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Together – getting things done. Presbyterians doing together what none of us can do on our own!. United Appeal is at the heart of our mission helping to fund people, events and projects, channelling the money you so generously give to make mission happen locally, nationally and internationally.
Presbyterians doing together what none of us can do on our own!
United Appeal is at the heart of our mission helping to fund people, events and projects, channelling the money you so generously give to make mission happen locally, nationally and internationally.
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them... Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Planting the seed… tending the crop... maturing the harvest.
Planting Eddie Spence is a community outreach worker attached to Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church in north Belfast. “I was praying and God said very plainly to me: What about vegetable plots?”
“It’s amazing the chats you have with people when you’re working the garden, and the meaningful conversations you can have about planting and harvesting both in an agricultural and spiritual sense.”
Tending Stephanie Windrum co-ordinates PCI Counselling which provides a professional, confidential service to individuals and couples on a wide range of issues. Currently the team consists of 13 trained counsellors from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and areas of special interest. All act in a voluntary capacity. Without their commitment the service would not exist.
Last year nearly five hundred hours of counselling were provided in addition to over fifty hours assessing new clients.
Nurturing Billy Patterson, Irish Mission worker attached to Drogheda Presbyterian Church, is one of the many people supported through United Appeal.For many years Billy has worked alongside minister Rev John Woodside, being responsible for outreach visitation and a weekly Bible study.
“Ministry here requires patience, perseverance and the support of the wider church.” Rev John Woodside.
Praying Your prayer support is vital Plan your prayers using the Prayer Handbook, Prayerline and Prayerfocus
Giving United Appeal will contribute £3,190,000 / €3,803,078 to help fund the mission of our Church in 2012 which comes from Presbyterians like you
Showing God’s love in action to hundreds of thousands of people is a huge ministry Every aspect of our Church’s mission depends to some extent on United Appeal