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Africa and Madagascar Regional Program. Africa and Madagascar Regional Program- Strategic Goals by 2012. SO 1 & 2 Identify all the terrestrial and marine KBAs in Hotspots, HBWAs and 2 sea-scapes Advance on definition and identification of freshwater KBAs
Africa and Madagascar Regional Program- Strategic Goals by 2012 • SO 1 & 2 • Identify all the terrestrial and marine KBAs in Hotspots, HBWAs and 2 sea-scapes • Advance on definition and identification of freshwater KBAs • Implement conservation investment directly or through partners in all Hotspots, HBWAs and 2 seascapes • Support extension of community engagement strategy piloted in Cape and Succulent Karoo into Maputaland-Pondoland Albany Hotspot • Ensure that CEPF investment in Afromontane Highlands and Mediterranean Basin has progressed to investment phase and KBAs are identified • Launched partner-led KBA definition in East African Coastal Forests • Attracted sufficient investment for KBA definition in Horn of Africa and conducted desk study • Invest directly or through partners in all AZE sites • SO 3 • Complete terrestrial vertebrate threatened species assessments • Identify conservation strategies for species occurring beyond site scale • Advance on marine and freshwater species assessments • Invasive species risk assessment for African Islands • Conservation plan for large vertebrates in Horn of Africa involving Middle Eastern partners
Africa and Madagascar Program Strategic Goals by 2012 • Develop a network of conservation and development partners to implement conservation and human well being activities across continent • Create CBCs in Southern Africa, Congo Basin and West Africa • Launched Biodiversity Training Network with conservation training centers in east, west and southern Africa • Climate change focal points in West Africa, Congo Basin, Southern Africa and Madagascar/IOI, led by policy center in South Africa CBC • Establish a network of CBC fundraisers tasked with financial sustainability • Establishing early warning system for the identification of emerging threats to KBAs
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Africa and Madagascar
Southern Africa Wilderness Program Strategic Outcomes 1 Strategic Outcome 3 Lower Orange River TFCA: By end-2010, linking a chain of disconnected protected areas under one Joint Management Plan by expanding the existing Ai-Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier Park into a much larger TFCA, thereby ensuring harmonized management across almost the entire Succulent Karoo Biome. WKCC: By end-2010, to establish effective conservation corridors linking Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and Central Kalahari Game Reserve and are managed according to a comprehensive management plan. KAZA TFCA: By end-2009, to have established a four-nation conservation corridor along the Kwando River which allows free movement of wildlife between Botswana through Namibia and into Angola and Zambia, with key conservation actions aligned between countries. Globally threatened species in Miombo Mopane HBWA: By end-2012, to achieve the land use planning, policy implementation, conservation actions and economic viability for sustainable populations of key threatened species. FY09: $200,000 Overall: $1 million (Planning & Initial implementation) FY09: $350,000 Overall: $2 million FY09: $150,000 Overall: $1 million FY09: $646,000 Overall: $2,6 million To be determined 9 sites (Nine) 6 sites (six) 6 sites (six) • Sioma Ngwezi N P • Kwando Comm. Cons. • Luiana Partial Reserve • Richtersveld WHS • Ai Ais Richtersveld TFP • Sperrgebiet N P • Kgalagadi TFP • Central Kalahari G R • Intervening WMAs • Multiple plant species • Multiple bird & mammal spp • Multiple other species Long-term Strategy Southern Africa Wilderness
Southern Africa Wilderness Program Strategic Outcome 4 Miombo Mopane HBWA: By June 2010, to have completed full Outcomes Definition and Conservation Prioritization within MM HBWA, by way of CI collaborating with an alliance of partners, thereby establishing the foundation for a strategic and optimized conservation approach across a major important biome of Africa FY09: None committed Overall: $ 1 million 5 (Five) • Output: Completed regional policy changes needed for conservation outcomes success, as defined by action plan. • Establish an alliance of partners to collaborate in resource acquisition to enable a process of Outcomes Definition and Conservation Prioritization in Miombo Mopane HBWA. • Develop, collate, and establish the knowledge base required for meaningful process of Outcomes Definition and Conservation Prioritization • Facilitate a process of collaborative development of Outcomes Definition and Conservation Prioritization in MM HBWA • Output: Necessary regional ownership of the conservation initiative and public support for its conservation objectives. • Engage with regional bodies (SADC), national (govt) and local authorities and stakeholders to achieve acceptance and support for collective implementation of policies and actions MM HBWA Long-term Strategy Southern Africa Wilderness
