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MSP PRE-SYMPOSIUM TRAINING COURSES • MSPoffers training courses on the utilization of fungi in small-scale enterprise. The training will be held a day before the symposium, on April 23, 2012, at ________________________________. Registration of participants will start at 7:30 am followed by a one hour-program at 8:00 am. • The training modules include the following: • Mushroom Culture • Production of Cheese using Fungal Rennet • Composting and Mycorrhiza • Seed Health Testing • For inquiry and registration, please contact: • Dr. ______________________________ • Chair, Pre-Symposium Training Committee • c/o The National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology • (BIOTECH) UPLB, College 4031, Laguna • Tel No. _______________ • Email: _________________ • LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION • PhilRice is located in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. You can take a bus from ________________________________. One way fare is _______ from ____________. • ACCOMMODATION • Dormitories and hostel are available inside the University Campus at affordable rates: • _________________________________________________ • _________________________________________________ • _________________________________________________ On its 14th year, the Mycological Society of the Philippines, Inc.(MSP) will be holding its Annual Scientific Meeting and Symposium with the theme “Doing Business with Fungi”. CALL FOR PAPERS MSPmembers and interested participants are invited to send in their papers for consideration for oral and poster presentations. Papers must contain new information that has not been presented in any scientific conference in the Philippines. Submissions should conform with the following guidelines: The paper deals with fungi. At least one of the authors is a regular MSP member or an incoming member. The paper should contain : Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Literature Cited. The title of the paper should be in bold-faced capital letters & centered with the text for the whole paper in 12 point Times New Roman. The maximum number of pages is 15. The name(s) of the author(s) should be centered with a two-line space from the title; the presenter’s name should be underlined. The author(s)’ affiliation should be centered and be one-line space down from the name(s) of the author(s); if there are more than one author, superscript numbers must be used to indicate affiliation. Indicate if the paper is for oral or poster presentation. If for oral presentation, indicate if competing or not. All poster papers will be considered for competition. Submit four hard copies and an electronic copy of the paper written using MS Office Word. The deadline for submission of all papers is on March 15, 2012. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by April ___, 2012. • For submission of oral and poster papers, please contact: • Dr. Bernadette C. Mendoza • Vice-President and Chair, Scientific Program Committee • c/o Microbiology Division, Institute of Biological Sciences • College 4031, Laguna • Tel. No. (049)536-3368; Fax No. (049)536-2893; 09279482362 • Email: dettecmendoza@yahoo.com • TH QUIMIO BEST UNDERGRADUATE THESIS AWARD This thesis award was launched in April 2007 to recognize student research work on fungi. Interested participants are requested to send their manuscript on or before _______, 2012. Competing students will be notified of the results of the preliminary screening by April ____, 2012. For thesis submission,and more information, please contact: Dr. _______________________ Chair, THQ Awards Committee • __________________________ • Tel: _______________________ • Email: ___________________ • CALL FOR TRADE EXHIBITS • The symposium is an excellent opportunity for commercial institutions, farmer groups, and entrepreneurs to exhibit their products and services. Space will be provided for the exhibits. • Please contact: • Dr. _________________________ • Chair, Sponsorship and Trade Exhibits Committee • _____________________________ • _____________________________ • Tel No: ______________________ • Email: ______________________ • ELECTION OF THE MSP BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2013 • The members of the MSP Board of Directors for the period May 2012-April 2013 will be elected during the symposium. Nominees will be solicited during the sessions and the election will be conducted during the business meeting. Nominees should be physically present to be eligible candidates for the election. • FEES • Symposium: Pre-Registration On-Site • Member PhP 900 PhP 1,200 • Non Member 1,200 1,500 • Undergraduate 600 800 • Training : • P1, 500 per module (inclusive of 2 snacks, 1 lunch, and training kit) • Membership • Regular PhP 300 • Life 1,500 • For further inquiries, please contact: • The Organizing/Scientific Programme Committee • Dr. Evelyn B. Gergon • ________________________________ • Tel. No. _________________________ • Mobile : ____________________ • Email: __________________ • Dr. Bernadette C. Mendoza • Tel. No. (049)536-3368; Mobile No. 09279482362 • Email: dettecmendoza@yahoo.com
Mycological Society of the Philippines, Inc. PRE-REGISTRATION FORM MSP 14th Annual Scientific Meeting & Symposium and Training Course on _________ (April 23-24, 2012) Dr./Prof/Mr/Ms (Please print your name) ______________________________________________ Family Name First Name M.I. Position ________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ City _________________Province______________Zip Code_______ Tel. No. ___________________Fax No._______________________ Email:__________________________________________________ I will present a paper: [ ] Yes [ ] No Title of Paper ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Paper presentation preferred: [ ] Oral [ ] Competing [ ] Non-competing [ ] Poster [ ] THQuimio Best Undergraduate Thesis I will attend the training: [ ] Yes [ ] No Module (s) attending: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ I will need accommodation [ ] Yes [ ] No Preferred Place: _________________________________________ Preferred Room: ____________ No. of Rooms Needed: ________ _______________________________________________________ Please return this form together with payment of cash or check/money order payable to the Mycological Society of the Philippines, Inc. through: ________________________________ National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH), UPLB, College, Laguna 4031 Tel No. (049) 536 2884/ ________ Email: ____________ Note: Cancellation and Refund only until April ____, 2012 Personal and post-dated checks are not accepted. 14thAnnual Scientific Meeting and Symposium on If undelivered please return to:Printed Matter Mycological Society of the Philippines, Inc. c/o National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology(BIOTECH) UPLB, College, Laguna 4031 DOING BUSINESS with FUNGI Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija 23-24 April 2012 Co-sponsored by PHILRICE, ………..