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Brief presentation of funding instruments Africa at the Universities in Turku / Åbo, 23.10.2012 Annika Sundbäck, Global Higher Education Team CIMO – Centre for International Mobility. Outline. 1. North-South-South Programme (exchanges and intensive courses)
Brief presentation of funding instruments Africa at the Universities in Turku / Åbo, 23.10.2012 Annika Sundbäck, Global Higher Education Team CIMO – Centre for International Mobility
Outline 1. North-South-South Programme (exchanges and intensive courses) 2. HEI ICI Higher Education Institutional Capacity Building Programme (projects) 3. EU programmes for cooperation with Africa 4. ADEA Association for Development of Education in Africa
North-South-South • The North-South-South Programme (2010-2012) started in 2004 • Total budget €6 MIL 2010-2012 / 4 MIL website? Mobility grants? • Priorities, activities
North-South-South Currently 45 networks supported Networks supported within health (most), teacher and inclusive education, renewable energy and environment, forestry, urban planning, ICT, vetmed, journalism, media and film production, tourism, entrepreneurship, water management. Most popular partner countries: South-Africa, Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya, Botswana, Ethiopia, Vietnam – but NSS networks also in Mali, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Belarus The application round of the next NSS programme phase (2013-2015) to open in the beginning of 2013, if budget > €5 MIL approval of Parliament Ministry Quality Group CIMO Programme Steering Committee.
North-South-South –programme: Current priority countries and regions ODA (Official Development Assistance) list of OECD Long‐term partner countries: Vietnam, Nepal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia Other partner countries: Egypt, Namibia, South Africa and Peru Finland’s primary cooperation regions Megon River Region: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus; Southern Caucasia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia; and Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tadžikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Central America: Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama The Andean Community: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe The Horn of Africa: Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, Djibouti Western Africa: Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Gambia
HEI ICI, HigherEducationInstitutionalCapacity Building Instrument Aim is capacity building of HEIs in the South, Least Developed Countries according to ODA: http://www.oecd.org/investment/aidstatistics/48858205.pdf Budget €9,7 MIL 2010-2012 1-3 years projects, €100-500.000/project Project aims; improved quality and relevance of HE, enhanced leadership and governance, information management, HE and society Only HEI partners eligible for funding, but associate partners may involve Ministries (Education, Health, Agriculture), research institutes, employers, labour market, NGOs. Staff costs, travel costs, equipment/procurements, administrative costs, 10% contingency (flexibility)
HEI ICI, Higher Education Institution Institutional Capacity Building Instrument Application round now open until November 23rd 2012. The whole budget of €9.7 MIL will be allocated under this Call. New colleague joining the global team/HEI ICI as of 24.10; Annica Moore (previously UniPID) Currently 15 projects supported: 1 in Palestine, 3 in Asia, 11 in Africa (1 Egypt, rest sub-Saharan) 13 University-coordinated, health and health informatics, teacher education and literacy training, forestry, environment, university management, use of educational technology http://www.cimo.fi/instancedata/prime_product_julkaisu/cimo/embeds/cimowwwstructure/22983_HEI_ICI_projects_2011-2012.pdf
EU programmes for cooperation with Africa Tempus Information Day Helsinki 4.12.2012
Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) • ADEA aims at enhancing policy dialogue among African Ministries of Education, producing information, research and best practice. • Network of African Ministries of Education, educational regional networks, NGOs, UNESCO, Unicef, World Bank etc • Created in 1988, Finland provides support since 1996, secretariat at the African Development Bank in Tunis • Several working groups under ADEA, Finland supports the WGs of 1. Higher Education 2. Early Childhood Education 3. Educational Management and Policy Support 4. Teacher education http://www.adeanet.org/adeaPortal/ • EFA Seminar in Jyväskylä 8-9.11.2012 / ADEA Higher Education WG as well as African Union Youth Ambassadors • https://www.jyu.fi/edu/en/international-seminar-on-the-education-for-all
More information • North-South-Southprogramme • www.northsouthsouth.fi • HEI ICI programme • http://www.cimo.fi/programmes/hei_ici • EU programmes http://www.cimo.fi/ohjelmat/tempus THANK YOU Annika.sundback-lindroos@cimo.fi