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Subsidiarity as a means to enhance cooperation between EU institutions and national parliaments

Explore the historical context and future prospects of the Subsidiarity Principle to foster cooperation between EU institutions and national parliaments. Discover the challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for enhancing this vital relationship.

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Subsidiarity as a means to enhance cooperation between EU institutions and national parliaments

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  1. Subsidiarity as a means to enhance cooperation between EU institutions and national parliaments

  2. Outline 1. Historical Background 2. Context and rationale for the introduction of the subsidiarity principle (1992) 3. Subsidiarity as a means to strengthen the relationship between EU institutions and national parliaments 4. The way forward: the future of the Early Warning System 5. Conclusion

  3. 1. Historical Background  National parliaments (NPs) long absent from the Treaties ; NPs dependent on national arrangements  Reasons for that: • European Parliamentary Assembly composed of MPs • European Communities: “classical” international organization • “Output legitimacy”

  4. 2. Context and rationale for the introduction of the principle of subsidiarity  Introduced in Single European Act (1986) in reference to the environment policy; as a General principle of EU law in the Maastricht Treaty (1992)  Useful to delimit EU’s competences  No link between NPs and subsidiarity at that time

  5. 3. Subsidiarity: a means to enhance NPs-EU institutions relationships (1)  Constitutional Treaty & Lisbon Treaty: dramatic change for NPs, among others due to attribution of new responsibility to check respect of subsidiarity: Early Warning System (EWS)

  6. 3. Subsidiarity: a means to enhance NPs-EU institutions relationships (2)  EWS complemented by Political Dialogue (PD) (Barroso initiative launched in 2006)  EWS: strict limitations (scope, timing, thresholds) vs PD: any contribution on any document at any point in time but informal mechanism  PD: huge success (> 2 800 contributions 2009-2015) vs 3 yellow cards

  7. 3. Subsidiarity: a means to enhance NPs-EU institutions relationships (3) Opportunities: • NPs now “European actors” • Direct and constant relationship with Commission (and EP) • EWS: existence is a “threat” in itself • More visibility for NPs • Incentive to enhance interparliamentary cooperation among NPs • Incentive to conduct scrutiny and enhance relationship with governments

  8. 3. Subsidiarity: a means to enhance NPs-EU institutions relationships (4) Challenges: • EWS’s scope too narrow • Lack of common definition • Time span too reduced • Moment of NPs’ intervention in legislative procedure • Dependence on each other/imbalance in participation among NPs • Commission’s freedom to decide on outcome • Quality of answers provided by Commission

  9. 4. The way forward (1)  Need to agree on: • common format for reasoned opinion • common definition (proportionality? Legal basis?)  Timeframe & threshold: more flexibility & visibility  Commission: improvement of quality & speediness of answers & justification in legislative proposals

  10. 4. The way forward (2)  Question of impact of NPs’ reasoned opinions & contributions: crucial • Improvement in Commission’s annual reports • Introduction of an annual report by EP too?  Red card: not a solution (also negative, too limited)  Green card: interesting proposal

  11. 5. Conclusion  EWS has contributed to enhancement of relationships between NPs and EU institutions  But: NPs want to be involved beyond control of subsidiarity & have a more positive and political role

  12. Presentation by Diane Fromage Maastricht University Policy Department Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs Responsible Administrator: Eeva ERIKSSON poldep-citizens@europarl.europa.eu

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