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Save Our Planet: Let's Correct Our Mistakes Together!

Our Earth is in danger due to mankind's destructive actions. It's time to stop polluting and start protecting our home. It's never too late to make a positive change and ensure a brighter future for all. Together, we can save our beautiful planet.

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Save Our Planet: Let's Correct Our Mistakes Together!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OurEarth, ourHomeisindanger!

  2. OurEarthwashealthyandbeautifullformany,manyyears, untilthemankinddecidedthattheyknowbetterwhatthePlanetneeds

  3. Manypeopledon't want to hear our Earth crying. They torture Her, they don’t respect Her, they kill Her.

  4. Espesially, ourMother-Earth suffers very much, whenwekillanimals — our brothersandsisters, theyarenot responsible for our mistakes.

  5. Somepeopledon'tunderstandhow much happy they were to be born on our Planet.

  6. Ifthemankindcouldunderstandwhattheyare doingtheywouldnever:

  7. I wouldliketoaskthosedestroyers: WHY?

  8. Maybetheywould answer: “Whathave we done?” “Why didn'twe stop itin time ?” But they don’t have an answer!

  9. Wepollutetheair, the water, the land ... This is the way we kill our Mother-Nature our Earth.

  10. Ifit continues like that, the Chaos will happen !!!

  11. We have to consider seriouslyif we want to STOP it !!!

  12. Stop it !

  13. Wemuststopit before it’s too late!

  14. Thinkwhatcan happen withus, ifwedon‘tstopit andwhat can happen with our children!

  15. It is never late to correctourmistakes !

  16. Wemustbe patient like the Earthwas patientto us!

  17. Wemustprotectour Planetandcorrectourmistakes !

  18. Everyonehastherighttomakemistakes, andeveryone hastherighttocorrectthem .

  19. Please, considermywords, ifyouwantto saveourPlanet!

  20. I’msurethat wewill recoverandcorrectallour mistakesandourEarthwill look like this:

  21. Thankyouforyour understanding and support! Presentationcreated by Elena Schmidt 6-A form January 2013

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