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Southern Africa Wilderness
Southern Africa Wilderness Program FY09 Activities/Initiatives: • SO1-Corridors • KAZA TFCA: 1. Prioritize KBA & Ecosystem Services • 2. Develop Transboundary Natural Resource Management Plans • LOR TFCA: 1. Develop an Integrated Conservation & Development Plan • 2. Establish regional conservation partnerships • WKCC: 1. Conduct baseline socio-economic and biodiversity surveys • 2. Produce a Tourism Management Plan • SO3-Species • Wild dog studies in WKCC • Conflict mitigation (predator) studies in WKCC • Define key corridors in KAZA • SO4-Sustainability • 1. Establish a Partnership Alliance for MM HBWA • 2. Develop fund-raising strategy for MM HBWA FY09 Overview Southern Africa Wilderness
Congo Forests High Biodiversity Wilderness Area * SO1s :5.9 million ha of biodiversity habitat in three corridors are functioning and sustainable by 2011 Kokolopori Bonobo: Consolidate this 400k ha Corridor by 2009. Central DRC Maiko Tayna Kahuzi-Biega: Consolidate this 2.8 mil ha corridor by 2011. Eastern DRC. Monte Alen – Monts de Cristal: Consolidate this 2.7 mil ha corridor by 2011. EG and Gabon CI FY09 Financial investment: $1,411,671 GCF FY09 Financial investment: $114,000 CI FY09 Financial investment: $490,647 8 sites (macro-zones) 1 site 7 sites (macro-zones) • Maiko National Park • UGADEC community zone (including Tayna & Kisimba NRs) • Kahuzi-Biega National Park • Monte Alen National Park EG • Monts de Cristal Gabon • Altos de Nsork National Park EG • Kokolopori Developing Nature Reserve * Approximately 750,000 ha of the Maiko Tayna Kahuzi-Biega Corridor is in the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot (Albertine Rift highlands) Long-term Strategy Central Africa Program
Congo Forests High Biodiversity Wilderness Area SO2 :400,000 ha of biodiversity habitat outside of corridors are functioning and sustainable SO3 :No extinctions of globally threatened species occur in Hotspots or Hi-biodiversity Wilderness Areas Itombwe Massif: Consolidate this 400k CBNRM (mosaic of integral and development zones) through support to partner WWF by 2011. Eastern DRC. Outcome: By 2010, complete a KBA analysis for DRC, as first step in a regional analysis for the Congo forests. This initiative would provide KBAs for the wilderness area and the western mountains of the Albertine Rift (Hotspot) in DRC, and could serve as a pilot program for the remainder of the Congo wilderness area. To be developed. CI FY09 Financial investment: approx $150,000 of CARPE subgrant (but no CI funds) 1 site CI Financial Investment: None. To be developed with external funding; approximate total cost would be $1 mil • Itombwe mountains Number of species: > 45 threatened species Key species: Gorilla beringei graueri; G. g. gorilla; Pan troglodytes; P. paniscus; Loxodona africana; and many others, including for e.g. Conraua goliath Long-term Strategy Central Africa Program
Central Africa Program SO4 :Conditions for Sustainability of Conservation Outcomes created and maintained Outcome: Create sustainable financing mechanisms for current CI corridors in DRC and EG in conjunction with governmental and NGO partners and GCF. In EG, establish the Convenio de Cooperación with government with aim of developing a National Trust Fund mechanism to support and maintain conservation outcomes. In DRC, work with GCF and partners to establish 2 separate site-based trust funds for: 1) the eastern DRC corridor Maiko Tayna Kahuzi-Biega; and 2) the Kokolopori Corridor in central Equateur. • CI Long-term Financial Investment: • Match Funds for Convenio = $4.1 mil • GCF Trust Fund contribution = at least $3 mil • Output 1: Develop Action Plan for Trust Fund and Conservation Outcomes • Develop action plan for trust fund mechanisms for DRC and EG to include potential carbon credit market and emerging REDD options • Output 2: Implement Monitoring System to Adaptively Manage Action Plan • Develop capacity of scientific staff in both EG and DRC to adequately assess carbon sequestration and to develop and implement a monitoring system for REDD. Long-term Strategy Central Africa Program
