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This presentation explores the reactions of non-offending parents in cases of child sexual abuse and provides insights into the behavior and mindset of abusers. It also discusses the impact on non-abusing partners and their role in child protection.
Child Sexual Abuse: understanding the non-offending parent Robert G Tucker rgtucker@tiscali.co.uk RGT Training & Consultancy Find on linkedin.com 1
Disclosure • Whenever a large number of people gather together there are likely to be survivors of sexual abuse in the room. • Content may trigger powerful emotions. This event is not safe enough to discuss personal victim / survival issues. • Take care of yourselves & colleagues 2
Have you ever .... • …been perplexed by the reactions of victims / survivors, mothers or other family members? • …wondered why family members have responded as they have? • …felt frustration at understanding or communicating with a non-protective parent? 3
Common questions about the non-offending partner • Did they know? • Were they involved? • Why didn’t they know that something was happening to their child? • Why did their child not tell them? • Why do some partners not believe their child’s allegations? 4
Key Theme of Presentation • Understanding how abusers sexually offend & how they think & behave can …. …help us make sense of the reactions of victims / survivors and their non-offending parents. …offer signposts and clues in families where abuse is suspected … help us think about our intervention 5
What do we know? • Offenders come from all ages & backgrounds • Majority are male • One-third are adolescents • Offenders are almost always someone who is known to the child and the family. • 80% of children who are sexually abused do not inform the authorities (Grubin, 1998). • Sexual abuse is rarely a one-off, impulsive incident. 6
Context & the Criminal Justice System • Research suggests many convicted sex offenders return to live with their partners & children, or state a wish to do so • It also suggests many others move into new family situations (Fisher & Beech 1998; Owen & Steele 1991; Beech, Fisher & Beckett 1998; Maletzky & Steinhauser 1998; Eccles & Walker 1998) 7
Context & the civil courts • Nationally (& internationally) 2% - 5% of complaints of sexual assault by children lead to a criminal conviction/caution • So, most child sexual abuse is dealt with in the civil/child protection system • Partners of offenders or parents of children who have been sexually abused are therefore placed in a key child protection role 8
Non-abusing partners • Sexual abuse has a high negative impact on non- abusing partners • Their needs are often ignored or overlooked • They experience overwhelming emotions and conflicts with child protection investigations which they find difficult and intrusive • Parent-child relationships are jeopardised also by child’s behaviour problems and parent’s exhaustion, insecurity and loss of confidence 9
Non-abusing partners • The professional community is often ambivalent in its approach to mothers and partners i.e. how could she not have known? • Mothers often pathologised • Mothers rather than male offenders often bear the brunt of interventions 10
Child Sexual Abuse How does it happen? 11
Discussion: How Abuse Happens 1. What motivates a person to sexually abuse a child? 2. How does a person convince him/her self that his / her abuse of children is acceptable? 3. How does a person create opportunities whereby s/he can abuse children? 4. Why don’t children resist a person’s sexual advances, or tell afterwards? Consider the influence of gender, religion, culture or disability. 12
Pre-conditions to Sexual Offending (the 4 steps) Step 1 Motivation to sexually offend Step 2 Overcome internal inhibitors Step 3 Overcome external inhibitors Step 4 Overcome victim resistance 13 Finkelhor (1986) Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory & Research
How Abuse Happens – Step 1 What motivates a person to sexually abuse a child? • Emotional congruence to children • Sexual arousal to children • Blockage to adult relationships • Emotional loneliness • Need for affection, closeness, intimacy • Belief there is no other way of obtaining this pleasure • Poor impulse control or desire to impose controls • Revenge – for rejection or for own abuse • Desire for power and control, Money Motivation Step 1 Motivation 14
How Abuse Happens – Step 2 How does a person convince him/herself that his/her abuse of children is acceptable? “ S/he’s enjoying it …. It won’t cause any harm… Kids like sex …I have a right…Women are tarts…Damn the consequences… I wasn’t getting sex from my wife… It just happened… we have a special relationship… “I’ll only touch him, it won’t hurt her…. It didn’t hurt me” Step 2 Step 1 Overcoming internal inhibitors 15
How Abuse Happens – Step 3 How does a person create opportunities whereby s/he can abuse children? Grooming the non-offending parent “I’ll gain her trust Make myself indispensable Help out with childcare Make sexual play seem innocent and normal” Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Overcoming external inhibitor 16
Grooming & Disempowering others • She wouldn’t dare to try to stop me • I encouraged her when she wanted to go out to work • I encouraged her to go to Bingo • I beat her up & raped her • I made her feel sorry for her & ‘mother’ me • I was the first man to treat her kindly • I would say - “you go out I’ll baby-sit” • Tell my wife she couldn’t cope with him • I would just ignore her • She could see we were just having a laugh • I told her that I found it easier to talk to kids 17
