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Imagining a Computerized Information Retrieval System of the Future

Discover a futuristic online system blending command-line prompts with natural language processing. Search diverse topics efficiently using keyword indices and human-like interactions. Uncover expert systems for health diagnosis and library research, merging cutting-edge technology with user-friendly experiences. Explore the intersection of human emotion recognition in computers, pondering ways to humanize digital interactions for a more intuitive user experience.

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Imagining a Computerized Information Retrieval System of the Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imagining a Computerized Information Retrieval System of the Future

  2. A little history... “My feet are killing me!”

  3. Command-line system WELCOME TO OUR SYSTEM COMMAND: START CAT FIND TW HEALTH FEET Look for “health” and “feet” Use the “Title Words” index Access the main online catalog Perform a search

  4. Command-line system MAIN CATALOG QUERY: FIND TW HEALTH FEET RESULTS: The health of the lumber industry in terms of cubic feet of lumber produced

  5. Web-based OPAC health and feet

  6. Results Full Title The health of the lumber industry in terms of cubic feet of lumber produced

  7. Searching by subject heading foot care

  8. Subject heading list Foot care and hygiene

  9. And the results… The doctor's sore foot book / Daniel M. McGann and L.R. Robinson ; drawings by EricMiller. 1991

  10. Natural language Welcome to our site Please type your question in the box: I’m looking for a yarn store Perform Search

  11. Handling natural language Eliminate stop words and phrases I’m looking for a yarn store find yarn and store

  12. Natural language Our nice site Question: I’m looking for a yarn store Results: How to store your yarn safely

  13. Matching key words I’m looking for a yarn store my How do I store yarn

  14. Natural language enhanced Our even better site Please type your question in the box: I’m looking for a store that sells yarn Perform Search

  15. Handling natural language Parse syntax of sentence I’m looking for a store that sells yarn Direct object Object of verb in modifying phrase find yarn (as grammatical object) and store (as grammatical object)

  16. Natural language enhanced Our even better site Question: I’m looking for a store that sells yarn Results: Howdy’s. This is an old-fashioned store where you’re likely to find an old-timer seated on the porch spinning a fantastic yarn.

  17. Expert system Diagnosis Patient’s temperature Patient’s age Patient’s gender Is patient in pain? Does patient have a rash? M F Y N Y N

  18. Expert system Diagnosis Does rash cover patient’s entire body? If not, which areas are affected? Y N Face Legs Feet Torso Arms Hands Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N

  19. Expert system Diagnosis Has patient gone hiking lately? Has patient been in contact with outdoor plants? Y N Y N

  20. Expert system Diagnosis Does rash look like either of these? Poison ivy Poison oak Y N Y N

  21. Expert system Treatment Act sympathetic.

  22. Expert system - travel

  23. Experimental expert system : Smart Database Selector Select Type of Information (Choose a type of information; then specify other criteria) Choose a Broad Subject Choose a Database Level Arts & Humanities Life Sciences and Medicine Physical Sciences & Engineering Social Sciences Business and Economics Education Law Multisubjects General interests level Scholarly level for humanities Scholarly level for social sciences Scholarly level for scientific/technical information Choose Type of Information Choose a Database Type A-V review Biographical information Book chapters Book review Conference proceedings Current events Editorials… Bibliographic Directory Full Text Numerical Select Source: Ma, Wei. 2002. A database selection expert system based on reference librarians’ database selection strategy: a usability and empirical evaluation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 53(7):567-580.

  24. Future retrieval system for library Rivendell Public Library Welcome to the Rivendell Public Library online information retrieval system.

  25. Keep in mind...

  26. Can we “humanize” a computer system? Provide the system with Social Intelligence Ability to sense, recognize, and respond to human emotion Picard, Rosalind. 201. Building HAL: computers that sense, recognize, and response to human emotion. In Human vision and electronic imaging VI. Available at: http://pubs.media.mit.edu/pubs/papers/TR-532.pdf Facial expression recognition

  27. Facial expression recognition

  28. Can we “humanize” a computer system? Provide the system with Social Intelligence Ability to sense, recognize, and respond to human emotion Picard, Rosalind. 201. Building HAL: computers that sense, recognize, and response to human emotion. In Human vision and electronic imaging VI. Available at: http://pubs.media.mit.edu/pubs/papers/TR-532.pdf Facial expression recognition Vocal inflection recognition Reasoning about emotion given text input about goals and actions

  29. Can we “humanize” a computer system? IBM’s Emotion Mouse Picard, Rosalind. 201. Building HAL: computers that sense, recognize, and response to human emotion. In Human vision and electronic imaging VI. Available at: http://pubs.media.mit.edu/pubs/papers/TR-532.pdf

  30. A caveat... “Clippit” aka “Clippy”

  31. The public responds

  32. Comics respond

  33. Clippy’s fate

  34. Expert system for library Rivendell Public Library I would like to search independently I would like guidance from the virtual librarian

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