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Central Africa Program
Congo Forests High Biodiversity Wilderness Area FY09 Activities/Initiatives: • SO1 - Maiko Tayna Kahuzi-Biega Corridor • Complete Land Use Management Plan (LUP) for CBFP Landscape • Achieve legal protected status for three UGADEC reserves • SO1 – Monte Alen-Monts de Cristal Corridor • Complete Land Use Management Plan (LUP) for CBFP Landscape • Achieve legal protected status for National Forest, EG • SO1 – Kokolopori Bonobo Corridor • Complete Management and Business Plan for Nature Reserve • Achieve legal protected status for Nature Reserve • SO3 – KBA analysis of DRC as pilot for Congo Basin • Secure funding through DBU grant • SO4 – Create Sustainable Financing for Central Africa Programs • Finalize “Convenio” contract with government of EG • Develop Action plan (development and Trust Fund Mechanisms) for DFGFI Trust Fund FY09 Overview Central Africa Program
Central Africa Program Outputs to be Completed in FY09: • SO2-KBA’s • Secure funding to begin KBA analysis for DRC as pilot for Congo Basin • SO4-Sustainability • Action plan for trust fund mechanisms and carbon finance for DRC and EG • Improved capacity of scientific staff in both EG and DRC to assess carbon sequestration and to develop and implement a monitoring system for REDD. • SO1-Corridors • Management plan for Bioko Island Corridor, EG • Management plan and Gazettement of Kokolopori Bonobo Corridor, DRC and National Forest, for Monte Alen Corridor, EG • Landscape LUP and gazettement of three community nature reserves for Maiko Tayna Corridor, DRC • SO3-Species • Action Plans for bonobo and Grauer’s gorilla • Censusing of great apes and large mammals in eastern DRC • Secure funding to conduct census work for great apes and large mammals in EG FY09 Overview
Guinean Forest Hotspot SO2: X hectares of biodiversity habitats outside of corridors are functioning and sustainable SO3: X No extinctions of globally threatened species occur in hotspots or High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas SO2 Description: By 2018, sites and the ecological processes that support them in the Guinean Forest Hotspot will be conserved through a network of effectively managed protected areas SO3 Description: By 2018, programs will be implemented across the Guinean Forest Hotspot to reduce/ prevent extinctions of globally threatened species. $ 522,041 $ 88,666 • Endemic • 28 CR • 96 EN • 150 VU 2 Sites • Kakum • Mamang Forest Reserve • Crocidura wimmeri • Bufo taiensis • Conraua derooi • Dermochelys coriacea Long-term Strategy Ghana Program
Guinean Forest Hotspot SO4: Conditions for Sustainability of Conservation Outcomes Created and Maintained SO4: By 2018 conditions for sustainability of conservation outcomes created and maintained in the Guinean Forest Hotspot Standard Output: Ghana by 2010 biodiversity concerns incorporated into the life cycle of Newmont Ghana Gold Mining operations in its concession areas. Long-term Strategy Ghana Program
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Ghana Program
Guinean Forest of West Africa FY09 Outputs: FY09 Overview Ghana Program
Guinean Forest of West Africa FY09 Activities/Initiatives:
The Guinean Forests of West Africa Strategic Outcome 2 Strategic Outcome 3 By 2018, programs will be implemented across the Guinean Forest Hotspot to reduce/ prevent extinctions of globally threatened species. By 2018, sites and the ecological processes that support them in the Guinean Forest Hotspot will be conserved through a network of effectively managed protected areas $3.5 Million + $20 Million + 70 threatened and endemic species in Liberia 14 sites in Liberia • Sapo National Park • East Nimba Nature Reserve • Gola • Western Chimpanzee • Pygmy Hippopotamus • Liberian Mongoose Long-term Strategy Liberia Program
The Guinean Forests of West Africa Strategic Outcome 4 By 2018 conditions for sustainability of conservation outcomes created and maintained in the Guinean Forest Hotspot $50 million + 5 Outputs • A national Carbon strategy in place and revenues generated to finance conservation in priority sites by 2018 • A trust Fund established and providing reoccurring costs for the protected area network by 2018 • At least 2 local NGOs fully engaged in Liberia’s conservation agenda Long-term Strategy Liberia Program
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Liberia Program
