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Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste Training

Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste Training. Agenda. Laboratory Safety Regulatory Introduction Hazard Recognition Physical Chemical Exposure Management Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Material Segregation and Management Personal Protective Equipment

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Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste Training

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  1. Laboratory Safety & Hazardous Waste Training

  2. Agenda • Laboratory Safety • Regulatory Introduction • Hazard Recognition • Physical • Chemical • Exposure Management • Engineering Controls • Administrative Controls • Material Segregation and Management • Personal Protective Equipment • Fire Safety and Procedures • Spills and Emergency Response • Hazardous Waste Management

  3. Regulatory Introduction • Columbia University laboratories must comply with rules set by the following regulatory bodies: • New York City • Fire Department (FDNY) • Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) • New York State • Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) • Federal • Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) • United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

  4. New York City Fire Department Peroxide-Forming Chemicals • Peroxide-forming chemicals must be dated immediately upon opening • Discard any unused chemicals within a year of opening date • Ethers, THF, dioxanes are common peroxide-formers

  5. New York City Fire Department Compressed gas cylinders • Compressed gas cylinders must be stored upright and be restrained. • Oxygen cylinders should be kept at a minimum of 25 feet away from flammable gas cylinders.

  6. New York City Fire Department Flammables in Refrigerators • Flammable chemicals must be stored in a “Flammable Material Storage” or “Explosion Proof” refrigerator • Domestic refrigerators located in labs are labeled “Store No Flammables Flashing below 100 F”.

  7. New York City Fire Department Chemical containers must be Clearly and Visibly labeled to indicate their contents at all times.

  8. New York City Fire Department Certificate of Fitness Program • At least one C of F holder is required per lab while the laboratory is in operation (includes nights & weekends). • Certificate (C-14) indicates that holder knows emergency procedures in the event of a fire in the lab. • Labs with large amounts of compressed gases or cryogenics may require additional Certificates. • Contact EH&S for information on obtaining a C of F.

  9. OSHA • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the federal regulatory agency governing workplace health and safety. • OSHA Laboratory Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450) is the specific regulation that applies to laboratory environments: • Information on hazard identification and protection • Information on chemical exposure, detection, and management • Emergency procedures • Employers’ and employees’ rights and responsibilities

  10. Questions • What type of refrigerator is required for storage of flammable chemicals? • Peroxide forming chemicals must be -------- upon opening.

  11. Hazard Recognition “The employer shall provide employees with information and training to ensure that they are apprised of the hazards of chemicals present in their work area.” 29CFR1910.1450 • Safety and hazard information is available from multiple sources.

  12. Hazard Recognition • Sources of hazard information: • USDOT (Department of Transportation) Diamonds • NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) Diamonds • Manufacturers’ labels • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) • Office of Environmental Health & Radiation Safety/ Environmental Health & Safety

  13. Hazard Recognition • Chemicals are often marked with the NFPA Diamond or similar hazardous communication markings to denote their hazards. • Note the hazards as listed on chemical containers in your lab prior to using them.

  14. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) • Shipped with all chemicals • Contain all safety information about a chemical, including the exposure limits, precautions for safe handling and use, and other hazard information. • Must be accessible (paper copy or via internet) in the lab for all chemicals present.

  15. Hazard Recognition -Physical Hazards • Elements of the laboratory work environment, including chemicals and equipment, hold the potential to cause physical harm. • For each type of hazard, awareness and simple protective measures will ensure safety. • Burns • Asphyxiation • Slips, Trips, Falls • Electrocution • Blunt Force Trauma, Lacerations • Compressed Gas and Cryogenic Hazards

  16. Oxygen Alarms • Oxygen alarms are used where large amounts of cryogenics or inert gases are stored, which can potentially cause asphyxiation by displacing oxygen. • DO NOT ENTER any area where an oxygen alarm is going off. • Asphyxiation can be rapid and sudden, with no warning signs. • Rescues must be performed by someone with a supplied air respirator. • If it is possible to open doors/windows to ventilate area without entering, do so.

  17. DANGERIf you hear Alarm, DO NOT ENTER; Call Public Safety 854-5555 During Work hours also call EH&S 854-8749 POTENTIAL OXYGEN DEFICIENCY HAZARD If Alarm is Activated • Assume alarm activation to be valid • Evacuate all workers in room and close the door • Call Public Safety immediately; also PI and EH&S • Be prepared to provide information to responders • DO NOT Enter the room • DO NOT Attempt to rescue anyone, as asphyxiation can be rapid with no warning signs • DO NOT Open door within first hour after the alarm has stopped sounding • Do NOT attempt to repair a faulty sensor. Report it to TechAir (203-792-1834) or EH&S. • Review Columbia University policy (www.ehs.columbia.edu/OxygenDeficiency).

  18. Hazard Recognition -Chemical Hazards • Many substances commonly encountered in the laboratory environment pose chemical hazards. • For each type of hazard, awareness and other protective measures will ensure safety. • USDOT Diamonds, NFPA Diamonds, manufacturer’s labels, and MSDS will alert you to a chemical’s specific hazards. • Flammability • Corrosivity • Toxicity • Reactivity

  19. Hazard Recognition What does the blue part of the NFPA diamond signify?

  20. Question What does MSDS stand for? Material Safety Data Sheet

  21. Exposure Management - Chemical Routes of Entry • Inhalation • Absorption • Injection • Ingestion

  22. Chemical Routes of Entry A common route of chemical exposure is ingestion due to contaminated food or hands.

  23. Chemical Exposure – Health Effects • Acute effects – sudden, traumatic effects • Headaches, dizziness, burns from corrosive chemicals • Chronic effects – slow, gradual effects not rapidly perceived; poor or no warnings of exposure • Cancer, mutation, reproductive effects

  24. Chemical Exposure - Exposure Limits • Risk = Exposure x Hazard • Toxic effects can be minimized by keeping exposures to a minimum. • Acceptable limits of exposure have been established for certain chemicals.

