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Arkansas Department of Career Education Adult Education Division. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Competitive Projects July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Welcome . Purpose: Review RFP and answer questions Format of session
Arkansas Department of Career EducationAdult Education Division Request for Proposal (RFP) for Competitive Projects July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015
Welcome • Purpose: Review RFP and answer questions • Format of session • Adult Education website address: http://ace.arkansas.gov/adultEducation Workforce Investment Act of 1998 website address: http://www.doleta.gov/usworkforce/wia/wialaw.txt (starting at section 201)
Acronyms, page ii (ABE) Adult Basic Education (ACE) Arkansas Department of Career Education (ADA) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (AED) Adult Education Division (AEFLA) Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AERIS) Adult Education Reporting Information System (ASE) Adult Secondary Education (BEST) Basic English Skills Test (CASAS) Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CBOs) Community Based Organization(s) (C/I) Correctional/Institutional (DAEL) Division of Adult Education and Literacy (D&E) Direct and Equitable (DQS) Data Quality Standards (EFL) Educational Functioning Level (EL/Civics) English Literacy/Civics Education (ESL) English as a Second Language (FY) Fiscal Year (GAE) General Adult Education (GAC) Grants and Aids to Councils (GED) General Educational Development (LD) Learning Disabilities (LEA) Local Education Agency (NRS) National Reporting System for Adult Education (PY) Program Year (RFP) Request for Proposals (SP) State Plan (SPL) Student Performance Level (TABE) Tests of Adult Basic Education (WIA) Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Is this RFP only for 14-15? • Should I apply for federal funds now if I don’t need them in 2014-2015, but may need them in the future? • Yes. For the past several years, we have been allowed to extend existing grants instead of holding new competitions. This possibility may occur again for 2015-2016 if the WIA is not reauthorized.
INTRODUCTION, page iii The 2014-2015 Arkansas Adult Education Request for Proposal (RFP) for Competitive Projects provides the information and standard forms needed to apply for state funds and federal funds. This RFP is specifically for Direct and Equitable (D&E) federal funds, Correctional/Institutional (C/I) federal funds, and English Literacy/Civics Education (EL/Civics) federal funds. Please note that there are several sources of rules and regulations that govern and impact the administration of programs receiving funds. Completing this application is just part of the process. You must adhere to the information set forth in this document along with all of the rules and regulations applicable to the project. Unless specifically noted as a federal requirement, all requirements in this application are state imposed. Additional state resource links are available on our website, http://ace.arkansas.gov/adultEducation/Pages/default.aspx. NOTE: Throughout this application, references to the specific sections within the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (PL105-220), Title II, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) are cited. Example: AEFLA Section 214 (a) Statutory Considerations for Awarding Grants from the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, AEFLA, Section 231 (e): (1) the degree to which the eligible provider will establish measurable goals for participant outcomes; (2) the past effectiveness of an eligible provider in improving the literacy skills of adults and families, and, after the 1-year period beginning with the adoption of an eligible agency's performance measures under section 212, the success of an eligible provider receiving funding under this subtitle in meeting or exceeding such performance measures, especially with respect to those adults with the lowest levels of literacy; (3) the commitment of the eligible provider to serve individuals in the community who are most in need of literacy services, including individuals who are low-income or have minimal literacy skills; (4) whether or not the program-- (A) is of sufficient intensity and duration for participants to achieve substantial learning gains: and (B) uses instructional practices, such as phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension that research has proven to be effective in teaching individuals to read; (5) whether the activities are built on a strong foundation of research and effective educational practice; (6) whether the activities effectively employ advances in technology, as appropriate, including the use of computers; (7) whether the activities provide learning in real life contexts to ensure that an individual has the skills needed to compete in the workplace and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship; (8) whether the activities are staffed by well-trained instructors, counselors, and administrators; (9) whether the activities coordinate with other available resources in the community, such as by establishing strong links with elementary schools and secondary schools, postsecondary educational institutions, one-stop centers, job training programs, and social service agencies; (10) whether the activities offer flexible schedules and support services (such as child care and transportation) that are necessary to enable individuals, including individuals with disabilities or other special needs, to attend and complete programs; (11) whether the activities maintain a high-quality information management system that has the capacity to report participant outcomes and to monitor program performance against the eligible agency performance measures; and (12) whether the local communities have a demonstrated need for additional English literacy programs. In order to receive funding, programs must satisfactorily address all twelve considerations.
