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Explore the robustness of intracellular oscillators and bistable switches in cellular biology, quantifying fragilities and identifying structural instabilities. Learn about gene regulatory networks, circadian clocks, and more.
Robustness of Intracellular Oscillators and Bistable Switches Elling W. Jacobsen Automatic Control Lab School of Electrical Engineering KTH
Outline • The role of autonomous oscillations and multistability in cellular biology – some examples • Models and uncertainty / perturbations • parametric vs structural perturbations • Quantifying robustness and identifying fragilities using distance to structural instability • Applications • two minimal gene regulatory networks • metabolism of activated white blood cells • mammalian circadian clock • B cell differentiation • Conclusions
Circadian Clocks • provides periodic control of biological activity • autonomous oscillations in mammalian SCN generated by a network of interacting genes
The Segmentation Clock • Formation of somites in vertebrate segmentation are driven by an autonomous gene regulatory oscillator
Oscillatory Calcium Signaling • Amplitude and frequency modulated Ca2+ oscillatory signals controls a wide variety of intra- and intercellular processes
Metabolic Oscillations in Activated Neutrophils • Neutrophils make up first line of defense against bacterial infections • oscillatory production of lethal chemicals. Hypothesis: provide peaks that kill bacteria without harming the cell itself
The lac operon and phage lambda switches • lac genes turned on when glucose low and lactose available • positive feedback loop • first experimental evidence of intracellular bistability (1957) • Phage ¸ virus infecting a cell switches between Lytic and Lysogenic states through a bistable switch • A double negative feedback generates switch
Apoptosis – Programmed Cell Death • The death decision in programmed cell death corresponds to a bistable switch • ~50 billion cells/day undergo apoptosis in a healthy adult human
Cell Cycle Control • Gene regulatory networks provide bistable switches that control transitions between the various phases of the cell cycle
Blood Stem Cell Differentiation • Antigens stimulate differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting cells through a bistable switch
Intracellular Oscillators and Switches • Autonomous oscillators and multi-/bistable switches are frequently observedin the cell; biology utilizes strongly nonlinear phenomena • An important aim of systems biology is to determine the architecture of the underlying biochemical networks • Modeling: typically bottom-up, ODEs • Robustness analysis important for • model (in)validation • determining essential/non-essential components and interactions • identifying fragilities • ultimately elucidating the principles behind biological robustness
A minimal gene oscillator Bifurcation diagram
A minimal gene switch Bifurcation diagram State space
Robustness Analysis • How robust are these behaviors? • quantitative properties • persistence of behavior • Perturbations? • reflecting real biological uncertainty • model uncertainty; parametric, structural
Perturbations / Uncertainty • For analysis of biological robustness, perturbations should reflect true biological uncertainty • external disturbances (environment) • internal perturbations (gene mutations) • internal noise (stochastic fluctuations) • For modeling purposes, perturbations should • reflect model uncertainty (uncertain kinetic models, uncertain components, …) • provide mechanistic insight
Parametric vs Structural Perturbations • Structural uncertainty: • ¢ represents a dynamic perturbation of the direct interactions between biochemical components • allows for uncertain strength/dynamics of interactions, uncertain number of nodes and edges • motivated by the fact that involved components usually highly uncertain, standardized description of interactions (reaction kinetics). • Parametric uncertainty: • “standard” uncertainty description in biological models • mainly motivated by the fact that parameters are fitted to experimental data R Pc Pn
Structural Robustness Analysis • Consider persistence of qualitative behavior )determinesmallest perturbation that makes system structurally unstable • Assume nominal model possesses a steady-state and consider perturbations that translatesit to a bifurcation point • sustained oscillations: translate steady-state to Hopf point • bistability: translate steady-state to saddle-node • Linear problem: write network on feedback form and apply Small Gain Theorem R Pc Pn
Network on Feedback Form • Taylor expansion • Jacobian A determines structural stability • 2nd and 3rd order terms B and C determines type of bifurcation, e.g., sub- or supercritical • Write the linear part on feedback form where is stable
Perturbing the Network • The smallest distance to a structurally unstable steady-state is given by the robustness radius • Where and ¢ in general will be a structured matrix • The corresponding dynamic perturbation
Perturbing the activity of all network nodes • ¢ is a diagonal n £ n matrix • The robustness radius quantifies overall robustness of network behavior
