“TRAING WITH NOAA” • NOAA BY: Cody Pacarro • grade 4 Mrs. Hasegawa
Why we cannot pollute the bay!!! The Hawaiian opihi is also important too Hawaii. Its dying because we are polluting the water that’s why its dying from all the polluting water we need too save it before it all dies.
FISH IN DANGER • Native fish are dying all around the Mauna lua bay area. They are dying from the polluted water. Their eggs are also dying from the pollutants in the water. The main threat is fertilizing materials to make your grass grow. Another threat is dog poop too. That’s why we need too be careful where we put it.
A BEAUTIFUL FISH NEEDS HELP!!! • This fish needs our help. How we can help it is that we don’t pollute the water. We were polluting it big time. With fertilizer and dog poop. There must have been a stream near by so the fertilizer and dog poop got put in the stream. That’s why we need to be mindful where we put it.