INTRODUCTION, page iii continued • The 2014-2015 Arkansas Adult Education Request for Proposal (RFP) for Competitive Projects provides the information and standard forms needed to apply for state funds and federal funds. This RFP is specifically for Direct and Equitable (D&E) federal funds, Correctional/Institutional (C/I) federal funds, and English Literacy/Civics Education (EL/Civics) federal funds. • Please note that there are several sources of rules and regulations that govern and impact the administration of programs receiving funds. Completing this application is just part of the process. You must adhere to the information set forth in this document along with all of the rules and regulations applicable to the project. Unless specifically noted as a federal requirement, all requirements in this application are state imposed. Additional state resource links are available on our website, http://ace.arkansas.gov/adultEducation/Pages/default.aspx. • NOTE: Throughout this application, references to the specific sections within the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (PL105-220), Title II, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) are cited. Example: AEFLA Section 214 (a)
INTRODUCTION, page iii continued • In order to receive funding, programs must satisfactorily address all twelve considerations • The Scoring Rubric will provide more details on the 12 considerations and the type of details expected from applicants.
Page iv It is recommended that applicants read the Application Acceptance Guidelines prior to completing the application. The original and five (5) copies of the completed application, with requested attachments, must be received in the Adult Education Division, Three Capitol Mall, Room 303, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, no later than 4:30 p.m., February 28, 2014.Electronic submissions will not be accepted. Each application must be received in the Adult Education Division on or before the stated deadline in order to be considered for funding. Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. No competitive grant applications will be considered if received after 4:30 p.m. on the closing date unless the applicant can show proof that the application was: (a) sent by registered or certified mail not later than five (5) calendar days before the deadline; or (b) sent by a commercial carrier not later than two (2) calendar days before the deadline. The following are acceptable as proof of mailing: (a) a legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark; or (b) a legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the U.S. Postal Service; or (c) a dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial carrier.
Page iv, continued PURPOSE: This Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks providers of Adult Education and Family Literacy Services who will enter into a voluntary partnership with the Arkansas Department of Career Education, Adult Education Division (ACE/AED), in order to carry out the threefold purpose of WIA Title II (Sec. 202): • assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • assist adults who are parents to obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; and • assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. ADULT EDUCATION SERVICES DEFINITION: In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 203), the term ‘adult education’ means services or instruction below the postsecondary level for individuals who: 1. have attained 16 years of age; 2. are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law; and • lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to enable the individuals to function effectively in • society; do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and have not achieved an equivalent level of education; or are unable to speak, read, or write the English language.
Page v ADULT EDUCATION ACTIVITIES: In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 231), required local activities include one or more of the following categories: 1. adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services; 2. family literacy services; and 3. English literacy programs. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 203), the following local providers are eligible to participate in the application process for federal funds (D & E, C/I, and EL/Civics): • a local educational agency; • a non-profit community-based organization of demonstrated effectiveness; • a volunteer non-profit literacy organization of demonstrated effectiveness; • an institution of higher education; • a public or private non-profit agency; • a library; • a public housing authority; • a non-profit institution that is not described above and has the ability to provide literacy services to adults and families; • or a consortium of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries, or authorities described above. AEFLA, Section 203 (5). • correctional institutions including any prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, detention center, or halfway house, community based rehabilitation center or any other similar institution designed for the confinement or rehabilitation of criminal offenders. AEFLA, Section 225 (d) (2)
Page v, continued For-profit organizations are not eligible for funding, even as part of a consortium. Each eligible provider receiving a grant or contract shall use the grant to establish or operate one or more programs that provide services or instruction in adult education and literacy services, including workplace literacy services, family literacy services, and/or English literacy programs. AEFLA, Section 231 (b). Programs applying for general federal funds (D&E) submit pages 1 through 20. Programs applying for C/I submit pages 1 through 21. Programs applying for EL/Civics submit pages 1 through 20 and 22.
Page vi, continued LOCAL APPLICATIONS In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 232), each eligible provider desiring a grant shall submit an application to the Department of Career Education, Adult Education Division (as the eligible agency) containing such information and assurances as the eligible agency may require, including a description of how funds awarded will be spent and a description of any cooperative arrangements the eligible provider has with other agencies, institutions, or organizations for the delivery of adult education and literacy activities. LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE COST LIMITS: In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 233), of the amount made available to local providers under this RFP, not less than 95% shall be expended for carrying out adult education and literacy activities, and the remaining amount, not to exceed 5%, shall be used for planning, administration, professional development, and interagency coordination. (Special Rule: In cases where the cost limits described are too restrictive to allow for adequate planning, administration, professional development, and interagency coordination, the eligible provider shall negotiate with the eligible agency in order to determine an adequate level of funds to be used for non-instructional purposes.) SUPPLEMENT NOT SUPPLANT: In accordance with WIA Title II (Sec. 241), funds made available for adult education and literacy activities under this RFP shall supplement and not supplant other State or local public funds expended for adult education and literacy activities.
