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Leading People Forward

Discover the keys to effective leadership through following Christ's model, cultivating courage, discipline, and coaching skills. Embrace spiritual principles, prioritize wisely, and develop qualities of a successful leader.

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Leading People Forward

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leading People Forward Stan Toler

  2. You might be a preacher if . . .

  3. You might be a preacher if . . .

  4. You might be a preacher if . . .

  5. You might be a preacher if . . .

  6. You might be a preacher if . . .

  7. You might be a preacher if . . .

  8. You might be a preacher if . . .

  9. You might be a preacher if . . .

  10. The Leadership Challenge

  11. Leadership Challenge No. 1: Conformity.

  12. 1. The greatest prerequisite of leadership is allowing Christ to be our pattern.

  13. Spiritual Checklist • Is Christ the Lord of my life? • Am I trying to operate on His strength, or on my own? • Do I consistently seek the wisdom of His Word? • Do I talk to Him in prayer before I talk to the people?

  14. Am I relying on the power of His Holy Spirit? • Are there hidden things in my life that I need to confess to Him? • Am I in fellowship with His people? • Is He first in my planning process? • Do my programs and methods honor Him?

  15. 2. The greatest challenge of leadership is knowing and following Christ.

  16. Leaders FollowThe Model of Jesus Modeling: I do it.“Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news …”Mark 1:14

  17. Leaders FollowThe Model of Jesus Mentoring: I do it; you are with me.“Follow me …”Mark 1:17

  18. Leaders FollowThe Model of Jesus Monitoring: You do it; I am with you.“… and I will make you fishers of men”Mark 1:17

  19. Leaders FollowThe Model of Jesus Motivating: You do it.“He appointed twelve … that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.”Mark 3:14

  20. Leaders FollowThe Model of Jesus Multiplying: You do it, and someone else is with you.“… He sent them out, two by two and gave them authority.”Mark 6:7

  21. Leadership Challenge No. 2: Courage.

  22. 1. Vision – The ability to see the future.

  23. Courage is contagious. • Courage is risk-taking. • Courage is belief in action. • Courage in the leader encourages others.

  24. 2. Perspective – The ability to size up the situation.

  25. What you are determines what you think. • What you think determines what you are. • Where you sit determines what you see. • What you see determines what you get. -John C. Maxwell

  26. 3. Discipline – The ability to take charge of yourself.

  27. A. Analyze your lifestyle.

  28. B. Set aside time for introspection.

  29. Take time to pray… it helps to bring God near and washes the dust of the earth from your eyes.

  30. Take time to worship… it is the highway to reverence.

  31. Take time to work… it is the price of success.

  32. Take time to think… it is the source of power.

  33. Take time to play… it is the secret of youth.

  34. Take time to read… it is the foundation of wisdom.

  35. Take time to be friendly… it is the road to happiness

  36. Take time to dream… it hitches the soul to the stars.

  37. Take time to laugh… it is the music of the soul. –Stan Toler, Stewardship of Time

  38. Limit your extra-curricular activities. • Look for small investments that bring great returns. • Become an expert in something.

  39. Pour your life into a few key people. • Take control of your schedule.

  40. Stan’sWeekly Priority List: Priority A: Can’t wait. Priority B: Could wait. Priority C: Must wait.

  41. Stan’s Top FiveTime-Wasters • Pointless Meetings. • Telephone Calls / Internet. • Uninvited Guests. • Junk Mail. • Failure to Read the Directions.

  42. H. Analyze every opportunity to see if it fits in with your priorities. • Your relationship with God. • Your relationship with your family. • Your service to God and work.

  43. Humor – The ability to laugh at your mistakes. • Faith – The ability to be confident in God’s plan. • Endurance – The ability to bounce back.

  44. Leadership Challenge No. 3: Coaching.

  45. Three Typesof Leaders • Shepherd leader. • Servant leader • Steward leader. Source: The People Principle, Transforming Laypersons into Leaders, Stan Toler, Beacon Hill Press, 1997

  46. Making Yourself a Spiritual Coach • Change your attitude. • Change your habits. • Change your focus.

  47. Sincerity Spirituality Loyalty Empathy Fervency Flexibility Generosity Proximity Stability Humility Qualities of a Leader/Coach

  48. Discovering the Triumphs of Teamwork • Find them. • Feed them. • Form them. • Follow them. • Fire them.

  49. Structuring Your Team for Church Growth

  50. Signs of an Inadequate Structure • Your church has stopped growing. • Your church has conflict within the leadership. • Your leadership seems defeated.

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