Liberia Program Outputs to be Completed in FY09: • SO2-KBA’s • 2.2 Complete strategy document based on PA workshop and objectives of Global Team • 2.2 Three new PAs legally established and operating under formal, management plans • 2.9 Incentive agreements signed and implemented around 3 new PAs • SO3-Species • Action Plans for at least 2 endangered species funded and being implemented • SO4-Sustainability • Work with CEPF to formalize Liberia Conservation Action Fund as a revolving fund and raise additional donor funding for long term NGO capacity building • Operationalize the PA Trust fund and secure funding through debt for Nature Swap to capitalize FY09 Overview
The Guinean Forests of West Africa FY09 Activities/Initiatives: • SO2-KBA’s • Three new PAs legally established and operating under formal, management plans • Continue pilot CCC program at Sapo National Park and build partnership with development organizations for incentive agreements • Provide training in best practice and lessons learned for FDA and partners focusing specifically on the process of community engagement related to PA creation. • SO3-Species • Implement chimpanzee conservation project at East Nimba Nature Reserve • Develop Action plans for 5 Critically Endangered or endemic species (pygmy hippo, Liberian Mongoose, Diana Monkey, Forest elephant, Jentink’s Duiker • SO4-Sustainability • Develop a financial plan for Liberia’s protected areas network based on initial work to date on the “Liberia Business Plan” and build capacity for Trust fund establishment and management • Implement Readiness plan for national REDD strategy • Fundraise for and expand upon Liberian Conservation Action Fund’s Model for small grants to local institutions FY09 Overview Liberia Program
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Hotspot Strategic Outcome(s) 1 Strategic Outcome 2 Strategic Outcome 3 19 sites By 2010, all endemic threatened species in the Indian Ocean Islands (Reunion, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles) have viable populations in stable habitats, and are under long-term conservation management. • By 2015, the integrity of • the primary Eastern forests biome • the Western Deciduous forests biome • the Wetlands biome • the Spiny forest biome • the marine biome • of Madagascar is maintained and a well-designed network of effectively managed protected areas and adjacent friendly land uses that conserve viable population of threatened species are established. By 2015, viable populations of threatened and restricted range species in KBAs throughout hotspot (Mad/IOI) are conserved through long-term conservation management. • Madagascar hotspot • Mantadia Zahamena corridor • Ranomafana Andrigitra corridor • Lokia-Manambato Forest • Menabe corridor • Mahavavy-Kinkony complex • Nosivolo wetland • Mikea forest • Vakinakaratra • Bongolava • Anosy • Mahabo-Mananivo Forest • Other wetlands • Midongy du Sud • Complex Ramena • Corridor Tsaratanana-Ajanaharibe Sud • Vohibola Forest • Analavelona Forest • Marine FY09 $ 216,748 (act) $ 316,054 (grts) TOTAL $ 532,802 FY09 $ 9,450 (activities) $ 35,000 (grants) TOTAL $ 44,450 5 years $ 55,328 (activities) $ 53,943 (grants) TOTAL $ 109,271 5 years $ 1,214,332 (act) $ 1,183,938 (grt) TOTAL $ 2,398,270 FY09: $ 1,102,979 (activity) $ 2,363,020 (grants) TOTAL $ 3,465,999 4 sites 548 species • Mauritius • Reunion • Comoros • Seychelles • All threatened species 5 years: $ 6,455,189 (act.) $ 6,293,615 (grts) TOTAL $ 12,748,800 Long-term Strategy Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands CBC
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Hotspot Strategic Outcome 4 CBC coordination is established and continuously informs regional conservation community strategies. FY09 $ 1,670,328 (actvty) (incl G150, G200, G250) $ 30,997 (grants) TOTAL $ 1,701,325 5 years $ 9,834,732 (activity) (incl G150, G200, G250) $ 9,588,575 (grants) TOTAL $ 19,423,307 d) 10 outputs • 4.3: government policies and private sector investment decisions better reflect environmental priorities and challenges. In particular, biodiversity conservation continues to be central focus of Madagascar Action Plan. • 4.4: Support for conservation communication, education (REPC), partner capacity building, and small grants. • 4.5: A highly qualified cadre of Malagasy conservation professionals, using up-to-date biodiversity information and tools, is established. • 4.6: GBMF funds are leveraged through a targeted and strategic fundraising campaign. • 4.7: Central Management Unit coordination is established and continuously supports regional conservation community strategies. • 4.9: Financial sustainability for biodiversity conservation activities in Madagascar is ensured through the development and implementation of existing and new financial tools. • 4.10: The surface area of the national protected area network (SAPM) is increased to enhance the representation of biodiversity under protection. Long-term Strategy Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands CBC
