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Kaakkuri school 7D. Proudly presents :. Recycling in school lunch room. Where does the food come from ?. The main part of the foodstuff comes from the domestic big whole sales ( Kesko,Ingman ). Fish is ordered from a local supplier (Hätälä).
Kaakkuri school 7D Proudlypresents:
Wheredoes the food comefrom? • The main part of the foodstuffcomes from the domestic big wholesales (Kesko,Ingman). • Fish is orderedfrom a localsupplier (Hätälä). • Bread is deliveredpartlybylocal (Pullapirtti,Kuivas) and partly fromdistantbakeries (Vaasan).
How is the food prepared? Food is preparedmainly of freshfeedstock in the schoolkitchenby the cooksthemselves.
Action in lunchroom Taking the food Eating - enjoying
Aftereating Leaving the dirtydishes The smallbiowastecontainers in lunchroom
Whatwillbedonefor the leftovers? • The food whichhasnotbeenserved and notbeen on the opencontainerswillbestored in the cold-storageordeepfreezed and servedduring the lunch in the nextdayorlater in the future. • The food thathasbeenserved on the opencontainerswillbethrown in the biowastecontainer.
Organicwaste Organicwaste is collectedfrom the smallcontainers into a big container and delivered to the organicwastestation.
The rest of the wastegoes to the mixedwaste
The menu of oneweekin November 2011: Monday: Sausages and mashedpotatoes Tuesday: Meatsoup Wednesday: Salmonballs and mashedpotatoes Thursday: Mincemeatsauce Friday: Chicken and potatocasserole Mashedpotatoes is perhapsnot the favourite food?
The lunchroomcommittee Whathas the committeebeendoing in order to minimize the amount of the organicwaste? It • hasprovided the smallerorganicwastecontainers into the lunchroom in order to minimize the amount of organicwaste. • haspromised the favourite food day, if the amount of the organicwastewillbereducedapproximately to 3-5 kg per day. • haspreparedinformalposterswithslogans to the lunchroom • hasinformedpupilsthroughcentral radio and the big screen in lunch room.
Slogans: Take as much as youareable to eat! Eatitallup! Youcanalwaysgetmore food later!
Conclusions: The recycling is diverse and effective and runningquitewell in ourschool. The problemconcerning the amount of the food wastestillexists! The work is going on…
In cooperation : Translators Interviewers Editors Fotographers
And bysmallassistancefrom: Teachers Liisa Kaasila & Marja-Maija Riipinen