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Brother Sharp. Ouyang Tao(0924). Views. The photo which is popular in a Chinese online forum shows a beggar walking in the street. The man was called "Brother Sharp", bantered as the "most stylish beggar" by netizens in this online forum. @@@@Background@@@. The true ……. Who is he ?
Brother Sharp Ouyang Tao(0924)
The photo which is popular in a Chinese online forum shows a beggar walking in the street. The man was called "Brother Sharp", bantered as the "most stylish beggar" by netizens in this online forum. @@@@Background@@@
The true……. • Who is he ? • let me tell you~~ Brother sharp, real name Cheng guorong,34, aresident of Poyang county, Jiangxi province. He left home for work and lost contact with his family……. New words:①resident ['rezidənt] n. 居民,常驻程序,居住者,留鸟 a. 居留的,定居的 住院医生the resident physician
Developing……. • Now "Brother Sharp" goes international …… A photo of a Chinese beggar walking in the street quickly sparked heated discussion since its first appearance on Jan 30. The beggar "Brother Sharp" is claimed the most stylish beggar by netizens①. He becomes more and more famous, not only home, but abroad. On Feb. 4, his photo even showed on Britain's newspaper "The Independent". How far will "Brother Sharp" go? New words: ① netizen n. 由 net 和 citizen 拼缀而成, 网络公民, 网民
Developing ……. • "The Independent" published a photo of him, and described as " a starkly handsome Chinese man walking with a model's measured gait, and wearing a rag-tag but well co-ordinated overcoat on top of a leather jacket. His eyes peer into the middle distance, in what one fan described as 'a deep and penetrating way', and he strides confidently forward." New words:①gait [geit] n. 步法,步态vt. 训练…的步法 ②peer [piə] n. 贵族,同辈,同事,上院议员v. 与…相比,与…匹敌,与…同等;凝视,盯着看 ③penetrating [‘penitreitiŋ] a. 穿透的,渗透的词形变化 副 词:pen'e·trat'ing·ly
Now …… • More and more people pay attention to the stylish beggar, and compare him with many stylish hot stars worldwide • Let’s have some picture about he …….
Characteristic about Brother Sharp 气场 Charisma / vibe 注:两者都可表示不同寻常的吸引力、魅力,不过charisma常强调“领袖气质” 混搭 Mashup :mix and match
忧郁的眼神 --The heavy-hearted expression in a person `s eyes --melancholy / sad eyes 注:英文中,很少提“眼神”这个概念,一般直接用“眼睛”来表达,如:eye contact(眼神交流)
关于“Brother sharp”在英文中的表达 • Beggar 乞丐,为了生活乞求救济品。后来发现该词不适合犀利哥,因为他不乞讨。 • Homeless 无家可归的,这里可以用,也可以用sleeping rough 来形容 • vagrant; vagabond 流浪汉;露宿街头、居无定所的人。英文媒体中多用这个词来定义”犀利哥“
How do we think about Brother Sharp? From the newspaper…… Topic ……. NEWS
This spring, we consumed Brother Sharp`s tragic life story with a sense of amusement. While consuming a story of the underdog , we also consumed our consciences. The spotlight is fading. Was it just an illusion for Brother Sharp? --- The Beijing News Notes: 1.a sense of amusement :娱乐精神。注意,在此,”娱乐“不要翻译为entertainment。因为后后者多指娱乐行业……而amusement才是”好玩、找乐子“ 2. Conscience,良知,也可以翻译为a sense of right and wrong. Amusing? Not really
If you come across a Brother Sharp on the street ,don’ t try to imitate or laud him , because it could hurt him. A favor that’s within your power and a smile of goodwill are what’s need most. ----Xinhua News Agency Notes : 1.laud:热捧、赞颂 2.within sb’s power:力所能及
Seeking pleasure at the expense of another’s dignity is anything but civilized behavior that should never be advocated in a civilized society. ----China Daily Notes : 1.at the expense of:在损害…. 2.Be anything but:绝对不会是 3. dignity ['digniti]n. 尊严,面子,高贵 复 数:dignities
Hamburger Handsome(烧饼帅哥) • Dragging our heroes out of the shadows…. Do you know he?
Introduce about him… Last March, a picture online showed a handsome man, wearing a black jacket and blue jeans , making Chinese Hamburgers, or sesame seeds cakes, at a small stall in Changsha Hunan province . People at first thought it might have been a rich man with a taste4 for a different life……… Hamburger Handsome(烧饼帅哥)
His real life……. How cool.....
The true about him • Name :Bao Jianbin • Age : 24 • Purpose : To make his living from Chinese hamburgers…. Do you think he is handsome ?
How beautiful she is! Candied-haw beauty(糖葫芦西施) Do you know me?
Introduce about her… • She was one of the hottest topics on Xi’an Jiaotong University’s BBS last October. She sold candid haws ,or tanghulu ,on a stick ,at the university`s south gate . Tanghulu (糖葫芦)
About her • Name : Kang Xiaohan • Age : 20 Grass root
Final All of them are grass roots …… • They are just want to make a living with theses normal things • Although they are handsome or beautiful they work hard on there work ….. • All of us should have conscience on them • They are great ….. • Let` s respect for them