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Join Brenda Hill, R.N., B.S.N., for a comprehensive presentation on HIV/AIDS. Learn about transmission, signs & symptoms, prevention methods, testing, community resources, and more. Discover the importance of PrEP & PEP medications. Get updated statistics on HIV cases in Virginia.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HIV/AIDS/STDs • Presenter Brenda Hill, R.N.,B.S.N. HIV/STD/ADAP Coordinator Virginia Department of Health Peninsula Health District 757-594-7549

  2. HIV/AIDS Transmission Signs & Symptoms Prevention Testing Community Resources

  3. Transmission HIV is transmitted by Infected: • Blood • Semen • Vaginal Fluids • Breast milk

  4. TRANSMISSION • There are still NO reports of HIV transmission through: • Saliva • Tears • Urine • Sweat

  5. Opportunistic Infections of AIDS CMV Toxoplasmosis Cryptococcal meningitis Candida Herpes simplex CMV Pneumocystis CMV MAI Neoplasm's Kaposi’s sarcoma Lymphomas Cryptosporidium Salmonella

  6. PrEP & PEP

  7. PrEP What is PrEP? “PrEP” stands for preexposure prophylaxis. The goal of PrEP is to prevent HIV infection from taking hold if someoneis exposed to the virus. This is done by taking a pill that contains 2 HIV medications every day.

  8. PEP PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. It means taking antiretroviral (ART)medicines after being potentially exposed to HIV to prevent becoming infected. PEP must be started within 72 hours after a recent possible exposure to HIV. If PEP is prescribed, ART med is taken once or twice daily for 28 days.

  9. HIV Testing HIV Types 1 & 2

  10. In Virginia • As of December 2015 there were 24,853 people known to be living with HIV and AIDS. • Eastern Region 7,697

  11. HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Eastern Region Reporting through December 2015 • 3354 Men having sex with men(MSM) • 666 Injectable Drug Users(IDU) 252 MSM & IDU • 1430 Heterosexual Transmission • 1890 No risk identified • 90 Pediatric (Ages 0-19)

  12. In Virginia As of December 2015 there were 24,583 people, or about 1 in 334 VA residents known to be living with HIV and AIDS. Males 18,243 Females 6,430

  13. Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in the Eastern Region by December 2015 Eastern Region 7,697 HIV 4,351 AIDS 3,346

  14. HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Eastern Region Reporting through December 2015 • 3,354 Men having sex with men(MSM) • 666 Injectable Drug Users(IDU) 252 MSM & IDU • 1,430 Heterosexual Transmission • 1,890 No risk identified • 90 Pediatric (Ages 0-19)

  15. New HIV Cases Diagnosed in 2015 Eastern Region 301 Health Districts Peninsula 52 Hampton 26 City Newport News 38 Hampton 26

  16. In the City of Newport News there were 934 persons living with HIV/AIDS as of 12/31/2014. 69% were male and 31% were female. Overall, 76% of the 934 living cases in Newport News were AA. AA females living with HIV disease in Newport News account for 83% of the cases among females.

  17. HIV Disease in VA According to the VDH report on estimating the HIV incidence in VA, between 2008-2012, the number of annual HIV infections for adults in VA remained relatively stable with new infections ranging from 839 to 1,037.

  18. HIV Disease in VA By December 2014, nearly 75% of persons living with HIV were ages 40 and older. The rate of persons living with HIV disease still remains highest in the Eastern Region with 433 cases per 100,000

  19. HIV Disease in VA Among AA Females According to HIV & AIDS Impacts Black Women in VA a fact sheet from Sisters Promoting HOPE VDH data as of Dec 2013; AA females represent approx. 10% of the total population in VA and account for 19% of all VAs living with HIV disease. 1 out of every 5 VAs living with HIV disease is an AA female. In VA 3 out of every 4 female living with HIV disease are AA. AA females are 15 times more likely to be living with HIV disease than white females.

  20. In Virginia As of December 2015 there were 24,583 people, or about 1 in 334 VA residents known to be living with HIV and AIDS. Males 18,243 Females 6,430

  21. Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in the Eastern Region by December 2015 Eastern Region 7,697 HIV 4,351 AIDS 3,346

  22. HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Eastern Region Reporting through December 2015 • 3,354 Men having sex with men(MSM) • 666 Injectable Drug Users(IDU) 252 MSM & IDU • 1,430 Heterosexual Transmission • 1,890 No risk identified • 90 Pediatric (Ages 0-19)

  23. New HIV Cases Diagnosed in 2015 Eastern Region 301 Health Districts Peninsula 52 Hampton 26 City Newport News 38 Hampton 26

  24. In the City of Newport News there were 934 persons living with HIV/AIDS as of 12/31/2014. 69% were male and 31% were female. Overall, 76% of the 934 living cases in Newport News were AA. AA females living with HIV disease in Newport News account for 83% of the cases among females.

