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FDR's New Deal for Economic Recovery

Learn about Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, a series of laws addressing relief, recovery, and reform during the Great Depression. Discover key programs such as FERA, CCC, and TVA that aimed to provide relief, stimulate the economy, and prevent future economic crises. Explore the challenges FDR faced from different political factions and his efforts to expand relief through programs like the WPA and Social Security Act. Dive into the second New Deal of 1935 with legislation like the Wagner Act and Soil Conservation Act.

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FDR's New Deal for Economic Recovery

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  1. The New DealCh.15

  2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt • In 1921 FDR was struck with Polio (causes paralysis, his was waist down). As a Democrat, he was elected Governor of New York twice, in 1928 & 1930. He gained national praise for his creative relief ($) measures during the Depression • FDR won the presidential election of 1932 by a landslide, replacing Hoover as the 32nd president of the U.S. (472-59 Electoral College Votes …need 270 to win) • He married his distant cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt (Cousin to Theodore Roosevelt). Eleanor worked in a settlement house, and had a history of working with the less fortunate.

  3. Hundred Days • The first 3 months FDR took office he began a series of intense laws. Those 3 months were known as the Hundred Days. He proposed 15 bills that became laws in this time span. • By 1932, 38 states had shut down banking operations (moratorium). On March 9th, FDR had all banks in good financial shape opened, and the government would aid those that were not. The Bank crisis was over!

  4. The New Deal • In FDR’s campaign, he promised “ a new deal for the American people”. His legislative program (laws) became known as the New Deal. • The New Deal addressed the 3 R’s: relieffor the unemployed, recovery measures to stimulate the economy, and reform laws to stop another major economic crisis from occurring.

  5. Relief for the Unemployed • FERA- Federal Emergency Relief Administration was allotted $500 million to distribute to the unemployed who applied for government aid. Officials began to dislike this dole – charity, and created a new plan • CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps, put thousands of unemployed to work on environmental projects in the national parks • PWA- Public Works Administration, created jobs for the unemployed in public construction projects like: schools, dams, sewage systems, highways, etc.

  6. Recovery to Stimulate • NIRA- National Industrial Recovery Act aided businesses in their recovery after they slashed their production (profits) • The NRA- National Recovery Administration was created to carry out the new law. It established 1. codes/standards for business production, prices, and working hours. 2. It allowed workers to join unions (Red Scare). 3.citizens were encouraged to buy only from businesses who displayed a blue eagle, representing the NIRA

  7. Recovery to Stimulate • AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Administration created aid for farmers. It gave a subsidy (financial aid) for farmers to reduce production of crops. (raise prices.) Tennant farmers (don’t own land) were the ones who suffered as they were fired, to show the reduction. (explain) • TVA- Tennessee Valley Authority built dams in the Tennessee River to create electricity. The dams enriched the land, created fish filled lakes, tourism increased, and jobs were created.

  8. Reformto stop another crisis • Truth In Securities Act- designed to eliminate fraud in the stock market. It stopped companies from lying to investors. • Glass Steagall Banking Act- prohibited banks from investing savings deposits in the stock market. (only with permission) • FDIC- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured bank deposits in all member banks up to $2,500. (2011-$250,000)

  9. Fire Side Chats • FDR addressed the nation in weekly radio broadcasts known as “fireside chats”. FDR would explain the New Deal in simple terms so families could understand. • Eleanor Roosevelt was also very active with child labor laws, better hospital conditions, and care for the homeless. (model for 1st ladies)

  10. FDR’s Challenges • Liberals (Dems.) demanded that he do more for the needy, and Conservatives (Reps.) demanded he do less. • Business leaders believed FDR was 1. interfering too much in private business, 2. spent too much $ in relief programs, and 3. that he was a socialist, with too much power! • Between 1934-35 The Supreme Court overturned two key pieces of New Deal legislation, claiming they were unconstitutional (illegal). The NIRA gave the government too much power over private business (codes), and the AAA’s subsidies were funded by taxing only businesses that bought agricultural products, not all citizens.

  11. Second New Deal 1935 FDR’s new legislation

  12. Expanding Relief • WPA- Works Progress Administration used $4.8 billion to create more jobs on construction projects. • Social Security Act- gave monthly payments to the elderly and others who qualify: orphans, widows/ers, permanently disabled, and those injured at work. (still exists, but may not be there for you!…baby boomers?)

  13. Aiding Recovery • Wagner Act- gave workers the right to join unions again. (NIRA did this, but was overturned) • NLRB National Labor Relations Board- ensured that employers allowed workers to join unions, and supported workers rights. • Soil Conservation Act- did the same for farmers as the AAA (overturned), but got funding from the U.S. Treasury, not certain businesses. (all taxpayers)

  14. New Reforms • Revenue Act- increased taxes on the wealthy corporations and individuals. (business leaders were angry) The majority of Americans believed FDR was on their side. • FDR wins the election of 1936, showing Americans had embraced the New Deal. But, in 1937 FDR was accused of tampering with the Supreme Court, When he proposed a “court packing” bill that would increase the number of supreme court justices. (presidents can appoint for life. Scalia 2016) • Members of congress called for impeachment. (process for removal) Why did FDR do this?

  15. Women in the New Deal • Many women had new employment opportunities as most agencies did not discriminate. However, Eleanor Roosevelt would only allow women to interview her, as a way to stop Newspapers from laying off women. • Francis Perkins became the first female cabinet member (presidents aid / head of a Dept.) • Mary McLeod Bethune (African-American) became a key advisor to the president on Black relations

  16. Minorities and the New Deal • The “Black Cabinet” (advisory body of African Americans) was created by FDR to help understand the problems and needs of Blacks. • By 1935 there were 45 African Americans working in federal executive departments, but FDR never fought for full civil rights. He feared losing support of Southern whites- Democrats. Despite this, Blacks supported FDRand voted for him, even though they traditionally had been Republicans since Reconstruction. (Lincoln) • Mexican Americans also tended to support Roosevelt, even though they also didn’t benefit much from the New Deal programs. (racism, discrimination)

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