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Caput undecimum . Third conjugation: filling out the tenses Numbers Ablative of cause Options for expressing cause REVIEW: The abundance of your speech!. 1. Third conjugation: filling out the tenses. W hat you already know …. 1. The third declension: filling out the tenses.
Caput undecimum Third conjugation: filling out the tenses Numbers Ablative of cause Options for expressing cause REVIEW: The abundance of your speech!
1. Third conjugation: filling out the tenses What you already know …
2. Numbers Only 1, 2, 3 decline. All the other cardinal numbers are indeclinable. trēspuellārum three of the girls ortrēs ex puellīs tertiapuella the third girl caput undecimum chapter eleven
3. Ablative of cause ABLATIVE CASE without a preposition MEANS/ INSTRUMENT oculīsvidēmus We see with (by means of) our eyes templumincendiōconsumptum a temple consumed byfire CAUSE bonīsfactīstēlaudāmus. We praise you because of (on account of) your good deeds. MANNER or ACCOMPANIMENT lūceclārāetbonōanimōnāvigāmus We sail with (accompanied by) good light and withgood cheer (in a cheery manner).
5. REVIEW: The abundance of your speech! Litteraemētuaemagnōperedēlectāvērunt. Your letter greatly delighted me. (Cicero)
5. REVIEW: The abundance of your speech! Desiderius Erasmus, De copia 1. Tuaelitteraemēiuvant. 2. Tuaepistulamēiuvat. 3. Tuaelitteraemihiplacent. 4. Ad me scrīpsistī. Nuncmihinūllacūra est. 5. Optābamātēepistulam. Tandem habeō! 6. Ōamīce, tuumcōnsiliumlaudāreoptō. 7. Dolēbam, sedtuaverbamēlaetumfēcērunt.
5. REVIEW: The abundance of your speech! 8. Vestraepistulanōsmulta bona docet. 9. Clāmō et sedērenōn possum: tūenimmihivōcemtuamdedistī in epistulā, et tōtamillamtuamsapientiamcognoscō. 10. Ob tuamepistulambonamvītamhabēbō. 11. Nihilaliudoptābimus: illeamīcusnosterdōnumvestrumpulchrum ad nōsportāvit! 12. Diūtacēbas. Tum scrībere ad mēincēpistī (coepistī). Nunc miser nōn sum. 13. Nōmentuum in litterīslaetēvīdī. 14. Tuaelitteraeanimummeummōvēbat: bonamfābulamnārravistī.
5. REVIEW: The abundance of your speech! 15. Nūlla mentis meae pars nōnplēnacūrārumerat. Sed in vestrāepistulāvēritās! 16. Dīdeaequemihinovumdōnumdedērunt: epistulamtuamsapientiāplēnam. 17. Sīvalēs, beneest, egōvaleō, et tōtailla mea cūranuncfugiet. 18. Nōmentuum in menteanimōquemeō semper locum habēbit. 19. Tuīsverbīs facile pāreō: magnā cum sapientiādīcis. 20. Bona nuntiāvistī: grātiāstibiagō. 21. Nōndubitōtēamīcumvocāre: propter tuāslitterāstōtumperīculumfūgit.