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SEVEN BOWLS OF JUDGMENT. REVELATION OVERVIEW. Chapter 1 – John receives his Revelation of what will shortly take place Chapter 2-3 – John writes the letter to the churches to encourage their faith a be a light to the world in the face of persecution. REVELATION OVERVIEW.

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  2. REVELATIONOVERVIEW • Chapter 1 – John receives his Revelation of what will shortly take place • Chapter 2-3 – John writes the letter to the churches to encourage their faith a be a light to the world in the face of persecution

  3. REVELATIONOVERVIEW • Chapter 4-5 – John before the throne of God and pointing to God’s sovereignty (rule) over events to come. Shown by the worthy lamb. • Chapters 6 – Breaking of the seals and revelation of persecution to come

  4. REVELATIONOVERVIEW • Chapter 7 – 144,000 church sealed and not condemned by God and the faithful dead in white robes • Chapter 8-9 – Seven trumpets of partial judgment • Chapter 10-11 – John eats the little book and the two witnesses (church)

  5. REVELATIONOVERVIEW • Chapter 12 – Satan defeated in trying to destroy God’s redemptive plan in Christ • Chapter 13 – The two beasts used by Satan to destroy the offspring of the women (faithful Christians)

  6. REVELATIONOVERVIEW • Chapter 14 – Christ with the faithful Christians through the persecution and announcement of judgment of persecutors • Chapters 15-16 – Seven bowls & God’s judgment poured out on the persecutors

  7. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Final Judgment Announced (Chapter 15:1-8) • Final judgment on the Roman Empire announced • Wrath of God finished • The victors from the beast are before the throne • Song of Moses - Victory • Seven plagues prepared

  8. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT First Bowl (Chapter 16:1-2) Wrath poured: on worshipers of beast • Earth - Sores on those who worship the beast

  9. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Second Bowl (Chapter 16:3) Wrath poured: those behind economic persecution • Sea - Became like blood • Death • All in the sea die • Not a partial judgment • Sea sometimes represents people

  10. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Third Bowl (Chapter 16:4-7) Wrath poured: persecutors of the faithful • Rivers & Springs - turned to blood • God’s vengeance on persecutors • Those who shed the blood of the saints

  11. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Fourth Bowl (Chapter 16:8-9) Wrath poured: those who don’t repent • Sun - Scorch men with fire • God in control of judgment • Power over the plagues • Did not repent so as to give Him glory • Judgment will continue

  12. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Fifth Bowl (Chapter 16:10-11) Wrath poured: the emperors • Throne of the Beast - Kingdom became dark • Internal forces • Evil from within the kingdom • Blasphemed God because of their sores • Did not repent

  13. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Sixth Bowl (Chapter 16:12-16) Wrath poured: to bring external forces to judge • Euphrates - Waters dried up & way prepared for the kings from the east • External forces • Outside forces would be a part of God’s judgment

  14. HAR MEGEDON(ARMAGEDDON) • Literally – Mount of Megiddo which overlooks the valley where significant battles were fought • Jewish history know this place as area where many wars were fought where God’s will was accomplished • Deborah and Barak against Jabin and Sisera of the Canaanites (Judges 4 & 5) • Gideon defeats the Midianites with only 300 men by the power of God

  15. HAR MEGEDON(ARMAGEDDON) Jezreel Valley with Mt. Tabor in Background View from Megiddo to Northeast

  16. HAR MEGEDON(ARMAGEDDON) • Ahaziah, king of Judah and Joram of Israel died at the command of Jehu (2 Kings 9:27) • Ahaziah walked in the way of Ahab • Josiah killed by Pharaoh Neco (2 Kgs. 23:29f; 2 Chron. 35:22) • Significant battle, allowed for Babylon to conquer Assyria as it delayed Neco’s support of Assyria • God’s wrath was Judah by bringing judgment via Babylon (2 Kgs. 23:26-27) • Har Megedon is symbolic for God victory over Rome by his judgment

  17. SEVEN BOWLSOF JUDGMENT Seventh Bowl (Chapter 16:17-21) • Air - Great city, Babylon judged • City of Rome will fall • Other cities will also fall

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