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Human Rights and HIV

Human Rights and HIV. Kikelomo Taiwo & Orain Edwards Youth Advocates. What are human rights to you?. Examples of rights. Right to Health Right to Education Right to Life Freedom of Expression Freedom of Conscience Freedom of Assembly Right to Bodily integrity Right to Privacy.

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Human Rights and HIV

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Rights and HIV Kikelomo Taiwo & Orain Edwards Youth Advocates

  2. What are human rights to you?

  3. Examples of rights Right to Health Right to Education Right to Life Freedom of Expression Freedom of Conscience Freedom of Assembly Right to Bodily integrity Right to Privacy

  4. Features of human rights • Fundamental: Individual need them to survive • Inherent: Not given, every person has them and is entitled to them by virtue of being human being • Inalienable: cannot be taken away • Universal: available to all without distinction regardless of gender, race, age, ethnicity or other status • Indivisible: No hierarchy in rights • Interdependent: Not separable, they are all connected

  5. Obligation of the State • RESPECT: the government shall not itself interfere or limit rights e.g. restrictive laws • PROTECT: restrain others from interfering with rights e.g. prohibit companies from providing sub- standard health services • FULFIL: take steps to ensure that its people enjoy their rights e.g. ensure there are hospitals and other institutions etc.

  6. What rights are being violated? Right to choose Right to information Right to health care and services Right to Education Right to freedom of expression

  7. Why are these rights violated • Fear of getting infected • Criminalization • Perceived relegated personality of people living with HIV • Ignorance • Poverty • Low moral and religious virtues/discipline • Low self esteem/inferiority complex • Poor capacity for mental, social and physical development • Low productivity


  9. Effects of Stigma and Discrimination Suicidal tendencies Discord within the Family unit Negative Branding of communities Insecurity Low productivity of PLWHA Inequality


  11. Video screening

  12. What has been done? Enacting laws Awareness creation Emerging champion

  13. Group work (exercise) Write up an action plan

  14. Group presentation and discussion

  15. Thank You

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