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KEY CONCEPT Funguslike protists decompose organic matter.

KEY CONCEPT Funguslike protists decompose organic matter. Slime molds and water molds are funguslike protists. Slime molds have both funguslike and animallike traits. decomposers, like fungi can move, like animals. Slime molds can be plasmodial or cellular.

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KEY CONCEPT Funguslike protists decompose organic matter.

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  1. KEY CONCEPTFunguslike protists decompose organic matter.

  2. Slime molds and water molds are funguslike protists. • Slime molds have both funguslike and animallike traits. • decomposers, like fungi • can move, like animals

  3. Slime molds can be plasmodial or cellular. • Plasmodial slime molds are giant cells with many nuclei. • Called a plasmodium, produce spores • Cellular slime molds contain independent cells. • Amoeba-like or slug-like body

  4. Water molds are freshwater, funguslike protists. • made of branching strands of cells • can be parasites of plants or fish Ick

  5. Water molds may cause diseases or blights • one type of water mold caused Great Potato Famine of Ireland in the 1800’s

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