Budget Narrative Details NOTE: • Your narrative should be detailed. • It should follow the budget categories. • It should list individuals and details. • It should specify locations and times. • It should list quantities • All contracts should be attached. • Floor plans and square footage for shared space should be provided noting the areas that the program will occupy.
Budget Narrative Details • Adult Education/Literacy Council administrators must complete all required forms for each funding source from which they receive a grant: Adult Basic Education Funds (ABE); General Adult Education Funds (GAE); Direct & Equitable Funds (D&E); Correctional/Institutional Funds (C/I); English Literacy/Civics Funds (EL/Civics), Special Projects Funds, and Carry-over Funds. • The ABE, GAE, D&E, EL/Civics, and C/I awards are one-year grants funded from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 and are based on the availability of state and federal funds. These grants may not be available in future years. • 1. Individual packets of completed forms must be submitted to the Adult Education Division for each grant awarded. Each program will receive the Adult Education Grant Award page by e-mail or U.S. mail, which will serve as the cover page of the funding packet. Funding packets for each funding source are located at the following web address: http://ace.arkansas.gov/adultEducation/informationForms/Pages/forms.aspx • Requirements for each funding source are different. Be sure to use all required forms in each specific funding packet when submitting that packet. Only the original of each packet of forms should be submitted. Any required funding packets that are not received by the deadline, may be denied. Please note: All required signatures must be originaland in BLUE ink.
Budget Narrative Details • 2. Each program is required to have a grant budget review meeting with their Program Advisor. In addition, to submitting the funding packet, program administrators will need to able to discuss goals and plans for grant money and be able to provide substantive justification for each projected spending allocation. Please see budget narrative for more details. • Grant funding packets will be submitted, in person, on the scheduled grant review date. Funding may be denied if grant packets are not reviewed by the deadline. Be sure that every applicable blank on each form is completed. • ABE, GAE, D&E, EL/Civics, C/I, and Special Projects funds will not be released until funding packets have been approved and signed by the Adult Education Division.
Budget Narrative Details • 3.A signed and dated original copy of the 2014-2015 Arkansas Adult Education Assurances must be completed and returned with the funding packet(s). If a program has multiple grants, only one copy of Assurances should be submitted. These forms are located at: Adult Education Assurances and Forms • http://ace.arkansas.gov/adultEducation/informationForms/Pages/forms.aspx • 4. Each page of the Arkansas Adult Education Assurances must be initialed by the Local Education Agency (LEA) Administrator. Additionally, the last page must be signed by the LEA Administrator and the bottom right hand corner of each page. • 5. In the event someone other than the Local Education Agency (LEA) Administrator or Community Based Organization (CBO) board president is authorized to sign on behalf of the grantee for subsequent documents, an annual letter on official letterhead must accompany
Budget Narrative Details 6. Each application should include a detailed budget line-item narrative, in 12-point or larger font, explaining each item and how the projected expenditures in each subcategory (01-Administration; 02-Instruction; 03-Maintenance and Operation; and 04-Other Support Services) are reasonable and directly related to the adult education program with each Adult Education Initial Budget or Amendment page. Simply restating the budget categories in the narrative WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. This includes names with salaries and benefits with amounts and items for purchase in 04(f).
Budget Narrative Details • In the Administration category, each position to be funded should be listed by title and employee name and whether the position is part-time or full-time. Also include a brief description of the job duties and responsibilities performed by each position. Show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time to be devoted to the project for each position. The compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within your organization. • The fringe benefits requested should be consistent with what the LEA offers for comparable positions and based on the proposed fringe benefits on actual known costs. Fringe benefits should be for the listed personnel and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Applicants must provide adequate documentation of costs and the percentage computation. Fringe benefits with regards to overtime hours are subject to the payroll deductions of FICA, workers’ compensation, and unemployment compensation. If these amounts exceed 10% for State Grants or 5% for Federal Grants then an Arkansas Adult Education Administration Cost Waiver Application must be submitted. • Each program is required to verify ALL employees paid on all grants received from Arkansas Adult Education. All new employees must have a Personnel Data form and copy of their GED, high school diploma, degree or teacher license (if applicable), submitted to the state office. Likewise, all inactive employees MUST be removed from Personnel Records, AERIS database, and any documents that support salaries. An updated Personnel Data Form reflecting the exit date must be submitted to the state office. • All budgeted TBA positions MUST be filled within 90 DAYS of grant approval. Failure to fill TBA position may result in a Budget Amendment to reallocate funds. Note: Programs are only allowed 2 budget amendments each fiscal year.
