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Madison City Schools

Madison City Schools. 2015 Budget. FY 2015 Proposed Budget 1 st Public Hearing September 2, 2014. Empowering Students for Global Success. Each Board of Education is required to: (1) Hold at least two open public hearings; (2) Conduct hearing during a regular Board meeting;

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Madison City Schools

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  1. Madison City Schools 2015 Budget FY 2015 Proposed Budget 1st Public Hearing September 2, 2014

  2. Empowering Students for Global Success

  3. Each Board of Education is required to: (1) Hold at least two open public hearings; (2) Conduct hearing during a regular Board meeting; (3) Conduct hearing at a convenient time and place; and (4) Publicize the date and time of the hearings. Requirements for Budget Hearings

  4. Purpose of Hearings Enhance Planning Process Accountability Inform Community Provide a Forum for Public Input Foster Public Support for School System

  5. Introduction All anticipated revenues from State, Federal and Local sources are included Conservative revenue estimates have been used on local sources Resources have been assigned to various programs to best serve the needs of students

  6. Key Factors Affecting Budget Instructional Needs Enrollment Personnel Costs State Funding Federal Budget Constraints Local Revenue Projections Facilities Capital Planning

  7. Budget Process Designed to develop a tool for the school system to use in order to provide an overall plan for the use of financial resources that will best serve the needs of the student body and encourage the concept of site based management.

  8. Maintain pupil/teacher ratios • Control expenses • Justify request • Maintain adequate fund reserves Madison City 2015 Budget Objective

  9. ETF Budget Highlights • System ADM increased by 178.37 • Funded Teacher Units increased by 10.32 • Classroom Student Materials (Teacher Money) $310/unit • Textbooks-$35.00/ADM ($757,904 budget) • Madison receives $332,947 • ETF (Foundation Program) increased by $1,204,794 • PEEHIP increased by $792.00 per employee/annually • Transportation – Increased by $164,000 • 10 Mill Chargeback Increased by $354,580 • 10 Mill Chargeback Statewide Decreased by $1,837,130 • Last Year 10 Mill Chargeback Statewide Increased by (9,881,910)

  10. LEA AllocationFoundation Program

  11. Analysis of Local FundsWithin Foundation Program

  12. Breakdown of teaching units by Source of Fund Teacher Units

  13. LEA Allocation

  14. Student Population 1992-2015 BJHS Renovation Stadium BJHS Addition Discovery Renovation Heritage Addition BJHS

  15. Enrollment by School

  16. Enrollment by School

  17. Madison City Schools 2014-2015 Budget 74.16 Operating Days of Fund Balance

  18. Total Proposed Budget  FY 15

  19. Proposed General Fund BudgetFY 2015 Revenue • State $ 47,849,508 • Federal $ 327,000 • Local $ 29,404,582 • Other Uses $ 374,112 TOTAL $77,955,202

  20. Per Pupil Expenditure - 2013

  21. MadisonCounty ½ Cent Sales Tax CollectionsLast 28 Years

  22. MajorLocal Revenue 1999-2015 Ad-Valorem (County, District & Madison)

  23. Major Local Revenue 1999-2014 Sales Tax (County, District & Madison)

  24. General Fund Local Revenues

  25. General Fund Local Revenues

  26. General Fund Salary & Benefits Expenditures

  27. Proposed General Fund Budget – FY 2015

  28. FunctionalServices Per-Pupil Expenditures

  29. Proposed General Fund Budget FY 2015 - Expenditures

  30. Instructional Per Pupil Expenditures

  31. Instruction $44,072,688 Direct Classroom Expenditures Teacher Salaries Teacher Aides Major Budget Items Salaries & Fringes $41,707,599 Materials & Supplies, Textbooks and Equipment $1,242,237 Purchased Services $1,122,852

  32. Instructional Support $13,266,593 Counseling Services Media/Technology Services School Adm. Services Health Services Instructional Resource Staff Development/ARI Major Budget Items Salaries and Fringes $11,715,184 Materials& Supplies, Textbooks and Equipment $631,600 Purchased Services $919,809

  33. Major Budget Items Salaries & Fringes $3,162,987 Utilities, Insurance & Telecommunications $2,999,720 Maintenance Supplies & Equipment $ 711,850 Purchased Services $1,890,500 Operations & Maintenance $8,765,057

  34. 64 Bus Routes Funding- State $ 2,558,373 Local $ 1,055,341 Major Budget Items Salaries & Fringes $ 2,664,913 Fuel, Equip, Supplies and Other Purchased Services $ 948,801 Transportation $3,613,714

  35. Board of Education • Superintendent & Administrative Staff • Accounting • Personnel Department • Purchased Services (Legal, Professional, Insurance, Auditing) General Administrative $2,634,794

  36. Pre-School $ 701,142 • Other $ 14,001 • Transfers to Other Programs • Child Nutrition Program $ 1,225,900 • Debt Service $ 4,154,858 Other Programs $6,095,901

  37. Special Revenue Funds $16,617,902 Special revenue funds included in the budget are comprised of federal funds that have specific guidelines and limitations on the expenditure of these funds. Local school public funds are also included in this group. Listed on the next slide are the primary programs and allocations for FY 2015.

  38. Special Revenue - Major Funding Programs

  39. Personnel Adm. Unit .15 Teacher Units 1.50 Support Units 1.50 Salaries/fringes(Includes Tutors) $ 403,594 Instructional Materials $ 113,032 Title I $ 516,626

  40. IDEA-B – Special Education $ 1,577,180 Salaries and Fringes $ 1,485,742 Contracts $ 91,438 Staff Summary 17.5 Teacher Units 1 Psychometrist/Behavioral Specialist 11 Mini Bus Aides

  41. Title II – Part A $103,851 2 Teachers – Class Size Reduction $ 100,871 Professional Development $2,980

  42. Child Nutrition Program $5,393,975 Revenue USDA $ 1,431,400 Sales and Commissions $ 2,577,275 Transfers from General Fund $ 1,225,900 Other $ 159,400

  43. Child Nutrition Program Expenditures Labor $2,316,443 Food $1,702,000 O/M $ 401,960 Supplies $ 216,800 Indirect Cost $ 430,605 Other $ 178,114

  44. Debt Service $9,270,530 This fund reflects the annual debt payment (principal and interest) of the Madison City Board of Education on its outstanding debt as of October 1, 2014. Funding Sources • Public School Fund $2,271,734 • Transfer General Fund $4,154,858 • Transfer Half Cent Sales Tax $2,610,387 • Fleet Renewal Fund $233,551

  45. Madison City School's Outstanding Debt

  46. Madison City School's Outstanding Debt

  47. Capital Projects Fund $21,800,267 Bob Jones Renovation Swimming Facility MES and LMS Parking Lot Resurfacing HVAC at Madison Elementary City Stadium Bleachers Purchase School Buses

  48. FY 2015 Proposed Budget 1st Public Hearing September 2, 2014

  49. 2014-2015 Salary Schedule Presentation

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