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An introduction to: The uRT51 Microprocessor and Real-Time Programming Suite. info@urt51.com.ar. Real-Time Systems: an overview. Real-Time Systems are used in many applications areas (not just critical ones but those where timely behaviour is either required or convenient).
An introduction to:The uRT51 Microprocessor andReal-Time Programming Suite. info@urt51.com.ar
Real-Time Systems: an overview. • Real-Time Systems are used in many applications areas (not just critical ones but those where timely behaviour is either required or convenient). • Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) are applied in order to get a desired performance of the real-time system. info@urt51.com.ar
How traditional real-time systems are implemented. • A set of tasks are defined and parameterised as real-time tasks. • A RTOS’s task, call “the scheduler”, is invoked at regular intervals (the scheduler is usually implemented as an ISR of a timer interrupt). • The timer interval defines slot time units. • The scheduler chooses a task according to a priority discipline and grants it the processor. info@urt51.com.ar
Implementing a Traditional Real-Time System. • We have to choose an adequate time interval • IT IS NOT SO EASY AND PERFORMANCE, AS WELL AS POWER CONSUPTION, MAY DEPEND ON IT (SCHEDULING OVERHEAD vs. TIME PRECISION). • We must express time parameters of the tasks in slot units. • IT MAY FORCE US TO MODIFY THE TASK CODE (Example: IF THE SLOT TIME IS EQUAL TO 4ms AND THE TASK CALCULATES SOME VELOCITY, IT IS NOT THE SAME A PERIOD EQUAL TO 12ms OR EQUAL TO 16ms. info@urt51.com.ar
Current solutions (what to do when system doesn’t work): • When application constraints are not met, the following options are evaluated: • To increase the microprocessor frequency. Temporal constraints can be satisfied but power-consumption as well as cost are also increased. • To implement power-saving algorithms: these algorithms may introduce some perturbations on the other tasks of the systems and requires some power to be executed. • To implement a low complexity scheduler. The real-time performance of the system is affected. • To program the whole application as a monolithic program. Maintenance of the system is complex and expensive. TRADITIONAL REAL-TIME SYSTEMS DO NOT GIVE GOOD SOLUTIONS FOR EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS info@urt51.com.ar
Overcoming troubles. uRT51: a new concept in Real-Time Systems. info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51 main features. • uRT51 is a Real-Time microprocessor designed for Real-Time applications. • It can implement a great deal of scheduling disciplines. • It includes a built-in debugging. • It supports up to 65000 tasks. • uRT51 performance with a 10Mhz clock is higher than performance achieved by a RTOS with a 100Mhz clock. info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51: implementation. • It was entirely described in VHDL. • It can be implemented either on FPGAs or ASICs. info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51: an overview. • Instruction subset compatible with 8051 microprocessor. • With a 10MHz clock, time parameters can be expressed with a 100ns precision (one clock period). • If no real-time task is required to be executed, then the power consumption is almost zero (no power reduction strategy is needed). info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51: The architecture • The uRT51 architecture contains: • A 8051 microprocessor core (further uP versions will considered other microprocessor cores). • A real-time unit that carries out all the real-time functions. • A debugging and analysis unit that connects to uRT51 Real-Time Programming Suite. info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51: Applications • The uRT51’s flexibility improves a wide range of applications where Real-Time is applied. • uRT51 is suitable for low-power, control embedded applications. info@urt51.com.ar
uRT51 Real-Time Suite • uRT51 Real-Time Suite brings you all the power to program and analyse the uRT51 microprocessor. info@urt51.com.ar
Add as many tasks as you need Task Code Suite: the task progr. Environment Would you like to change the Scheduling Mechanism? Just functionality, no real-time programming Real-Time properties configuration info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: the scheduling Choose your scheduling discipline Additional disciplines can be included under request info@urt51.com.ar
You can select preemptive or non-preemptive behaviour for each task Suite: independent preemption Do not worry for time units of your design info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: let’s compile Compile your application with just one click Detail messages allow you an easy debug info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: connecting to the uRT51 Open the Control Console to connect to the uRT51 You can see the state of the connection with the the uRT51 Microprocessor info@urt51.com.ar
Trace your application Suite: Control Console functions Connect to the uRT51 Download your application Reset the uRT51 Record Runtime Data for Real-Time analysis info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: CPU Registers Viewer • Watch the CPU registers during Runtime. info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: Runtime Code Viewer • Trace the execution of your code. info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: Variable Viewer • Follow the value of each one of your variables • Store the values for further analysis. info@urt51.com.ar
Suite: Scheduling Viewer • Analyse the way your tasks are executed. • Runtime execution time is trustily shown. rcayssials@gmail.com
Conclusion • uRT51 is a flexible Real-Time microprocessor. • uRT51 Real-Time Suite allows you to program and analyse real-time applications in a few minutes. • Because uRT51 is described in VHDL, it can be used in System-On-Chip architectures. info@urt51.com.ar
Conclusion • Very precisely timing can be achieved (100ns of precision with system clock of 10MHz instead of some ms of system timer tick). • No power consumption algorithm required (power consumption almost zero when no task is executed). • Any arbitrary priority discipline can be implemented (it may be included in the Programming Suite under request). info@urt51.com.ar
Conclusion • uRT51 microprocessor is suitable for low-power embedded real-time control applications. info@urt51.com.ar
Thanks • Thanks for your attention. • Any further information, please contact to: info@urt51.com.ar info@urt51.com.ar