Budget Narrative Details • 02-Instruction Category • 02 a-g: List each position by title and name of employee, for unfilled positions list name of employee as “TBA Position”. Describe the duties and supervision of each position. • Instructional Supplies and Materials: List any education supplies, materials, or curriculum to be purchased for use by the instructional personnel. Provide the quantity and amount. Also include shipping and freight charges. • Testing (Psychological/Diagnostic/Skills): List any testing supplies and materials to be purchased. Provide the quantity and amount.
Budget Narrative Details 03- Maintenance and Operation Category • Office/Classroom Space/Rent: Provide a description of services to be rendered that will be supported by this funding. Provide a copy of the lease or rental agreement, which outlines items such as to whom rent is paid, for what location, amount of space, length of contract, price/square footage, if the rent is split with other entities, etc. Include satellite locations if applicable. • Rental costs are allowable to the extent that the rates are reasonable in light of such factors as rental costs of comparable property. (Fair Market Value) Rental arrangements should be reviewed periodically to determine if circumstances have changed. List, in detail, what is included in the rental agreement – insurance, utilities, custodial service, maintenance costs, etc.
Budget Narrative Details • Rental costs are allowable only up to the amount that would be allowed had the agency continued to own the property. This amount would include expenses such as depreciation or use allowance, maintenance, taxes, and insurance. Be sure to include the method used to determine the amount of rent. • Utilities: Provide agency name and description of services to be rendered. This includes utilities (phone, electric, heat) and other contracted or purchased services. Indicate if the amount budgeted for utilities (such as electricity, water, sewer, and gas) is based upon direct meter readings expenditures to be paid by the award. Include the methodology or basis used to determine the amount budgeted for utilities overall and for this grant award. Be sure that the amount budgeted for utilities are not actually included in the rental agreement (if so, it should be moved to rent). • Custodial Services/Supplies: If the LEA has a contract with an outside service provider for custodial services, indicate whether or not there is a contract for services with the LEA or an employee of the LEA performing custodial services. Note: An employee of the LEA will need to complete a Personal Activity Report (PAR). A LEA charging a separate “fee” (not included in the rent) will need to have a contract for service. Include the method used to determine the over-all dollar amount and the amount budgeted for this grant award designated for custodial services/supplies. Be sure that the amount budgeted for custodial services/supplies are not actually included in the rental agreement (if so, it should be moved to rent). • Building/Property Insurance: Include the provider name and type of insurance supplied. Also indicate whether the amount budgeted for building and/or property insurance is based upon a direct bill the LEA receives for the facility. Include the method used to determine the over-all dollar amount and the amount budgeted for this grant award. Be sure that the amount budgeted is not actually included in the rental agreement (if so, it should be moved to rent). • Equipment Lease/Rental/Maintenance Contracts: Include the name of the contractor and a description of the equipment or service provided. Indicate whether the amount budgeted for the lease, rental or maintenance of equipment is based upon a direct bill the LEA receives. Include the method used to determine the over-all dollar amount and the amount budgeted for the individual grant award. Be sure the amount budgeted is not actually included in the rental agreement (if so, it should be moved to rent).
Budget Narrative Details 04- Other Support Services Category • Other Support Services may include items such as supplies, telephone, copying costs, etc. Supplies are expendable items and equipment costing less than $500 should be listed by type. Usually, supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Be sure to show how you calculated the costs. • Advertisement/Promotion: Include a marketing plan and documentation of recruitment process and sample advertisements. Copy of advertisements used during the 2013-14 PY that will be reproduced or duplicated for use in the 2014-15 PY are acceptable. • Graduation Expenses (STATE FUNDS ONLY): Include the number of anticipated graduates, breakdown of total anticipated costs for items such as caps and gowns, diplomas, refreshments, etc. • NOTE: Flower arrangements and plants are considered decorative not an allowable expense. • Telephone: • Landline – Provide the agency name and description of services for landline service. Indicate the number of lines and whether or not there is a contract for services with directly with the LEA or is provided by the college or in the rental agreement. Be sure that the amount budgeted for telephone is not actually included in the rental agreement. (If so, it should be moved to rent.) • Wireless - Include a list of all personnel supplied with a mobile phone, phone number, date issued and type of phone. Provide a copy of the most recent wireless billing statement for all wireless accounts paid for with Adult Ed funds. Wireless Account Statement should include the name of the carrier, name of responsible party (account holder), number of active lines, type of service, wireless package details (e.g. # of min/month, included data, text & picture messaging, etc.), and any add-ons or upgrades to the service package, insurance and enhanced voice mail, etc. that are billed to the account. Note: Services above basic service are not an allowable expense.
