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Superconducting Magnets and Laboratories: Instrumentation for Magnetic Measurements

Explore the development and challenges of magnetic instrumentation for superconducting magnets in laboratories at the Large Hadron Collider. Addressing instrumentation maintenance, calibration, and future upgrades.

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Superconducting Magnets and Laboratories: Instrumentation for Magnetic Measurements

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  1. Superconducting Magnets and Laboratories:Instrumentation for Magnetic Measurements M Buzio, L Walckiers on behalf of TE/MSC/MM staff Contents • LHC Spares • Support to LHC Operation • Support to LHC Operation • LHC upgrade Phase I • Magnet R&D – High Field Magnets • Magnet R&D – Fast-Cycled Magnets

  2. Magnetic Instrumentation for LHC Spares • DemandsCapability to measure spares and repaired magnets to the same standard as the series • Instrumentation • All necessary equipment in working order (exception: large aperture magnets) • Spares available: sufficient for long coil shafts and rotating units, integrators, moles, etc … • Long-term issues: hardware • Maintenance and calibration: key staff retired (or retiring soon), transmission of know-how to be ensured • Coil manufacturing workshop: winding machines to be repaired, specialized component suppliers (glue, wires …) to be renewed • Single Stretched Wire (calibration reference): three units in operation, but hardware starts to fail and some direct replacements out of stock (also, excellent support from Fermilab is nowadays much reduced) Need to re-develop internally for the long term • Long-term issues: software • Legacy platform = VME + LabView MMP on Sun workstations: stable system, support calls answered efficiently by EN/ICE, but platform being phased out • SMA database for coil calibration factors + raw/treated cold harmonic data discontinued all processing/file transfer dome manually (not a problem for infrequent measurements) • Support needed • EN/ICE/MTA: spare workstations/hard disks; MMP maintenance, backups, networking • BE/ABP/SU: laser tracker operation/maintenance; cooperation for geometry (magnetic axis) measurements • TE/MSC: coordination on relocation/operation of warm measurement systems (polarity checkers, DIMM/QIMM moles)

  3. Magnetic Instrumentation in Support to LHC Operation • Demands (see E. Todesco’s talk) • Fill in the magnetic model of LHC (FIDEL) • Validate the model on SM18 test benches (Tracking Tests) • Long term: update FIDEL in response to evolution of power cycles, operation modes etc … • InstrumentationStandard instrument park + next-generation field acquisition platform (FAME – FAst Measurement Equipment) Designed to ensure: • long-term maintainability (PXI platform, modern electronic components) • enhanced performance (200×bandwidth, 100×S/N over VME integrators) • flexibility in a prototyping setting (C++ software running on Windows/Linux PC) • Planned/under way developments • Fast Digital Integrators (FDI): firmware revision for more flexible use (internal trigger generation + interrupt handling) under way; finalization of hardware to achieve max. performance • FAME coil shafts: one full SSS system + one spare MB system; mechanism for longitudinal adaptation under study (essential for flexibility e.g. for correctors) • FFMM C++ framework: interfaces with HW/SW components (e.g. SM18 power supplies and LSA control system), fault detection, scripting, user interface • Support needed • Integrators: partially supported by external collaboration with Università del Sannio (Italy) + Technology Transfer agreement with commercial partner (Metrolab, Geneva) • FFMM software: fully supported by Università del Sannio • Data storage: standard CERN Oracle support for storage of calibration data, raw and treated test results. Detailed data formats and interfaces to be finalized in accord with all potential users.

  4. FAME (FAst Measurement System) = + + Adapted long coil shaft + Mobile Rotating Unit PXI Fast Digital Integrators(~25 prototypes operational) FFMM C++ software(prototype version 3.0 deployed) • Status: 1 full system for MB operational in SM18 (some tests pending).8 Hz rotation speed demonstrated (much higher bandwidth possible with interpolation) • Components can be reused and adapted for different non-SC projects: • Harmonic DC/fast-cycled measurements for Linac4 PMQs and EMQs- Upgrade of magnetic material testing equipment (permeameter)- SSW upgrade (long-term maintainability)- 3D Hall probe scanner.

  5. Magnetic Instrumentation for LHC Upgrade Phase I • DemandsWarm/cold magnetic testing & quench detection of Ø120~180(?) mm NbTi magnets (1~2 short models + 23 correctors + 24 series cryomagnets) • InstrumentationSingle Stretched Wire: adequate for integral strength, magnetic axis and field direction.Existing rotating coil systems are not adequate for accurate harmonic measurements (ideally harmonic coil size  ⅔ aperture size) • Planned R&D • Large-diameter quadrupole compensated coil arrays (long shafts and/or mole with optical tracking): mechanical stiffness and weight issues, calibration procedure (present reference magnet aperture too small) • Adaptation of mechanical and electronic components to harmonic coils system for large diameters, horizontal or vertical cryostats (short models) • Collaboration to development of suitable anticryostats • Fabrication of coils/shafts for modular quench antennas; improvement of the reliability of coils at cryogenic temperature (winding and curing procedure, quality of glue, dedicated thermal cycling testing) • Adaptation of acquisition system for fixed coil system (string test) • Support needed • BE/ABP/SU: coordination on geometry tests + data analysis and storage. • All end users: coordination on design of quench antennas(size and sensitivity of coils, geometry, compensation) Overlap With Magnet R&D

  6. Magnetic Instrumentation for Magnet R&D – High field magnets • DemandsWarm/cold magnetic testing & quench detection of dipole and quadrupole short models and prototypesSupport to cable testing facility: search coils, electronics for data acquisition … (useful for any SC-related R&D) • InstrumentationExisting instrumentation may or may not be adequate to the task (mainly depends on: magnet length, Ø aperture, accuracy needed). • R&D issues • Anticryostats • Quench antennas • Adapted coil shafts/moles • Vertical cryostat systems • Support needed • To be told in advance of geometrical/field constraints … (long lead times for high precision coil and shaft components) • Overlap with R&D for Upgrade Phase I

  7. Magnetic Instrumentation for Magnet R&D – Fast-cycled magnets • Demands • Warm/cold magnetic testing and quench detection of short models and prototypes (up to 2 T/s, 4 T) • Magnetic properties of iron yoke samples (magnetization curve + hysteresis and AC losses) • InstrumentationStandard magnetic measurements based on fixed coils. Existing systems (routinely used on normal magnets) require wide apertures likely to be inadequate. • R&D issues • Suitably dimensioned coils and/or moles and/or double stretched wire systems • Topics overlapping other SC/NC magnet programs: • Adapt acquisition to high-precision pulsed mode operation ( synergy with Linac 4) • High bandwidth measurements of eddy current effects ( synergy with Linac4, PS, CNAO) • Integral measurement in strongly curved magnets e.g. multiple-coil fluxmeter ( R&D done for CNAO) • Flexible control of standard split-coil permeameter with FDI/FFMM ( material properties routinely demanded by many clients e.g. NC magnets, PS B-train, LHC experiments, CLIC, CNAO, MedAustron, ITER …) • Support needed • To be told in advance of geometrical/field boundary conditions …

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