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The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection in the Gospel Accounts and Beyond

Explore the unique accounts of Jesus' resurrection in the Gospels, evidence supporting it, and its profound religious meaning. Discover the Paschal Mystery, Ascension, and the impact on disciples. Reflect on the message of forgiveness, love, and eternal life.

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The Significance of Jesus' Resurrection in the Gospel Accounts and Beyond

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  1. Chapter 11 Jesus’ Resurrection

  2. I. The Gospel Accounts A. Each Gospel has a slightly different account of events 1. Mark—fewest details 2. John—most details

  3. Gospel Acounts, con’t B. Points in Common 1. Women disciples discovered Jesus’ body was gone from tomb 2. Angels announce the Resurrection 3. Jesus appears later to the disciples where they are hiding out 4. Jesus – transformed!

  4. II. Evidence for the Resurrection A. We trust the historical validity of the New Testament B. Resurrection was a consistent belief in the early Church C. Empty Tomb D. Resurrection caused a profound change in disciples --NO Specific PROOF: Faith!!!

  5. The Religious Meaning of the Resurrection A. Jesus confirmed as the Son of God 1. Seeing Jesus resurrected proves His divinity. 2. All Jesus’teachings are true: a. God’s love for us is limitless b. Fulfillment comes by loving/ serving God first then others.

  6. III. Religious Meaning, cont’d c. Forgiveness is what God wants, not revenge. d. The rich must share with the poor e. We should refuse to believe man-made prejudices.

  7. III. Religious Meaning, cont’d B. The Paschal Mystery 1. Resurrection teaches that death is not theend—beginning of eternal life. 2. New Passover—Jesus saves us from death. 3. Can happen throughout life— small “deaths” and resurrections

  8. IV. Jesus’ Ascension A. An event beyond human comprehension 1. Bodily resurrection B. Only Luke and Mark report it in their Gospels, also in the Acts of the Apostles. C. It leads us to believe that we too can have eternity in heaven D. Jesus can now be more present to us— not limited to time/space; with everyone everywhere at all times.

  9. St. Mary Magdalene(First Century AD) • Among the first & greatest saints who lived in the company of Jesus - courageous • Suffered from severe physical & emotional illnesses – Jesus cast out 7 demons • Leadership role among an influential group of women who traveled with Jesus • Equated wrongly with the reformed prostitute of Luke, ch 7

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