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LOGOS: The Voice of Reason

LOGOS: The Voice of Reason. English Composition 112 The University of Akron Lauren Garcia-DuPlain. What is Logos?. The REASON and STRUCTURE in your argument Facts and statistics Cited material Types of reasoning Comparison , deductive, inductive, etc.

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LOGOS: The Voice of Reason

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  1. LOGOS: The Voice of Reason English Composition 112 The University of Akron Lauren Garcia-DuPlain

  2. What is Logos? • The REASON and STRUCTURE in your argument • Facts and statistics • Cited material • Types of reasoning • Comparison, deductive, inductive, etc. • How you arrange the components Aristotle favored logic over the other persuasive strategies..

  3. Types of Reasoning Deductive Inductive • Move from general to specific • Major Premise: All human beings are mortal. • Minor Premise: John is a human being. • Conclusion: Therefore, John is mortal. • Move from specific to general • I loaned my friend $50 last November and he failed to pay me back. • I loaned him another $50 just before Christmas, which he hasn't paid back • and yet another $25 in January, which is still unpaid. • I suppose it's time to face facts: He's never going to pay me back. (Conclusion)

  4. Reasoning by Analogy • When we encounter a new situation, we may search for some familiar elements in it to give us an indication of what to do.  • Helps us to present our argument or reasoning in terms that our readers will understand • Be careful – analogies are rarely “on point” • You can’t easily compare wars, for example "MTV is to music as KFC is to chicken."
(Lewis Black)

  5. Arrangement “Sea levels would rise 20 feet if the Greenland Ice Sheet melted and 200 feet if the Antarctic Ice Sheet melted. This would result in coastal flooding of the most powerful economic cities on the face of the Earth, including New York City.” www.ehow.com Organization is part of LOGIC. What order will be most compelling to your audience?

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