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Explore the challenges of feeding a growing population while protecting the environment. Learn about the Green Revolution, monoculture, runoff, pesticides, soil erosion, desertification, and water depletion. Discover sustainable solutions.
Image from: http://www.sleepbamboo.com/planet_people.jpg WORLD POPULATION World clock • Current world population is over _____________ • Estimates predict it will reach 9 billion by _______ 7 BILLION 2050 http://www.peopleandplanet.net/
Does this look familiar? What is the Earth’scarrying capacity? ?
SUSTAINABILITY How can we grow enough food for all the people on the planet without destroying the environment? http://www.enjoy.org/hstech/HungerSite02/america/FordSchwartz/ http://ejcw.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/640x360-ag-runoff.jpg
Importance of Agriculture food shortages By middle of 20th century, despite agricultural advances there were ________________in many parts of the world. Governments and scientists began a major effort to ___________ food production http://www.enjoy.org/hstech/HungerSite02/america/FordSchwartz/ increase
GREEN __________ REVOLUTION strains • New plant ________ had higher yield & resisted pests 2. Modern farming__________ allowed planting larger areas 3. Chemical ___________ & ___________ boosted crop production and controlled pests techniques fertilizers pesticides http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/media/stills/agriculture/crops/t_plant-breeder.jpg http://www.wfbf.com/media_center/photo_gallery/Soybean%20combine.jpg
HOW DO WE GROW MORE FOOD? Large fields are planted with a single variety year after year = ____________ MONOCULTURE http://imagesource.allposters.com/images/NGSPOD04/107870.jpg
MONOCULTURE Allows farmers to grow large quantities of food BUT . . . http://agronomyday.cropsci.illinois.edu/2003/csrec-welcome/aeriel-view.jpg
But . . . HAS HUGE IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS __________ increase yield BUT . . . RUNOFF can cause algal blooms and ____________ Fertilizers DEAD ZONES http://www.biology-blog.com/images/blogs/10-2007/fertilizer-15101.gif
But . . . HAS HUGE IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS ________ kill insects that damage crops BUT . . . they kill ________ insects too Pesticides beneficial Bees Hand pollination http://cms1.good.is/posts/full_1289265646pesticides.jpg http://www.fllt.org/content/uploads/2014/12/1-Honey-Bee-001.jpg
But . . . HAS HUGE IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS Wearing away of topsoil = _________ is caused by plowing land and removing plant roots Soil erosion http://coweeta.ecology.uga.edu/coweeta_photographs/erosion.htm
But . . . HAS HUGE IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02075/COW_2075448c.jpg ________ from feedlots and fieldscan contaminate surface and ground water ____________ happens to clear trees forbeef farms Raising cows uses lots of ______ and releases ________ into the atmosphere increasing climate change. Runoff Deforestation water methane
Desertification Impact of Agriculture ______________ = changing of fertile land in dry climates into desert areas caused by farming, overgrazing, and drought http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Pao2Oe2O_W0/U5F99ppqiII/AAAAAAAAAlY/rlbQFoR4b2c/s1600/invisible+fences+1.jpg
But . . . HAS HUGE IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS Many Midwest states rely on the _________ aquifer for their water needs. We are using water faster than the ______cycle can replace it. Evidence indicates this aquifer may _________ within 20-40 years. OGALLALA water run dry http://www.suu.edu/faculty/bowman/Econ1740/HeilbronerZinn/ogallala_aquifer_map_pic_2.gif
HOW DO WE HELP? technology Modern_________ is changing how farmers farm and lessening the impact on the environment. EX: __________ imaging _____ technology enable farmers to only apply chemicals where__________ Satellite GPS needed
HOW DO WE FIX IT? “No-till” soil erosion ________ keeps plant residue in fieldsReduces __________ and protects ecosystems from runoff http://cbarc.aes.oregonstate.edu/images/no-till.jpg
HOW DO WE FIX IT? Cover crops Planting legumes, alfalfa, grasses and other __________keeps plants on soil between food crops - reduces __________ and protects ecosystems from runoff - reduces ______ - reduces need for fertilizer soil erosion weeds
HOW DO WE FIX IT? Crop rotation ______________ alternates what is crops are planted each year. - helps control ________ without pesticides - alternating with __________ replenishes soil nutrients without fertilizer insects legumes
HOW DO WE FIX IT? Controlled grazing ________________ = managing graze periods and herd densities - improves nutrient cycling - retains water - ________ desertification prevents http://www.uaex.edu/farm-ranch/animals-forages/images/006.jpg
HOW DO WE FIX IT? Biological __________ pest control uses natural predators like insects or spiders to kill insects instead of chemical pesticides http://static.dudeiwantthat.com/img/outdoors/garden/1500-live-ladybugs-11829.jpg
HOW DO WE FIX IT? Contour plowing _______________ = on hilly areas, plowing is done across the hill rather than straight up and down - prevents soil _______ from runoff erosion http://images.slideplayer.com/24/7068759/slides/slide_25.jpg
WHAT CAN YOU DO? LESS - Eat _____ meat - Don’t ______ food ~ 1/3 of all food produced worldwide, ($1 trillion) gets lost or wasted ~ US avg: 20 lbs/person/month wasted Per capita/year waste Food waste http://teacherweb.com/CA/NogalesHighSchool/mespinoza/fig50EnergyPyramid.jpg http://languagesoftheworld.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Meat-consumption-World.jpg
WHAT CAN YOU DO? INVISIBLE • Be aware of ___________ water Water the is used to produce productsthat we don’t know or don’t think about The PRODUCTION OF: 1 kg wheat costs 1,300 L water 1 kg rice costs 3,400 L water 1 kg eggs costs 3,300 L water 1 kg beef costs 15,000 L water 1 cotton shirt costs 2,500 L water 1000 g of blue jeans costs 10,850 liters water 1 ton passenger car costs 400,000 liters of water Building a house uses about 6 million liters of water Change the way you think Change the way you think about your laptop