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This document summarizes the actions and discussions during the WG2A ECOSTAT meeting on October 7-8, 2004. Topics include intercalibration guidance, monitoring requirements, eutrophication activity, and more.
Working Group 2A ECOSTATSummary Actionsof the meeting7-8 October, 2004
Review & agree on the Guidance on the Intercalibration Process Review GIGs status & organisation Update on other WG2A activities: discussion paper on monitoring requirements eutrophication activity harmonisation / methods overview activity Information on related activities REBECCA project EEA plans for biological indicators Ecoregion Map Objectives
3. REBECCA update - end-user meeting 19-20 January - interaction between GIGs and WP leaders needed 5. Corrections to Ecoregion Map - proposed corrections OK - Annex XIa only applies to System-A typology - Further revisions may be needed after 2005 reporting Agenda items 3-5
6. Draft ECOSTAT discussion paper on WFD Monitoring Requirements - WG2A agreed with conclusions - Ulrich Irmer will distribute updated version by Monday - editorial comments by Wednesdayto UI - forwarded to SCG meeting 27-28 October Agenda item 6 - Monitoring
7. Harmonisation taks team update - report expected to be useful - first draft will be finished by January - linkages between WG2A and CEN are existing, but need to be put into practice; document may clarify this - harmonisation needs to be identified as activity in WG2A work program 2005-6 - WGL will include this in draft mandate Agenda item 7 - Harmonisation
8. Eutrophication activity update - draft guidance (including conceptual framework and ECOSTAT discussion papers merged) distributed to SCG, Eutr. group and WG2A mid next week - WG2A members have opportunity to comment Agenda items 8 - Eutrophication
Agenda Item 9 - IC site list • SCG will receive list Thursday, 14 October • corrections of obvious errors will still be possible afterwards • Send comments to Annex A1 in draft decision (site list) • sites that were submitted, but are not on the list • mistakes in site names • type, GIG and class boundary information • Send comments to EEWAI as soon as possible (tentative deadline 31 October - to be confirmed)
Agenda Item 9 - IC Register • Data providers contacted & corrections received - October • Full metadata files available to WG2A and GIG experts in early November • Further accessibility of metadata needs to be clarified urgently • MS in GIGs carry out further sense-checking along their work in November - February 2005 • JRC/ EEWAI will keep error-log • Report errors continuously (eewai@jrc.it) • If needed, JRC will made corrected metadata available in early 2005 (version 2)
10. Intercalibration Process Guidance - no further open issues identified - guidance agreed by WG2A - will be discussed in SCG 27-28 October 11. Reporting of Intercalibration Results (outline of web-based system and discussion) - outline considered useful - worries about possible additional burden for GIG leaders - should be further developed as user-friendly information system and document store Agenda items 10-11
Agreement to establish task team to prepare proposal on accessability and availability of data used in the IC process (also including reporting needs and what kind of web-based system is needed) discussion paper/proposal for next WG2A meeting participants: MS, DGENV, JRC, NGO, EEA will be initiated by JRC - letter to WG2A Agenda item 11 – Access and Availability of data
Organisation most GIGs organised and functioning 2 GIG coordinators missing no participation from one MS (Malta) will be reported to SCG Diversity of approaches between GIGS and categories - difficult to harmonise at this stage Steering group will make proposal how to improve this Resources needed to fulfill MS obligations for intercalibration process (issue will be raised in SCG) Agenda item 12-13: Progress of IC process
JRC PECO workshop Ecological Quality Assessment and Intercalibration in EU WFD 25 - 26 November 2004, Ispra Invited countries: Candidate countries - Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia SAp countries - Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia Montenegro, Albania Danube catchment basin countries - Ukraina, Moldova The aims : introduce new countries to the requirements of WFD regarding ecological assessemnt and intercalibration, investigate posisbilities to involve CC in the IC exercise Any other business