  25. Exposure Limits Formaldehyde: • OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 0.75 parts per million (0.75 ppm) • 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL): 2 ppm • Odor threshold is 0.5 to 1.0 ppm Xylene: • OSHA PEL: 100 ppm • STEL: 150 ppm

  26. Exposure Limits Benzene: • OSHA PEL: 1 ppm • STEL: 5 ppm Methylene Chloride: • OSHA PEL: 25 ppm • STEL: 125 ppm

  27. Formaldehyde Health Effects • Pungent, suffocating odor • Irritating vapors to respiratory tract/skin • Causes sensitization • High concentrations may cause pulmonary edema • Chronic exposure: nasal & lung cancers

  28. Xylene Health Effects • Colorless & Sweet Smelling • Flammable liquid & vapors • Eye/skin/respiratory tract irritation • Can be absorbed through skin • Target organs of chronic exposure: (kidney, liver, & blood)

  29. Benzene Health Effects • Colorless to light-yellow liquid • Aromatic odor • Irritation to eyes, skin, nose & throat • Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, & loss of coordination, • Depression of the CNS • Effects are expected at 25 ppm

  30. Methylene Chloride Health Effects • Colorless; chloroform-like odor • Irritation to eyes, skin, nose & throat • Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, & loss of coordination, • Chronic contact on skin → dermatitis • Referred also as dichloromethane

  31. Where are these chemicals found at Columbia University? Formaldehyde: • Biology • Chemistry • Histology laboratories • Human anatomy lab • Any other labs using: • Fixed human or animal tissues/parts • Perfused animal carcasses

  32. Exposure Monitoring • Regular monitoring performed for those working closely with regulated chemicals (formaldehyde) • Area monitoring where fume hoods are not available • Low potential for exposure if not working directly with chemicals

  33. Exposure Management A hierarchy of control measures is used to minimize risk associated with exposure by reducing the time or amount of exposure, or by altering the nature of exposure. • Engineering controls • Administrative controls • Personal protective equipment (PPE)

  34. Exposure Management - Engineering Controls Engineering controls are measures designed to prevent exposure to a harmful substance or hazard. The most common engineering controls are: • Chemical Fume Hoods • Biosafety Cabinets

  35. Engineering Controls - Chemical Fume hoods • Chemical fume hoods reduce exposure to airborne hazards. • Ensure that your fume hood is: • Free of clutter • Drawing air at a rate of 80-120 linear feet per minute • Visibly operational (use a “kim-wipe test” to monitor air flow) • Not open more than 12”

  36. Engineering Controls – Chemical Fume Hoods In addition to protection from airborne hazards, chemical fume hoods also provide an important physical barrier between you and your work.

  37. Exposure Management - Administrative Controls Administrative controls are features of one’s work practices designed to reduce exposure. • Chemical substitution • Proper storage and segregation of hazardous materials • Proper housekeeping practice • Prudent inventory and purchase order management • Appropriate training and Right to Know information (such as MSDS)

  38. Administrative Controls – Chemical Substitution • An effective way to reduce exposure to a hazardous material is to remove it from your work practice entirely. Consider the use of safer chemical alternatives when designing your experiments. • Citrosolv v. xylene • Enzymatic detergents v. chromic/sulfuric acid-based glass cleaners • SYBR Safe v. ethidium bromide

  39. Administrative Controls – Chemical Substitution Mercury is a TOXIC metal. Clean-up of spilled mercury is time and resource-intensive.

  40. Administrative Controls - Chemical Storage Proper chemical storage reduces exposure risk. • Segregation • Provide a specified storage area for each hazard class of chemicals. • Store incompatible materials physically apart from one another. Separation by deep spill trays is acceptable. • Labeling • Label all chemical containers, including reaction vessels, with identifying information.

  41. Administrative Controls - Chemical Storage When selecting a storage location for laboratory chemicals, consider the following: • Compatibility of container and cabinet with the chemical • Proximity to other chemicals, incompatible materials, heat, or open flame

  42. What is wrong with this?

  43. What is wrong with this?

  44. Administrative Controls – Chemical Storage (Flammables) • Each lab is permitted to store a certain quantity of flammable materials. • Allowable limit determined by construction materials and presence of sprinklers. • 4 Lab types: I, II, III, IV • Flammable limits of 30, 25, 20, 15 gallons, respectively • Flammable waste materials count toward these limits

  45. Administrative Controls – Chemical Storage (Flammables) Flammable liquids requiring refrigeration must be kept only in explosion-proof or intrinsically-safe refrigerators.

  46. Administrative Controls - Housekeeping Poor housekeeping contributes to accidents and can hinder emergency response activities. • Do not block exits, aisles, or doorways. • Do not block access to emergency equipment. • Do not store chemicals in excess of lab’s limts • Handle and store glassware with care. • Do not store chemical containers on the floor.

  47. What is wrong with this?

  48. What is wrong with this? Clutter Open Sash Open Bottle Labeling Exposed Sharps Objects Not Properly Managed

  49. What is wrong with this? Excess chemical on the workbench Poor housekeeping

  50. Administrative Controls - Inventory Management • Purchase chemicals in the smallest quantity sufficient for your work; excess chemicals become Hazardous Waste. • A list of chemicals present in the laboratory should be prepared, updated, and maintained in the laboratory. • Dispose of all outdated or unused chemicals properly and promptly.

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