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Kids in Simple Service: Engaging Children in Community Projects

A program to instill Seventh-day Adventist children with giving spirit, leadership skills, and responsibility by engaging in service projects. Inspire lifelong leadership qualities through meaningful community service activities. Implement projects, schedule activities, and stay involved to nurture a culture of service among kids.

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Kids in Simple Service: Engaging Children in Community Projects

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  1. Kids In Simple Service A Component of Gracelink Curriculum Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  2. Kids In Simple Service… engages children, ages 5 through 12, in community service. It is an integral part of the Gracelink curriculum Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  3. Our Mission Our mission is to instill in Seventh-day Adventist children the spirit of giving while providing valuable education in leadership and responsibility. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  4. The Vision Our vision is to develop lifelong leadership qualities through service projects. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  5. Service Projects for Kids “Getting kids involved in the ministry of helping others is the best way to teach them about how we are to serve others and follow the example that Jesus gave to us.” Denise Oliveri Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  6. How to get started. Do a windshield survey. If possible visit facilities. Choose a project. Schedule the activity. Stay involved. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  7. Windshield Survey Drive or walk around your church’s neighborhood. Identify who lives in the houses and/or what services are being offered. Determine the cultural group make-up of the neighborhood. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  8. Visits and Personal Contact • Conduct a survey of the residents. Find out if • there are needs that are not being met. • Visit local service providers to see if they have • projects in which the children can participate. • Offer to help other church departments such • as Adventist Community Services. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  9. Choose a Project Remember they are serving in the name of Christ. Start small so that they can be successful. Get involved with the project the children will feel most comfortable with. Keep it simple Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  10. Schedule an Activity Pray, Pray, Pray! Before setting up times and dates for children to serve. Make sure you have enough supervisors. Let the children know that they are there to witness through their behavior and service. Talk about the experience afterwards and make plans for continued service. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  11. Don’t Stop! If we only engage in service once per year, then we are teaching our children only do it once per year. There are needs all year long, not just around the holidays. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  12. Ellen G. White “His life was one of constant self-sacrifice. He had no home in this world except as the kindness of friends provided for Him as a wayfarer. He came to live in our behalf the life of the poorest and to walk and work among the needy and the suffering. Unrecognized and unhonored, He walked in and out among the people for whom He had done so much… During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching. His miracles testified to the truth of His words, that He came not to destroy, but to save.” Ministry of Healing, p. 19 Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  13. Kids in Simple Service Ideas • Sort through and organize donations given to • agencies. • Help prepare and serve the food at a soup • kitchen or hospice. • Plan activities and performances at homeless • shelters, soup kitchens, or hospices. • Do yard work or general cleanup of any • facility. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  14. Kids in Simple Service Ideas • Create activity bags for hospitalized • children. • A free car wash. A Bible scripture can be • placed on the seat when finished. • Car wash to raise funds for a community • need. • Free water bottles (with scripture verses) • at community events.

  15. What Comes Next? Service is the children’s outreach to others, to those who may not know and love the Jesus they serve. They will take a message of hope for the future by their actions.  The Holy Spirit will provide opportunities for children to give those they serve the invitation to become a part of the family of God. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  16. Go Fish For Kids Go Fish for Kids (GF4K) is a hand-on, interactive, visual approach that teaches around the learning style cycles and includes all modalities for kids ages 5 - grades 6. It equips them with the tools to share their story of Jesus love with others in a clear and fun way. Contact www.childmin.com for more information. Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  17. Resources • Available at www.adventistbookcenter.com • Radical Prayer by Derek Morris (paperback - 2008) • 40 Days: Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the • Second Coming by Dennis Smith (paperback - 2009) • Hands-on Service Ideas for Youth Groups by • Steve Case and Fred Cornforth (paperback - 1995) • Embracing Diversity by Leslie N Pollard (paperback - • 2000) Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  18. Resources www.Amazon.com The Kid's Guide to Service Projects: Over 500 Service Ideas for Young People Who Want to Make a Difference by Barbara A. Lewis (Paperback - Oct. 1, 2009) Kids Taking Action: Community Service Learning Projects, K-8 by Pamela Roberts (Paperback - Apr. 23, 2002) 101 Simple Service Projects Kids Can Do (Teacher Training Series) by Susan L. Lingo (Paperback - Apr. 2000) Helping Kids Help: Organizing Successful Charitable Projects by Renée Heiss (Paperback - Feb. 28, 2007) Activities For Little Fingers - Guide To Inexpensive Projects For Boys And Girls Of All Ages by CompTel Services (Kindle Edition - Sept. 30, 2008) - Kindle Book Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

  19. Internet Resources • www.kidsministryideas.com • www.childmin.com • www.gracelink.net • http://www.h.e.a.r.t.s.org/ • http://www.ehow.comway_5164033 • community-service-projects-kids-under.html • http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/serviceideas.shtm • http://circle.adventist.org/files/nadspiritual/ ServiceProjectIdeas.pdf Learning Styles & Modes of Learning

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