How Abuse Happens – Step 4 Why don’t children resist a person’s sexual advances, or tell afterwards? “I’ll tell them it’s a game I’ll get them used to touch on their privates Give them lots of attention Give them a present Frighten them – ‘you will be taken away from mum Use force if they say “No ” Step 4 Step 1 Step 3 Step 2 Overcoming victim resistance 18
Implanted thinking errors Offender says… “I love you” “You like it” “You began the game” “You could have said no” “you’re special” “Your vagina is wet / penis is erect” “I wont do it again” “If you tell it will kill mum” “Tell & you’ll be sent away” Tell & we’ll be in trouble” Child thinks… This is love I must have asked for it I did, it’s my fault I could have but didn’t This is being special I must have wanted it He did – don’t trust men It might I’ll be sent away, I’m bad I’m as responsible as him 22 Consider the implications for caring for children
Child’s comments Question in treatment - How did dad manage to keep it a secret? “He would say ‘you have to keep it a secret. This game is our secret. Only you and me know. I just thought it was alright if dad did it. I didn’t know it was wrong. I liked the attention. Sometimes I had a nice feeling when it happened. A tingly feeling” 23
Received Messages & Distortions Messages sent by non- offending parent ………………………… ………………………… …………………. Messages sent by abuser… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… … Distorted Messages received by child ……………………… ……………………… ……… Distorted Messages received by nop .............. .............. ......... 24 abuser Non-offending parent child
Wrong messages & distorted beliefs Keith got from the abuse by his mother Messages received by the young Keith Messages sent by mum “mum touching me is a fun game” “sex with mum is OK / normal” “I don’t want the boogie man so I won’t tell” “I love secrets – just me and mum know – great” “mum likes me when I do these things. Sex = being special” “I don’t want to go into care – I won’t tell” “I liked the feelings – I must have wanted it” “touching privates is a way to feel nice. “ “touching privates is a way of getting attention & love” “Can’t get love except by touching privates” • “this is only a game” • “it’s Ok to to play these games with mum • “anyone can do it” • “if you tell the boogie man will get you” • “keep it secret” • she would say things like ‘you’re my favourite son” • “if you tell you will go into care” our little 25
Working with the Non-offending partner 27
Empathy Exercise • Take 5 minutes to imagine that an allegation has been made against your partner or person you love & trust totally. Would you believe it? • What would the costs be in believing it happened? • What are the consequences for: – your life – your identity – your family life 28
Denial is normative “A normal and functional defence mechanism that allows us to protect ourselves against something that is painful and distressing” (The American Psychiatric Assoc. 1994) 29
Do Partners Know? – Spectrum post allegations Knew something was going on but not “that" Offending (Independently) "Active Collusion" - knowing CSA but convincing self nothing going on "Passive Collusion" - wondering, suspecting CSA but nothing to confirm that Didn't know anything Co-offending Active participation (Willingly / Under Coercion) ... which must be considered within the context of the offender grooming her out of a position to protect. 30 Ref: Jenny Still
Put the denial into context • For many, the consequences of totally believing all of the allegations and the true extent of the abuse can have dire potential consequences. • Only some non-abusing parents have the perfect child protection response: remove the offender and totally and consistently believe and support the child 31
Functions of Denial for NOP’s What are the consequences of accepting that their partner abused their child? • Meaning of their relationship? • Loss of relationship • Loss of a parent • Fear of stigma • Loss of self esteem • Bad parent • Bad sexual partner – jealously, why her and not me? • Loss of income, security & help 32
The impact of denial on professionals • Denial can provoke an assumption that she is “unsafe” as a protecting parent • Can give rise to suspicion that she has something to hide – a greater awareness/involvement/collusion in the abuse • Can create hostility between NOP and “the authorities” • Can cause tension between professionals • Can trigger your emotions 33
FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Risk factors associated with the perpetrator Protective factors in non-offending partner Child Sexual Abuse Risk factors for the non- offending partner Protective factors in child Risk factors associated with family Family system protective factors Risk factors associated with the child Abuse-related Stress Social network protective factors Social network risk factors Treatment system protective factors Treatment system risk Factors Psychological effects of child sexual abuse Traumagenic Dynamics Behavioural Problems 34
The Importance of the Non- offending • Numerous empirical studies suggest that in cases of child sexual abuse the ability of the non-abusing partner to provide support following disclosure may be the most critical factor influencing the child’s post-abuse psychological adjustment and recovery. (Ref: Adams – Tucker 1998, Conte & and Schuerman 1987; Everson et al1989; Davenport et al 1993; Ruggiero et al 2000) • 35
