of ImpendleICT Access Centre, various RICA related initiatives among others. • Human Resource Management • DPSA concurrence was obtained on the proposed DOC structure and a draft migration plan has been developed. • All HRA and HRIS transactional functions were affected which includes service benefits and conditions, subsistence and travelling and HR Information. • Facilitated the process of concluding performance assessments for the 2010/11 financial year and performance agreements for the 2011/12 financial year. • 2011/12 Workplace Skills Plan was developed for the Department. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  27. Governance and Administration (2) • Strategic Planning & Monitoring • 2010/11 year-end organisational performance report was developed • Draft 2010/11 Annual report was developed and submitted to the AG. • 2011/12 Business Plans were finalised – unpacking year one of the strategic plan into quarterly milestones. • Draft Project Plans were developed for all Flagship projects • Draft Quarter 1 performance report was developed. • Communications and Marketing • Communications Strategy was developed. • Communication Plans and Media Relations Plans were developed for various initiatives including World Information Society Month. • Various publications were developed including the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan. • The revamp of the DoC website has commenced. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  28. Finance & ICT Enterprise Development (1) • ICT business linkages • A service provider has been appointed to deliver an Export Readiness Program. • Action plan to benefit SMMEs in the Broadcasting Digital Migration value chain • A draft Developmental Plan for BEE enterprises has been developed. • ICT hubs • A draft business Plan has been developed and consultations with Free State have started. • Discussions have been initiated with relevant SOEs with regards to collaboration on this project. • Financial management • Several policies were approved (cell phone policy , entertainment and catering policy, debt management policy) • During the reporting period DBAC held 8 meetings. • During the reporting period 196 SMME payments were done. 91% were paid within 30 days and 9% over 30 days. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  29. Finance & ICT Enterprise Development (2) • SOE Oversight • Development of Budget for entities was facilitated. 2012 MTEF meetings with SOEs were facilitated to discuss their additional funding requirements. • Quarterly reports for the previous quarters were analysed. • The terms of reference for the reviews of Corporate Governance systems, policies and procedures and reviews of Articles of Association for the SOE’s are in the process of being finalised. • The implementation of the Articles of Association continuously monitored in liaison with Company Secretaries. • Unaudited financial statements of entities have been submitted to AG and National Treasury. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  30. Director-General’s Office (1) • Children and ICT strategy • A draft Environmental Scan Report on Children and ICTs has been developed following extensive stakeholder consultations. • Various Government & private sector initiatives related to Child Protection and empowerment were supported during the reporting period including the commencement of a National Media Campaign on Child Online Safety that will be concluded in the next quarter. • Youth and ICT strategy • The Youth and ICT strategy has been finalised and will be launched in the next quarter. • National Youth Service Program: service deployment of e-Cadres, preparatory meetings with all 5 participating FET Colleges have been held. Service deployment contracts and invoices have been signed. Service Deployment to commence in the next quarter. • Supported various relevant Government & private sector initiatives related to Youth Development. • Disability and ICT strategy • The Disability Mainstreaming and ICT Strategy has been finalised. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  31. Director-General’s Office (2) • Gender and ICT strategy • The first draft of Gender and ICT Framework that will form the basis for the strategy development process has been finalized . • The Gender Audit has been finalised. • With regards to the Mobinet Project, a draft MoU with Women’s Net has been developed. • Risk Management • A draft Risk Management Strategy has been developed. • The process of conducting risk assessments and the development of a risk register has commenced. • Control assessment audit was performed on the Human Resource Administration processes. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  32. TARGETS EXPERIENCING NO PROGRESS (1) A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  33. TARGETS EXPERIENCING NO PROGRESS (2) A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  34. BUDGET VS EXPENDITURE AS AT 31 JULY 2011 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  35. Budget vs Expenditure for 2010/11 BUDGET VS EXPENDITURE AS AT 31 JULY 2011 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  36. BUDGET VS EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development 36

  37. Budget vs Expenditure for 2010/11 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  38. TRANSFERS - 2011/12 38 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  39. BUDGET VS EXPENDITURE - SOEs 39 A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  40. CHALLENGES HINDERING PROGRESS AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES CHALLENGES: Prolonged internal approvals due to lack of fully functional Governance Structures in the first two months of the reporting period Over ambitious planning conducted on the assumption of vacancies being filled Delays due to prolonged engagement with external stakeholders on certain projects CORRECTIVE MEASURES Various Governance Structures have been approved, established and are fully functional which has substantially improved the turn-around times for decision-making and approvals. The Department has established a Quarterly Organisational Performance Assessment Board that met on 15 July which focused on the interrogation of organisational performance and implementing immediate actions to address targets that are either delayed or where there is no progress. A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  41. RE-POSITIONING OF THE PNC INTO THE ISAD BRANCH A Presidential National Commission repositioning workshop was held aimed at transforming the PNC from its current state to an Information Society and Development Branch concentrating on the following key focus areas: Research: Foresight, Nearsight, Trend analysis, International Peer Benchmarking etc. Measurements: Indicators, Surveys, e-Barometer, ICT Portal etc. Monitoring and Evaluation: Policy targets, Policy implementation, Policy impact etc. E-Strategy: Cross cutting e-Strategy providing a framework for policy implementation, e- Framework, Coordination (e-Health, e-Education, e-Government, e-Business, etc.) Uptake and usage: e-Adoption, ICT uptake and usage, e-Applications roll-out for efficient service delivery A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

  42. THANK YOU A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development

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