Evaluation Carolina Gutierrez
EVALUATION • I thinkthisunitwasreallygood, I learned new thingsforexample: to use sketch up. I alwaysworked, I neverdesconsentrate. Also I gavealwaystheworkson time and I alwayshadmyuniformproperly and organize. I put a lot of effortmakingthisteletransportationtube, in aditioniftheyconstructthisitwill be reallyusefulbecausetherewon´t be tomuchpollution and alsoitsmuchquiklierthantransportionby car. Alsois more secure. Itwasreallyintrestingthisperiod.
COMENTS OF MY CLASSMATES • SofiaAlvarez Arango: Iliked a lot your creation I really think it would helped a lot people, congratulation, I think you put a lot of effort on your work =)
Natalia Ramirez Parra: It’s incredible, I like it a lot, it’s really nice and it will help a lot people, good product. It looks original and attractive, also it’s very creative
Paulina Alvarez Armel: This sketch looks original and modern because of the glass and the way it is created. It is easy to use because it is practical. You could put some labels to show what each thing means, this will make it clearer for the audience. But the device is actually looks technologic and very real to be created in the future, it is realistic. I like it and its incredible.
Andrea Palacio Castro: • I thinkyourdesignwasreallycreative, intrenting and modern, thewayyoumakeitcallstheatencion, I thinkisnice and alsoitwillhelp a lot in thefuture.
Daniela Correa Peña: Yourdesignisreallycreateive,nice, modern and incredible. Itseemsthatyouput a lot of effortmakingit, I reallylikeit and thiswill be reallyuseful in thefuture.