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Transfer of knowledge: the evaluation of mutual benefits

Transfer of knowledge: the evaluation of mutual benefits. Meile Kretaviciene, Kaunas Elisabeth Husem, Oslo. Inspiration.

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Transfer of knowledge: the evaluation of mutual benefits

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  1. Transfer of knowledge: the evaluation of mutual benefits Meile Kretaviciene, Kaunas Elisabeth Husem, Oslo

  2. Inspiration Communication is all-important in partnerships - to share information, develop professional skills and awareness, and promote the interchange of ideas. To be successful and sustainable there must be a two way process! Jean Shaw, UK. EAHIL Newsletter, 1996, nr.36

  3. Background • The Baltic and the Nordic countries have always been closely linked • The Nordic/Baltic health libraries programme was initiated in 1994

  4. Norway - Lithuania • Norway and Lithuania have established a special bilateral programme

  5. Situation before partnership program • Soviet type library: • closed access to holding • political literature formed 20% of the holding • 54% of publications were in Russian • 30% in Lithuanian • 16% in foreign languages

  6. Needs for doctors and students • International textbooks and medical books • International journals • Access to databases • Full text journal articles

  7. Needs for medical librarians • Information on new library technologies • Up-to-date professional literature • Participation in international conferences • Contacts with foreign libraries and librarians.

  8. Study tour to Oslo 2001 • Six Lithuanian health librarians came to Oslo on a study tour • The programme included visits to several medical libraries and health institutions

  9. Study tour … • They gave presentations of their libraries and met with many Norwegian colleagues • This meeting contributed in fulfilling our aim of a mutual transfer of knowledge

  10. Pleasure time

  11. Task Force… • Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic Sea Region • SMH joined the Task Force project • experiences in cooperation • network established in the Baltic countries

  12. St Petersburg • Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies (MAPS) • SMH and Meile have visited MAPS • The MAPS library is now included into the Nordic-Baltic partnership programme

  13. St PetersburgThe Winter-palace (not MAPS)!

  14. Transfer of Knowledge programme I and II • Since year 2000 SMH has organized continuing education programmes for Baltic librarians in cooperation with the Danish association and Kaunas Medical University Library

  15. The course participants

  16. Classroom in Kaunas

  17. Searching PubMed

  18. Transfer of Knowledge III • Next time more activity from all participants

  19. Evaluation of mutual benefits • What have we learned? • What are the benefits that we, the Nordic partners, and especially the Norwegian partners, have gained? • Has there been a two way process?

  20. Benefits • We have broadened our knowledge and horizons in many ways: • understanding of the situation for medical libraries in the Baltic countries • Lithuanian culture, history and their way of living • course holders gained experience • new ways of thinking

  21. Challenges • Language barrier • Strenuous communication and dialogue • Lack of feedback

  22. Positive results of Partnership Program • Acquired knowledge was a stimulus to organize training courses for library personnel as well for library user • As a result informatics has been included as a new subject into the University study program for Public health students.

  23. Positive results … • The importance of the role of medical librarian in medical community is continually increasing • Creation of Baltic Association for Medical Libraries (BAML)

  24. Negative factors for partnership • Language problems • Financial problems • Psychological barriers tocommunicate

  25. Factors for successful partnership • Long-term partnership program • Partnership between national associations rather than between twin libraries • Mutual analysis of needs and mutual program creation

  26. Factors for success… • Priority for professional development • Support to attend conferences and workshops • Involving into activities of professional associations

  27. Conclusion - Meile • The partnership program between Baltic and Nordic medical libraries and the knowledge gained from Nordic colleagues have contributed very much to our professional achievements. • The close collaboration between SHM and Lithuanian medical libraries remains to be an important stimulus for our future activities.

  28. No singing barriers!

  29. Singing and dancinga happy and relaxed atmosphere

  30. Conclusion - Elisabeth • Cross boundaries - Join forces • professional network • friendship and understanding • rewarding

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