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Lingua Inglese

Lingua Inglese. Lesson Two Conversation. Why do texts happen?. Speech Acts Locutionary act Illocutionary act Perlocutionary effect. Gricean Maxims. Quality – tell the truth Quantity – not too much, not too little Relevance - be relevant Manner – be brief, unambiguous, polite.

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Lingua Inglese

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lingua Inglese Lesson Two Conversation

  2. Why do texts happen? • Speech Acts • Locutionary act • Illocutionary act • Perlocutionary effect

  3. Gricean Maxims • Quality – tell the truth • Quantity – not too much, not too little • Relevance - be relevant • Manner – be brief, unambiguous, polite

  4. Flouting the maxims • Forrest Gump • Have you found Jones? • I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.

  5. Implicature locutionary act implicature perlocutionary effect • Where’s Bill? • There’s a yellow VW outside. • Ah, OK. I’ll go and find him.

  6. Pragmatic/Casual talk • Pragmatic – eg service encounter • bank • post office • shop • Casual – interpersonal • social role • affective • familiarity • affiliation in group

  7. SpeechFunctions

  8. Speech Acts • There are many recognisable speech acts: • performing • deciding • apologising • threatening • declaring love • etc.

  9. Conversation Structure (1) • ACT – smallest interactive unit • Hey! • Right • OK • Yes

  10. Conversation Structure (2) • MOVES • initiating • sustaining • checking • challenging • etc.

  11. Conversation Structure (3) • TURNS • one or more ‘moves’ • TURN TAKING • current speaker selects next speaker • current speaker selects self • next speaker selects self • and so on….

  12. Conversation Structure (4) • EXCHANGE • minimal active unit of two turns • ADJACENCY PAIRS • question/answer ‘How are you?’ – ‘Fine’ • 3-PART EXCHANGE • ‘How are you?’ – ‘Terrible’ – ‘That makes two of us!’

  13. Conversation Structure (5) • Discourse markers • Now • Well • Right • Pre-sequences • I wonder if you’d mind…. • Excuse me, …

  14. STORIES • (abstract) • orientation • complication • evaluation • resolution • (coda)

  15. Little Red Riding Hood • (I’m going to tell you a story) • Once upon a time (fairy story) • Wolf!! • LRRH is suspicious, afraid • “What big ears you’ve got!” • Happy ending • (the moral of the story…)

  16. Joke • (Have you heard the one about the penguin?) • There’s a man walking down the street • Policeman! • Should take it to the Zoo • Penguin happy (punch line) • (Alright then, don’t laugh)

  17. Gossip • Interaction – social relations in group • About a thrird person • Tacit approval • face-threatening/saving • Reaffirm social values

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