Issues to consider when working with NOP – The Offender Jenny Still • What kind of offender has she been on the receiving end of? • What was / is the nature of her relationship with offender? • Any indications of the offender’s distorted thinking? • Where is she on the spectrum of ‘not knowing’? • Any evidence of co-offending? • Current perceptions and structure of denial? 36
Issues to consider when working with NOP – The child Jenny Still • Reactions to child at the time of allegation • Could the child tell her? • Reactions to child post allegation? • Feelings about the abuse to the child? • Can recognise needs of child and provide support? • Can she hear more? 37
Issues to consider when working with NOP – Personal issues • Ability to process & integrate information • Emotional literacy & regulation • General coping skills / deficits • Mental health issues • Substance misuse • Unresolved trauma / attachment history • Non-cooperative / oppositional history • Parenting skills / deficits 38
What are we assessing the non- offending partner for? Jenny Still • Risk, child protection & significant harm • Is s/he ‘safe’. Is s/he a non-offending parent? • What, if anything needs to change? • How can that best be achieved, empowering him/her for the future? • What does s/he want or need in terms of support, info & ‘treatment’ • Planning of resources. Consider all this in the context of offender knowledge. Remember - She is not the offender! 39
What might she need to know? Source: Jenny Still LFF • His excuses to offend • His distorted thinking • His target group(s) • Why did he choose me / my child? • Who did he abuse? • The nature & extent of his sexual arousal • Grooming / manipulative tactics • The nature and extent of the abuse • Post-abuse grooming and manipulation 40
Needs of caregivers • Info about the impact of abuse on children • Advice on strategies to help child with any trauma symptoms • Info about sex offending dynamics & links to offender’s patterns • Opportunity to process feelings associated with abuse • Advice on boundaries, rules & routines • Advice on open communication • Advice on re-parenting / attachment strategies • Advice on the needs of siblings / relatives & how to engage their support • Advice & strategies on future protection needs 41
Typical Areas of Non Offending Partner Programmes • What is sexual abuse? • Impact on victims • Denial • Info on sex offenders • How abuse happens • Impact on partner • How to communicate with children about abuse • What are normal family relationships? • My family patterns? • Opening up family communications • Escaping grooming • Has offender changed? • Are my children vulnerable? • Building a support network • Alert signs & high risk situations • Protective strategies • Responding to abuse • Contract for new family life 42
Risk issues and what outcomes we are working towards • The partner informing the authorities as soon as she becomes aware of signs of abuse • The partner co-operating with the authorities • The partner complying with child- protection agreements 43
Risk issues and what outcomes we are working towards • The partner not being fearful • The partner no longer being dependent • The partner no longer isolated • The partner acknowledging that the abuser/suspected abuser may pose a potential risk to the children 44
Risk issues and what outcomes we are working towards • The partner managing any mental health or alcohol/drug issues • The partner having overcome trauma issues • The partner maintaining reasonable objectivity • The partner being able to problem solve • The partner being self-assertive • The partner demonstrating the ability/motivation to learn 45
Risk issues and what outcomes we are working towards • The partner being able to explain actual or probable grooming process, with regard to offences and or allegations • The partner engaging with impact of abuse on children, herself and others • The partner identifying future signs of risk, and ways of responding to risk 46
Recap: Usual conditions when unsupervised contact or family re- unification is allowed in UK • Abuser is assessed as low risk • Victim is usually not child in the family • It is in the interest of the child for father to have contact • The child wants relationship with father • The non-abusing partner accepts there is a risk and is assessed as being able to reasonably protect children 47
Discussion Reflect on the content of the presentation • What issues does the presentation raise for you in your work? • What questions do you have? 48
Questions Contact Rob at: rgtucker@:tiscali.co.uk Connect with Rob at: Linkedin website 49
Child Sexual Abuse - Things to watch for 50
Adult Behaviours to Watch for Personal Space • Makes others uncomfortable by ignoring social, emotional or physical boundariesi or limits? • Refuses to let a child set any of his or her own limits? Uses teasing or belittling language to keep a child from setting a limit? • Insists on hugging, touching, kissing, tickling, wrestling with or holding a child even when the child does not want this contact or attention? • Frequently walks in on children/teens in the bathroom? 51
Adult Behaviours to Watch for Relationships with children • Turns to a child for emotional or physical comfort by sharing personal or private infor or activities? • Secret interactions with teens or children (e.g. games, sharing drugs, alcohol, or sexual material) or spends excessive time to emailing, text or calling children • Insists on or manages to spend uninterrupted time alone with a child? • Seems “too good to be true," i.e. frequently baby sits different children for free; takes children on special outings alone; buys children gifts or gives them money for no apparent reason? • Allows children or teens to consistently get away with inappropriate behaviors? 52