  25. HIV Disease in VA According to the VDH report on estimating the HIV incidence in VA, between 2008-2012, the number of annual HIV infections for adults in VA remained relatively stable with new infections ranging from 839 to 1,037.

  26. HIV Disease in VA By December 2014, nearly 75% of persons living with HIV were ages 40 and older. The rate of persons living with HIV disease still remains highest in the Eastern Region with 433 cases per 100,000

  27. HIV Disease in VA Among AA Females According to HIV & AIDS Impacts Black Women in VA a fact sheet from Sisters Promoting HOPE VDH data as of Dec 2013; AA females represent approx. 10% of the total population in VA and account for 19% of all VAs living with HIV disease. 1 out of every 5 VAs living with HIV disease is an AA female. In VA 3 out of every 4 female living with HIV disease are AA. AA females are 15 times more likely to be living with HIV disease than white females.

  28. Virginia AIDS Drug Assistance Program(ADAP)

  29. Community Resources • Virginia HIV/AIDS Resource & Consultation Center (VHARCC) • Self Protection Awareness (SPA) • AIDS Center for Care, Education and Support Services(ACCESS) • Southeastern Virginia Health System • Hampton-NN CSB HIV/AIDS Services • HIV/STI Disease Intervention Specialists Services

  30. Chlamydia Chlamydia • Chlamydia is caused by a bacteria • Incubation Period: 2-3 weeks • The person can pass it on • May be asymptomatic

  31. Chlamydia: #1 reportable STD locally and in the nation • 2014 Virginia statistics • Total cases 35,473 Ages Cases reported 0- 9 17 10-14 214 15-19 8,886 20-24 14,720 Newport News 1,796 Hampton 1,405

  32. VA Chlamydia cases reported in 2014 Female 24,158 Male 11,045

  33. CDC Reported Cases of Chlamydia in U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas VA Beach-Norfolk-Newport News-VA-NC Ranks #2 in the nation as of 2014

  34. Chlamydia Total cases reported for VA Military in 2014(1340) Reported military cases in the following Health Districts: • Peninsula Health District–145 (11%) • Norfolk 306 (23%) • VA Beach 211(16%)

  35. Chlamydia Treatment • Abstain from sex for 7 days after treatment with single dose of Zithromax or a 7-day regimen of Doxycycline.

  36. HPV Human Papillomavirus(commonly called Genital Warts) • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is also known as “venereal warts” • Genital Warts are caused by a virus • Incubation Period: 3 weeks—9 months • HPV infection is causally associated with cervical cancer and probably other anal, penile, vulvar, vaginal cancers • Over 99% of cervical cancers have HPV DNA detected within the tumor

  37. HPV Common Symptoms of Genital Warts in Males & Females • The symptoms may include single or multiple fleshy growths around the penis, vagina, anus, urethra • They may also include: itching, bleeding, or burning, and pain • The symptoms may recur from time to time

  38. Treatment for HPV • Application of Trichloroacetic acid

  39. HPV Vaccines Gardasil-4 Garsasil-9 Offered to all teens in STI/FP with no insurance. Center for Disease Control estimates that by the age of 50, at least 80% of women would have acquired HPV.

  40. Latest development in HPV and Cervical Cancer GARDASIL Vaccine given to prevent HPV types 6,11,16,18 Indicated in females ages 9-26 years Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in women worldwide. In the 1990s it was estimated that 10 women died everyday in the U.S. from cervical cancer. Today it has become uncommon according to Medscape News 7/14/2014.

  41. Gardasil- 9 • Gardasil -9 used for the protection against HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58, 6, and 11. • Approved for: • Females 9-26 • Males 9-15

  42. Untreated complications in females PID Sterility

  43. Gonorrhea Complications in Males • Swollen or tender testicles (epididymitis) • Disseminated gonococcal infection • (DGI)

  44. Test of Cure/Nucleic Acid Amplification testing(NAAT) The use of chlamydial NAATs at <3 weeks after completion of therapy is not recommended because the continued presence of nonviable organisms (394,395,519) can lead to false-positive results. CDC 2015 guidelines

  45. Test if Cure for CT/GC Men and women who have been treated for chlamydia should be retested approximately 3 months after treatment, regardless of whether they believe that their sex partners were treated. CDC 2015 Guidelines

  46. Gonorrhea Virginia 2014 Statistics 8128 Male 3825 Female 4293 Ages Reported Cases 0- 9 4 10-14 43 15-19 1708 20-24 3033

  47. Reported cases of Gonorrhea 2014 Peninsula Health District 596 cases Hampton Health District 388 cases Total cases reported from Military inVA 137 Reported military cases from the following Health Districts Peninsula 18 cases(13%) Norfolk 37 cases Highest (27%)

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