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BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview

BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview. Ecosystem of the Eastern Part of Halimun Forest Sub-districts of Nanggung and Sukajaya Bogor District. What:

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BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview

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  1. BRAVO: Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview Ecosystem of the Eastern Part of Halimun Forest Sub-districts of Nanggung and Sukajaya Bogor District

  2. What: As the result of the extension of Gunung Halimun National Park (40,000 ha) into Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park or TNGHS (113,375 ha), the villagers’ agricultural lands (rice fields and dry lands) which were under the management of the production forest area of Perum Perhutani are now part of the TNGHS’s area. The unclear legal status of the community’s access to their agricultural lands and life space has encouraged such tendency – the villagers expand their agricultural lands. Meanwhile, the legal opportunity of involving the community in the management of the national park area has not been used appropriately. . The BR tool to be used is advocacy for the Agreed Spatial Planning Plan or Rencana Tata Ruang Kesepakatan (RTRK) and/or Special Area zonation or Zonasi Kawasan Khusus. The objectives of this strategy are: 1) To promote the acknowledgement of PSDHBM Model (KDTK & K2LPR) through Collaborative Management Scheme, 2) To have a dialogue of community-TNGHS-other related parties and of between community members on conservation issues, policies related to conservation area spatial planning and collaborative management program. It is expected, through this strategy, that the community will arrive at an understanding of the access to management space in the conservation area and that the TNGHS will arrive at an understanding of the community-initiated models to be used as informative inputs for the determination of Special Zone within the TNGHS conservation area. The stages of the collaborative management process are: participatory mapping, community planning, ground checking (participatory observation) and MoU issuance stage. The success story of collaborative management within a conservation area stipulated as special zone management is the determination of Area with Specific Purposes (Kawasan Dengan Tujuan Khusus) in Lampung Barat Province, facilitated by LATIN organization and ICRAF. Inspired by such success story and strengthened by existing policies, it is rational enough to implement the chosen strategy in Halimun Area. With this strategy, the clear legal status of the community’s access to the national park area, and the agreement on area management, the thread – the extension of the community’s agricultural land – can be reduced. Who: The target group consists of 10,589 people from 27 kampongs of 3 villages of 2 sub-districts. These people live and stay within the TNGHS area, the extended ex-Perum Perhutani national park. Ten (10) kampongs initiated the KDTK and K2LPR management models; 1 kampong is at the community planning activity stage; 8 kampongs are at the participatory mapping stage; and 8 kampongs are about to come to the first stage of the collaborative management process. TNGHS and other related parties are the target groups for the acknowledgement of KDTK and K2LPR collaborative management. BRAVO: Rangkuman Eksekutif BRAVO Scores Feasibility Score: 3.45 Impact Score: 3.67

  3. Executive Summary When: The program will be implemented, more or less, within 1.5 year, starting in July 2009. The phases of the program are: preparation phase (reassessment of PSDHBM concept, secondary data collection), implementation phase (review of PSDHBM Model versus MKK, verification of study result, expert discussions, dialogues & negotiations, ground checking, development of spatial function regulation of PSDHBM, signing of collaborative management MoU), monitoring and evaluation phase, and reporting phase. How: The program implementation requires USD 12,000. The fundraising process starts from the development of proposal document which will be submitted to Rare and/or other donors. In addition to that, it is attempted to have contributions of the community, local government (pemkab) and RMI. The program implementation team consists of a campaign manager working collaboratively with the team from Directorate of Community Empowerment-RMI (Direktorat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat-RMI), volunteers, community, TNGHS staff, and other parties having an interest to support this program implementation.

  4. TOC BC  CR TR  • BR  IC+ K+ A+ Within the community there is discussions over: access right VS ownership right, environmental supporting power of a PSDHBM model concept, species of local edible plant available in the area of TNGHS, potential policy & collaborative management program, TNGHS zonation The community knows about: the ecology, social, and economy functions of PSDHBM site, the policy of conservation site spatial planning – zonation, the policy and program of collaborative management in the conservation site, the limits of “ownership” right and “access” user right over the land within the conservation area, species of local edible plant (endemic) in TNGHS areathat can be cultivated on the basis of the community’s PSDHBM concept Reduced-and-minimized TNGHS conservation area clearing Sustainable Forest Ecosystem in Halimun Stop clearing new lands and adopt PSDHBM patterns RTRK advocacy and or special site zonation The community agrees on: their ecology-, social-, and economy-based PSDHBM model, the understanding of “access” right over their PSDHBM concept/model, that PSDHBM model should consider the supporting power of the community (population growth), their PSDHBM model consisting local edible plant (endemic) of the TNGHS

  5. BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (1 of 3)

  6. BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (2 of 3)

  7. BRAVO Drafting Guidelines Economics (3 of 3)

  8. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesTechnical (1 of 2)

  9. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesTechnical (2 of 2)

  10. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesCultural/Political (1 of 2)

  11. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesCultural/Political (2 of 2)

  12. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesImpact and Metrics (1 of 2)

  13. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesImpact and Metrics (2 of 2)

  14. Barrier Removal Assessment and Viability Overview (BRAVO)Composite Score Enter average scores in the right hand column. Then take the feasibility score and enter it into Miradi and the Impact score and enter it into Miradi. Where either score is below X for either feasibly or impact, consider the strategy to be inappropriate and assess the need to conduct a second BRAVO that reviews a different strategy.

  15. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesRisk Factors

  16. BRAVO Drafting GuidelinesAuthors and approvals

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