Budget Narrative Details • Equipment: Generally, equipment is defined as non-expendable equipment, which is tangible property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $500 or more per unit. Expendable items should be included in the “supplies” or “other” categories. • Equipment requests must be listed separately along with estimated costs (see example.) Whenever possible, include a written estimate from the vendor or other documentation of the actual equipment cost (e.g. printed website pages, copies of catalog pages, etc.) Example: Equipment Request Item Use Computation Cost Computer A (Type, brand, etc.) Student Instructional Use $__ X number of units $x,xxx Computer B (Type, brand, etc.) Server for computers $__ X number of units $x,xxx Graphing calculator (be specific) Use by students during instruction $__ X number of units $x,xxx Total Equipment Costs: $ xx,xxx • Narrative: Computer A will be used to [explain how it will help to achieve program objectives]. Computer B will be used to [explain how it will help to achieve program objectives].Graphing calculators will be used to [explain how it will help to achieve program objectives]. • For all equipment over $500: Remember to add an Adult Education tag on all new equipment. Update and submit an inventory list to the Adult Education office.
Budget Narrative Details TRAVEL: Categories 01-d, 02-k, 04-g All travel expenses should be itemized for project personnel by purpose (e.g. staff to training, advisory group meeting, etc.) Show the basis of computation for each purpose. In particular provide justification of amount allocated. Example: Purpose of Travel: AERIS Training and Technical Assistance Location Item Computation Cost TBD Lodging $85 x #days x #people $X,XXX TBD Mileage $.XX x #miles $XXX All travel must follow State and Federal guidelines including costs for per diem. Be specific using federal or state travel regulations. Local programs may transfer travel funds by amendment only among 01-d Administration travel, 02-k Instructional travel, and 04-g Conference/workshop travel. Funds may be transferred by an additional amendment out of travel into other categories, but not out of other categories into travel without prior written approval by the Deputy Director of Adult Education. Travel and Equipment may not be increased after the budget is approved without authorization of the Adult Education Division Deputy Director.
Budget Narrative Details • TRANSFER OF FUNDS • Transfer of funding within the categories of 01-Administration, 02-Instruction, 03-Maintenance and Operation, and 04-Other Support Services are allowed without amendment or state office approval. However, transfer of funds for travel and equipment are subject to the approval process. In either case, please notify your assigned Program Advisor PRIORto transferring funds. • Failure to comply with specific deadlines/requirements of the Adult Education Division, including submission of reports and inputting of data in AERIS may result in suspension of funding until full compliance is achieved.
Funding Guidelines: Federal & State Funds: • Adult Education funds must be used effectively and efficiently. • Programs funded with adult education grants must coordinate to avoid duplication of services, programs, and/or activities made available to adults under other local, state or federal adult education programs. • No more than ten percent (10%) of state ABE/GAE grants and no more than five percent (5%) of federal D&E or EL/Civics grants may be spent in 01-Administration. • If 01 Administration is projected to exceed 10% of a STATE grant or 5% of a FEDERAL grant, you may request to waiver the current maximum % level. The Adult Education Division Administration Waiver Form FY2014-2015 must be submitted with a detailed justification. • No more than ten percent (10%) of each grant may be spent in 03-Maintenance and Operation and none is allowed in federal EL/Civics or C/I funds. • All personnel must be listed on the Personnel Page which must be updated whenever there is a change. • CBO Exception: volunteers may be included on a listing of names and attached to the Personnel Page. • All personnel paid with adult education funds and any volunteer tutors whose students and hours are reported to the ACE-AED must meet current requirements as found in the ACE-AED Program Policies. • All programs receiving funds will be responsible for adhering to ACE-AED Program Policies, Assurances, and Arkansas NRS Guidelines.