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abeo, abire, abii. to go away. accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus. To set on fire. accingo, accingere, accinxi, accinctus. To gird, surround; to equip, arm; to prepare, get ready (for). acer, acris, acre. keen; savage, fierce. acies, aciei, f. sharp edge (of a weapon);
abeo, abire, abii to go away
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus To set on fire
accingo, accingere, accinxi, accinctus To gird, surround; to equip, arm; to prepare, get ready (for)
acer, acris, acre keen; savage, fierce
acies, aciei, f. sharp edge (of a weapon); line of sight, glance, eye; army, battle, battle-line, (plural = ranks)
adeo, adire, adii, aditus To come to, approach
adfor, adfari, adfatus sum To speak to, address
adloquor, adloqui, adlocutus sum To speak to, address
adversus, -a, -um opposite, in/from the opposite direction, facing, opposing, in front of
adytum, adyti shrine, sanctuary
aequus, -a, -um level, flat; fair, just, right; favorable, kind; equal, matched
aes, aeris, n. bronze; a bronze implement
aeternus, -a, -um endless, eternal, everlasting
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agnotus To recognize
ala, alae wing; wing (of an army), squadron
aliqui, aliquae, aliqua some; any
aliter otherwise, differently
almus, -a, -um nurturing, fostering, life-giving (Applied to goddesses & priestesses: gracious, kindly, benevolent)
alter, altera, alterum a/the second, one (of two), the other (of two), another
amens, amentis out of one’s mind, insane; excited, frantic
amicus, -a, -um friendly, well disposed; favorable, supportive
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissus To send away; to lose
amplector, ampleci, amplexus sum To embrace
an Or (an … an = either or)
anima, animae soul, heart
antrum, antri cave, cavern
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus To open, open up, reveal
appareo, apparēre, apparui To appear
arbor, arboris, f. tree
ardens, ardentis hot, glowing, burning, fiery, eager
armo, armare, armavi, armatus To fit with weapons, arm, equip
ars, artis, f. skill
artus, artūs joint (in the body); arm, leg, limb
asper, aspera, asperum rough, sharp, thorny; violent, fierce, cruel, savage
asto, astare, astiti To stand by/nearby; to stand at/on/in; to stand still
attolo, attollere To raise, lift up, elevate
aureus, -a, -um golden
auris, auris, f. ear
autem however, but, moreover
auxilium, auxilii help
avello, avellere, avulsi, avulsus to pluck off, tear/wrench away; to take away
averto, avertere, averti, aversus To turn away, divert
bonus, -a, -um good
caedes, caedis, f. slaughter
campus, campi plain, field
cano, canere, cecini, cantus To sing, chant; to sing about, celebrate; to prophesy, foretell
carina, carinae keel, hull (of a ship) (metonomy: boat, ship)
carus, -a, -um dear, beloved