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Basics of Cryptography: Types, Attacks, and Cipher Examples

Learn about cryptography basics such as secret key and public key types, encryption, decryption, types of attacks, and examples of substitution and transposition ciphers. Understand Kerckhoff’s Principle and various cryptographic algorithms.

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Basics of Cryptography: Types, Attacks, and Cipher Examples

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  1. Chapter 4 Basics of Cryptography Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  2. What is Cryptography? - Plaintext - Ciphertext - Encryption: c = Ee(p) - Decryption: p = Dd(c) Kerckhoff’s Principle: “The secrecy should be in the key used for decryption, not in the decryption or encryption algorithms” Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  3. Types of Cryptography • Secret Key Cryptography: - Both sender and receiver share a common secret, ie. e = d - Also called as “Symmetric key Cryptography” 2. Public Key Cryptography: - Two distinct keys forming a key pair are used - Encryption key/ Public key - Decryption key/ Private key Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  4. Example: If Alka wants to send confidential message to Brijesh Case 1: Secret Key Cryptography: Both share a common key, k Operation by Alka : c = Ek(p) Opeartion by Brijech: p = Dk(c) Case 2: Public Key Cryptography: Assuming Brijesh have key public-private key pair, Operation by Alka : c = EB.pu(p) Opeartion by Brijech: p = DB.pr(c) Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  5. Types of Attacks • Cryptographic algorithm is secure if a cryptanalyst is unable to • Obtain plaintext from given ciphertext • Deduce the secret key or the private key • Types: • Known ciphertext attack • Known plaintext attack • Chosen plaintext attack Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  6. Brute force attempt to obtain a key from known plaintext Let (p1,c1), (p2,c2), … (pm,cm) be plaintext-ciphertext pairs for(each potential key value in key space) { proceed = true; i=1; while(proceed == true && i <= m) { if(ci != Ek(pi)) proceed = false; i++; } if(i = m+1) print (“Key value is k”); } Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  7. ELEMENTARY SUBSTITUTION CIPHERS • Monoalphabetic ciphers: - most basic cipher is substitution cipher - Let ∑ denote set of alphabets, {A,B, … ,Z} - This approach defines the permutation of elements in ∑ - There are 26! Permutations. Ex: Simplest substitution cipher is one that replaces each alphabet in a text by another alphabet k positions away. [If k = 3] D for A, E for B,…, A for X, B for Y,etc. - This scheme is called “Caeser cipher” Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  8. Example Cont..d Plaintext: WHAT IS THE POPULATION OF MARS Ciphertext: ZKDW LV WKH SRSXODWLRQ RI PDUV NOTE: Here, each letter is substituted by another unique letter, hence such ciphers are called “monoalphabetic” Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  9. 2. Polyalphabetic Ciphers • Ciphertext corresponding to a particular character is not fixed. • Vigenere Cipher: - It uses a multi digit key k1,k2,….,km. - Plaintext is split into number of blocks, each of m consecutive characters - 1st letter of each block replaced by letter k1 positions to its right, 2nd by a letter k2 positions to the right, and so on. Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  10. Example: P’text: W i s h i n g Y o u M u c h Key : 04 19 03 22 07 12 05 11 04 19 03 22 07 12 C’text: A B V D P Y L J S N P Q J T P’text: S u c c e s s Key : 05 11 04 19 03 22 07 C’text: X F G V H O Z NOTE: Here, key length = 8. ie. Key string repeats after 8 positions Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  11. 2. The Hill Cipher • Plaintext is broken into blocks of size m. • Here, Key is a m X m matrix of integers between 0 to 25. • Let p1, p2, p3, …,pm be the numeric representation of characters in plaintext. • Let c1, c2, c3, …,cm represent corresponding characters in ciphertext. • To compute a ciphertext, we use the mapping, A -> 0, B -> 1, . . . , Z -> 25 Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  12. Now, c1 = p1 k11 + p2 k21 + . . . + pm km1 mod 26 c2 = p1 k12 + p2 k22 + . . . + pm km1 mod 26 . . . cm = p1k1m + p2k2m+ . . . + pmkmm mod 26 In general, c = p K where, i) c and p are row vectors of ciphertext & plaintext resp’ly, ii) K is m X m matrix comprising the key At Receiver, plaintext can be recovered by, p = c K-1 Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  13. Example: Consider a Hill cipher using block size = 2 (m=2) Let, K = 3 7 15 12 Let, a block of plaintext be (H I) Numeric equivalent of this block is (7 8) Wkt, c = p K c = (7 8) * 3 7 15 12 = (11 15) = (L P) Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  14. ELEMENTARY TRANSPOSITION CIPHERS • A transposition cipher shuffles, rearranges or permutes the bits in a block of plaintext. • Unlike a substitution cipher, the number of 0’s and 1’s in a block doesn’t change after shuffling. Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  15. Example: Plaintext: b e g i Begin Operation at Noonn o p e r a t i o n a t n o o n Let us re-arrange the rows as follows, Row 1 ->3, Row 2 -> 5, Row 3 ->2, Row 4 -> 1, Row 5 -> 4. The resulting matrix is o n a t r a t I b e g i n o o n n o p e Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  16. We now re-arrange the columns as follows, Column 1->4, Column 2->3, Column 3->1, Column 4 ->2 The resulting matrix is a t n o t i a r g i e b o n o n p e o n Thus ciphertext generated is: A T N O T I A R G I E B O N O N P E O N Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  17. Another example: • An attacker may use this approach as follows, • C’text: 1 1 K C T A T A M M O C P M 5 1 C E N E • P’text: Commence Attack 11 15 pm Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  18. Other Cipher properties • Confusion & Diffusion: • Confusion is the property of a cipher where it doesn’t provide any description/clue regarding the relationship between cipher-text and key. • Diffusion is the property of a cipher-text, where block of the Plain-text is irretrievably scattered across the blocks of cipher-text. Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

  19. Block Ciphers & Stream Ciphers • In Block Ciphers, plaintext is split into fixed size chunks called blocks. Here, each block is encrypted separately and usually same key is used for all blocks. Example: DES, AES, RSA, ECC, etc. • Stream Ciphers operate on bits. Stream ciphers usually generate a pseudo random key stream as a function of fixed length key and a per message bit string. Example: RC4 used in wireless LAN protocol. Stream ciphers are faster than block ciphers and are less complicated. Prepared by: Mohan Gholap

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