Partnerships Long-term Strategy Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands CBC
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Hotspot FY09 Activities/Initiatives: • SO1-Corridors • Support to PAs • Marine • SO2-KBA’s • Support to Indian Ocean Islands KBAs • SO3-Species • Inventories • Threatened species monitoring • Invasive species • SO4-Sustainability • Climate change • Ecotourism • Sustainable financing (Carbon, biodiversity offsets) • Human welfare (PHE, CSP) • Node • Partnerships (Capacity Bldg, Grants Mgt, Support to GOM) • Communication/Education FY09 Overview Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands CBC
Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Hotspot Outputs to be Completed in FY09: • SO1-Corridors • 1.1: The Fandriana-Vondrozo Forest Corridor is integrated within regional development plans • 1.2: The Vohibola forest protected area is created (2,385 ha) • 1.10: New protected area promoters ability to manage grants is strengthened • SO3-Species • 3.1: All research conducted and supported by the CBC over the last year is compiled • 3.3: Action plans for CITES species are established • 3.5: Species, site, and corridor-based outcomes are refined for Propithicus diadema, Propithecus tattersalli, Propithicus verreauxi, Varencia Variegate • SO2-KBA’s • 2.1: All information on terrestrial KBAs in the Indian Ocean islands is updated to inform conservation design • SO4-Sustainability • Long-term strategic plan and fundraising strategy completed • Other sustainability outputs are an ongoing effort FY09 Overview
Cape Floristic Region Strategic Outcome 1 Strategic Outcome 2 Strategic Outcome 3 b) By 2015 500,000 ha will be conserved in a Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor. b) KBAs and ecosystem services in the CFR matrix is conserved through networks of priority corridors surrounded by biodiversity best practice/sust land use b) All IUCN Red listed species are represented in a network of conservation contracts in a configuration that also effectively conserves the Cape Leopard. CI FY09 Investment--$95,000 Fy09-$61,281 Fy09--$5,000 d) 3 Sites d) 3 sites d) >1100 species • Nieuwoudtville Botanical Garden • Sandveld Corridor • Cederberg Mountains • Cape Lowlands • Gouritz • Baviaanskloof • All IUCN Red list plants • Cape Leopard Long-term Strategy Africa & Madagascar Division
CFR Partnerships (SO1-4) Long-term Strategy Regional Program/CBC Name
Cape Floristic Region FY09 Activities/Initiatives: • SO1-Corridors • 3,000 ha of pristine habitat on potato farms secured through formal stewardship contract within the Sandveld Corridor • Rooibos Best Practice Guidelines developed, industry endorsed, and piloted on 4 farms • Support development of institutional model for conservation contracts for private farmers with critical biodiversity proximal to the N’ville Garden • SO3-Species • Cape Leopard Monitoring of Action Plan for GCBC • SO2-KBA’s • Elimination of all gin traps in Cederberg mtns by applying innovative economic models and extension services on 127,000 ha of conservancy lands • SO4-Sustainability • Conservation management training for N’ville Botanical Garden • Facilitate flow of funds to carbon offset & stewardship agreements through CAP Trust to Table Mountain Fund FY09 Overview Africa & Madagascar Division
Succulent Karoo Hotspot Strategic Outcome(s) 1 Strategic Outcome 2 Strategic Outcome 3 b) By 2015, 378.000 ha corridor is created, linking Upland & Coastal priorities in Namakwa Wilderness Corridor b) By 2020, the NWC is linked via larger corridor networ, including restored mining areas, to the priority areas Richtersveld Busmanland Insebergs. b) By 2025, KBAs and ecosystem services in the SKH matrix is conserved through networks of priority corridors surrounded by biodiversity best practice/sust land use and restored grazing & mine lands b) All IUCN Red Listed plants, the Armadillo Girdled Lizard and the Namakwa Dwarf Adder c) $ Financial investment Fy09—$271,674 Total 10 million with partners & rehab investment FY09—$43,979 FY09 investment $ $30,345 d) >600 of species d) 3 sites d) TBD • List key species • List key species • List key species d) 9 SKEP Priorities • Three Peaks Conservancy • Namakwa Coast • Namakwa Park • List key site • List key site • List key site • List key site • List key site • List key site Long-term Strategy Africa & Madagascar Division
Succulent Karoo Partnerships (SO1) Long-term Strategy Regional Program/CBC Name