Perturbing the activity of single nodes • ¢ is a scalar • provides information on the role of single components
Perturbing individual edges • ¢ij is a scalar • provides information on the role of specific interactions
Comments • All perturbations are relative • Complex perturbations ¢) tight bounds for can in general be computed (for moderaten) • There may exist smaller perturbations that induce bifurcations away from considered steady-state. • Thus, can in principle only identify non-robust features
Minimal Gene Oscillator – overall robustness • , i.e., a 2% change in the component activities sufficient to translate steady-state into HB point
Minimal Gene Oscillator – perturbing single nodes and edges • Perturbing single components: • Perturbing single interactions:
Minimal Gene Oscillator - impact of perturbing an edge on limit cycle • Impact of perturbing effect of transcription factor on gene activity R Pc Pn
But the main use is of course for ….. more complex networks
Application to Modeling of Metabolic Oscillations in Activated Neutrophils Olsen et al, BioPhysJ • two compartments: cytosol and phagosome • model: 7 metabolites in cytosol, 9 metabolites in phagosome • 14 known chemical reactions, 5 transport eqs • lumped model with 14 ODEs • 25 parameters, fitted to experimental data
Neutrophil Network • The 14 state model corresponds to a highly connected network • predicts experimentally observed period and amplitudes • robust to parameter variations up to 20% (Olsenet al, BioPhysJ)
Spatial Waves – extending the model • The Olsen model assumes perfectly mixed cell environment, i.e., no spatial gradients • Experimental observations: oscillations correspond to spatiotemporal traveling waves • Cedersund (2008): oscillations in Olsen model disappear even for very small spatial gradients (large diffusion rates) ) appears unrobust to structural perturbations
Robust Instability of Steady-state From Nyquist: poor robustness margins ) some small perturbation of network will make underlying steady-state structurally unstable
Perturbing all nodes Overall robustness: can only tolerate up to 0.2% simultaneous change in all component activities
Perturbing Individual Components Perturbing the activity of metabolite 1 (per3+) or 4 (H2O2) by approx 1% completely removes oscillatory behavior
Perturbing Single Edges The most significant fragilities involve interactions between metabolites 1, 2 and 4
Perturbing the Nonlinear Model • Most severe fragility involves effect of metabolite 1 on metabolite 2 • Can be fitted to a time-delay • Add delay to corresponding reaction kinetics of original model
Effect of Delay on Robust Instability of Steady-State Nyquist Locus
Effect of Delay on Limit Cycle Behavior • Effect of delay µ in reaction R2 on bifurcation behavior of full model • linear analysis yields good prediction of nonlinear behavior • the added delay should be compared to oscillation period T>20 s
Robustification • Robustness analysis reveals unrobust features of model and identifies main fragilities • Robustification: optimize robustness by adding generic perturbations to network edges ) provides experimentally testable hypotheses on plausible model modificiations Neutrophil model: increase robustness significantly through small modifications of kinetics for reactions involving metabolites 2 and 4 (Nenchev and Jacobsen, to appear)
MammalianCircadian Clock – non-essential interactions Leloup and Goldbeter (PNAS, 100, 12) • What is purpose of the apparent excessive complexity? • Common hypothesis: improved robustness
Perturbing Individual Nodes • Nodes with robustness radius can be removed without inducing a qualitative change in network behavior ) non-essential • 11 out of 16 components in LeloupGoldbeter model non-essential
Perturbing Individual Edges • 29 out of 34 edges (interactions) non-essential • Only interactions related to Per gene appear essential for oscillatory behavior
A single loop generates the oscillations • Reduced model with 5 states predicts full model oscillations well • Most of the network apparently not required for generating circadian oscillations
What about robustness? • Robustness almost unaffected by non-essential nodes • Purpose of network complexity?
Bistable Switch in B Cell Differentiation • Antigens stimulate differentiation of B cells into antibody secreting cells through a bistable switch • Robustness for perturbation of all nodes
Bistable Switch in B Cell Differentiation • Perturbing individual components • all components except APIp (10), TA (11) and TAA (12) appear essential
Bistable Switch in B Cell Differentation • Perturbing single edges • most interactions needed to provide bistability
Perturbing the nonlinear model • Perturbing effect of Blimp1 mRNA on Blimp1 protein by 30%
Summary • Nonlinear phenomena frequently utilized to create critical functionality in cellular biology • Analyzing the robustness of bistable switches and autonomous oscillators important for modeling and elucidating the mechanisms of the underlying biochemical networks • We considered robustness in terms of persistence of behavior and proposed to determine smallest perturbation that makes a steady-state structurally unstable (bifurcation) • By strategically adding perturbations to nodes and edges fragilities can be identified and key mechanisms unravelled