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Addressing challenges of skill shortage in the oil and gas industry through innovative learning approaches to engage the new generation of workers. Explore existing practices, blended and social learning theories, and sample programs for effective training.
2 Slide 2 Rising Oil and Gas Demand vs. The Great Crew Change Oil and gas demand is rising. The US EIA reported that world energy consumption will grow by 56 percent between 2010 and 2040. Fossil fuels will supply most of the world's energy. The Challenge: Critical shortage of skilled workers Aging workforce (baby boomers retiring) Massive layoffs due to economic crises Constricted talent pool pipeline Scramble to recruit, train, and retain engineering and oilfield talent. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
3 Slide 3 Education Revolution: Models of Learning Departure from factory model of education at the turn of the 20th century. S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Preparing large numbers of individuals needed for industry and agriculture that does not require a high level of skills. About 20 to 30 students filled the classrooms along with a standardized instruction. The teacher was an expert and the custodian of the knowledge and the students were the receptors. T Information transfer model of learning Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
4 Education Revolution: Models of Learning Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
5 Education Revolution: Models of Learning Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
6 Existing Learning and Development Practices in the O&G Industry The Oil and Gas workplace training is focused on the creation, and delivery of expert generated content. Training methods include face-to-face in a classroom setting or using e-learning. Workplace Learning Informal learning Workflow learning Personal learning Formal learning The textbook or instructor provides only one-linear path through a narrowly bounded content area or sequence of standardized instructional units. Problems encountered in the workplace seldom have only one solution path or sequence. E-learning Formal and informal learning in the workplace Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
7 Blended Learning Theory Integrating online with traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner. Learning is an active and not a passive process. Competencies are defined and assessed. Formal training must be relevant, timely and be least disruptive. E-Learning is best used to bring awareness when part of L&D roadmap. A formal learning period combining theory and application helps the employee become productive quicker. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
9 Social Learning Theory Based on the premise that most people learn as a result of their experiences. Learning requires: constant exposure to new situations, practice, the opportunity to react with others, time to reflect. Students learn best in collaboration with peers, teachers, parents, and others when they are actively engaged in meaningful, interesting tasks. Social media enable adaptation, and the development of emergent practices, through conversations. Learning can occur anywhere and at any time. Knowledge workers today need to connect with others to co-solve problems. Sharing tacit knowledge through conversations is an essential component of knowledge work. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
10 Sample Social Learning Program Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
11 Training the new generation of young workers The new generations of workers are eager to learn and bring new ideas and energy to the workplace. They are used to collaborative work with peers. They are also adept at feeding their personal interests or learning new skills from online sources and the social media. Some Oil and Gas service companies and universities have realized the great value of blended learning and the social mix and have setup one or several platforms to train their employees or customers. In partnership with national oil companies (NOCs), international oil companies (IOCs), universities, manufacturers and service companies have started to devote resources to technologically advanced training methods. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
12 Roadblocks to the future of learning Our organization will never embrace social learning: Social learning is a progressive approach. Augment your blended learning methods and recognize that learning also happens outside the formal approach. People will say inappropriate things or post incorrect information: Practice accountability by providing venues where people can share. Social learning tools have the potential to stimulate collaboration and learning. People need training, not socializing: Social learning does not replace formal training. It overlaps, complements and facilitates knowledge transfer that formal training may not accomplish. Social learning cannot be governed: Define permissible types of information specifying which data and content are appropriate for use within and outside the company. Social learning cannot be measured: Analytics give insights into human resource and business efficiency. Companies see how learning and knowledge is shared and created through a web of social relations in the workplace. Analytics show that learning, working and innovation is closely linked. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
13 Benefits of blended learning with social mix CONNECTION Improve sharing of institutional knowledge. Increase speed to access internal experts. ENGAGEMENT Improve team member engagement. Increase retention of high performers. PRODUCTIVITY Increase employee productivity. Increase speed of innovation. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
14 Conclusions Design an interactive learning and development program to attract and retain young workers Young workers have a tremendous potential to influence current workplace learning and development practices. Involved in their learning and development Thrive in collaborating with others Used to using different systems for representing and communicating knowledge to others. Blended learning and social learning will help the industry cope with the great crew change Empower young workers to learn together and share knowledge to become better practitioners. Organizations should focus on: Enabling young workers to become more productive and competent by supporting learning through social networks. Reevaluate learning and development programs focused on the formal learning aspect Tailor trainings to learning styles of young workers. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
15 Conclusions Adopt new ways of learning as an organizational development strategy Social learning is about making learning a priority and using the tools of social media to facilitate a culture where we get better at getting better. Leaders who dismiss social learning as a fad, are opting for a model of learning that is no longer sustainable in a fast changing, information-rich, networked society. Senior managers need to adopt systems like SLMS (Social Learning Management System) in order to support learning in social networks which motivate young workers to produce results and become more productive. Paper 170570 • New Learning Methods To Connect With The New Generation Of Workers In The Oil And Gas Industry • Dr. ElieDaher
Slide 16 Acknowledgements / Thank You / Questions A framework for social learning in the enterprise, http://www.jarche.com/2010/02/a-framework-for-social-learning-in-the-enterprise/_br (accessed June 4, 2014). Blending Web 2.0 Technologies with Traditional Formal Learning, http://www.slideshare.net/ebonidubose/blending-web-20-technologies-with-traditional-formal-learning_br (accessed June 4, 2014). Crucial Skills Gap Puts Oil & Gas Industry in Bind - Ideas Lab, http://www.ideaslaboratory.com/2014/02/03/crucial-skills-gap-puts-oil-gas-industry-in-bind/_br (accessed May 20, 2014). Enhancing Learning and Teacher Education through ICT in Changing Scenario, http://www.srjis.com/srjis_new/images/DE/Rajeev%20and%20Milind.pdf_br (accessed May 29, 2014). Framework For Action: Meeting Basic Learning Needs - UN .., http://www.un-documents.net/jomteinf.htm_br (accessed May 29, 2014). Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education: A Planning Guide - UNESCO, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001295/129533e.pdf_br (accessed May 29, 2014). OilGrads - A New Wave: Recruiting the Next Generation, http://www.oilgrads.com/artRecruitNextGen.asp_br (accessed May 20, 2014). Oil and Gas Industry Training Requires Rich New Technology, http://www.rdmag.com/articles/2014/04/oil-and-gas-industry-training-requires-rich-new-technology_br (accessed June 6, 2014). Social Learning, Complexity and the Enterprise | One Change a Day, http://moocblogcalendar.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/social-learning-complexity-and-the-enterprise/_br (accessed June 4, 2014). The Definition Of Blended Learning - TeachThought, http://www.teachthought.com/blended-learning-2/the-definition-of-blended-learning/_br (accessed June 1, 2014). The Evolution of the LMS: From Management to Learning, http://www.blackboard.com/resources/proed/Guild-LMSreport.pdf_br (accessed June 16, 2014). Turning Social Capital Into Financial Capital, http://changethis.com/manifesto/76.03.NewSocialLearning/pdf/76.03.NewSocialLearning.pdf_br (accessed July 7, 2014). U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/world.cfm_br (accessed May 15, 2014). World energy consumption to grow by 56 percent between 2010 .., http://www.ciol.com/ciol/news/192448/world-energy-consumption-grow-56-percent-2010-2040_br (accessed May 15, 2014).