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ACCESS – distributed management group. Formal Verification of Security Protocols – an Introduction. Mads Dam KTH/CSC. Security Protocols. Two or more parties Communication over insecure network Active adversary can Intercept messages Forge messages Replay messages
ACCESS – distributed management group Formal Verification of Security Protocols – an Introduction Mads Dam KTH/CSC
Security Protocols • Two or more parties • Communication over insecure network • Active adversary can • Intercept messages • Forge messages • Replay messages • Cryptography is countermeasure • Encrypt data • Sign and authenticate data • Exchange secret keys • Generate nonces and time stamps Bob Alice Charlie Eve
Security Objectives Goal: To preserve some desired property as far as possible in face of attack Confidentiality: • Secrecy of message, secrecy of bits • Anonymity, privacy Integrity: • Authenticity • Distributed agreement • Survivability Availability: • Denial of service prevention
Security Analysis • Model system Granularity, adversary access paths • Model adversary Memory, computational power, observational power • Identify security properties of interest • Examine if properties preserved under attack • Result: • Under given assumptions about the system and the adversary, no attack of a certain form will destroy the property we’re after • Unconditional security is not possible
Modelling Decisions • Modelling the system • Single or multiple sessions, several concurrent runs • Accuracy of computation and communication model • Real or idealized crypto? • How powerful is the attacker? • Simple replays • Block messages • Decompose, reassemble and resend messages • Statistical analysis, traffic analysis? • Timing behaviour? • Accuracy of security properties
Needham-Schroeder Key Exchange NA, NB: Nonces, freshly generated random numbers KA, KB: Public keys • {M}KA: Encryption of M readable only to by A • Since only A possesses secret key KA-1 Goal of protocol: Mutual authentication, establishment of shared secret (NA,NB) {A,NA}KB {NA,NB}KA A B {NB}KB
NSPK - Objectives • Responder correctly authenticated If A believes she has authenticated B, and B is honest, then B believes he has authenticated A • Initiator correctly authenticated If B believes he has authenticated A, and A is honest, then A believes she has authenticated B • Nonce secrecy At the end of the protocol, if A and B are both honest (and in particular do not overtly reveal NA and NB to a third party) then (NA, NB) is a secret shared between A and B
Lowe’s Attack Man-in-the-middle attack Dishonest E tricks A into revealing B’s session key NB Note: Attack purely based on protocol functionality, not crypto dependent {A,NA}KE {A,NA}KB {NA,NB}KA {NA,NB}KA A E B {NB}KE G. Lowe: An Attack on the Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Authentication Protocol, IPL 1995
Verification Approaches Cryptographic analysis: • Protocol security reduced to number-theoretic assumptions Model checking: • Build state transition graphs for some system instances and check as well as possible Theorem proving: • Phrase problem as idealized mathematical problem (perfect crypto, other simplifications) and prove it Process modelling approach: • Model system as communicating processes, use equational reasoning Other: temporal logics, logics of knowledge and belief
Cryptographic Protocol Analysis Security reduced to number-theoretic assumptions, e.g.: • Hardness of prime factorization • Diffie-Hellman: Hard to compute g given g and g, for , 2 Zq random Universally composable security [Canetti] • Replace subprotocols by idealized versions while preserving security Successfully analyze complex protocols, e.g. [Wikström] Analysis complex and highly error-prone Computationally sound formal analysis • Cf. [Rogaway-Abadi], currently active area R. Canetti: Universally Composable Security: A New Paradigm for Cryptogaphic Protocols. Proc. 42nd FOCS, 2001 D. Wikström: On the Security of Mix-Nets and Hierarchical Group Signatures. Ph.D. Thesis, KTH-CSC, 2005 M. Abadi, P. Rogaway: Reconciling Two Views of Cryptography, J. Cryptology, 2002
Model Checking Idea: System modelled as communicating finite state machines • Bounded state spaces • Bounded state variable domains • Communication by shared state variables or message passing Query as state reachability problem • Is ”bad” state reachable? Automated state space traversal • Hashing: 1 bit per state suffices • Subject to probabilistic accuracy Examples: SPIN, SMV, Mur ... ... ...
Limitations of Finite State Methods Everything must be fixed: • Number of participants • Participants behaviour So no ”unknown” transitions, no open systems • Number of sessions • Message space No encrypt(encrypt(...(encrypt(...)) ...)) • Memory Of honest party, of attacker, or communication channel Really, this is ”just” very comprehensive simulation
Model Checking Security Protocols • Model protocol entities and network Initiator and responder as fsa’s Network as shared variable (SMV, Mur) - Or as bounded buffer (SPIN) • Model adversary Typically one control state, bounded memory - Intercept messages - Store and recall messages - Bounded generation of new messages, using observed and initial data (typically: Public keys) • Determine ”bad” states and hope for termination Example: J. Mitchell, V. Shmatikov, I Stern: Finite-State Analysis of SSL 3.0, USENIX 1998
Process-Oriented Models Model ”real” and idealized system as concurrent processes Ideal system: SPEC Real system: IMPL Observational congruence: SPEC ¼ IMPL • No observational difference between SPEC and IMPL • SPEC and IMPL are observationally ”the same” • Congruence: SPEC ¼ IMPL implies C[SPEC] ¼ C[IMPL] in any context C[-] • Even a hostile one ) security for unknown attackers! R. Milner: A Calculus of Communicating Processes, Prentice-Hall 1989 R. Milner, J. Parrow, D. Walker: A Calculus of Mobile Processes, I and II. Information and Computation 1992
Example: Applied Pi Based on pi-calculus [Milner-Parrow-Walker-92] Processes communicate by synchronous handshaking Values = channel names c: Declares new name c 1: A has local c, passes c to B 2: B receives c, spawns node C with link b, passes c on 3: C receives c, B forgets b and c C C b 2 1 3 b b c c c c a a a B B A B A A
Applied Pi Applied pi adds equational theory of names Example: theory of pairs and asymmetric encryption • Operations: pair(-,-), fst(-), snd(-), pk(-), sk(-), dec(-,-), enc(-,-) • Equations: fst(pair(x,y)) = x snd(pair(x,y) = y dec(enc(x,pk(y)),sk(y)) = x Generation of random keys and nonces: Use !! Alice1(seedA,pkE) = NA.comm!enc(pair(A,NA),pkE).Alice2(seedA,pkE,NA) Alice2(seedA,pkE,NA) = ... etc ... C. Fournet, M. Abadi: Mobile values, new names, and secure communication. Proc. POPL’01
Applications ProVerif: Constraint-based tool developed by B. Blanchet Successfully used for verification of complex protocols in applied pi Examples: Just Fast Keying – complex authentication protocol Protocol for certified email Rationale for success: Very rudimentary control flow in protocols No branching on secrets Remaining challenges: Multiple sessions/agents, richer control flow, cryptographic soundness M. Abadi, B. Blanchet, C. Fournet. Just Fast Keying in the Pi Calculus. TISSEC’07 M. Abadi, B. Blanchet. Computer-Assisted Verification of a Protocol for Certified Email. Science of Computer Programming 2005
Epistemic Security Logics Many security-related concepts are naturally phrased in terms of knowledge: • A should not know the secret data • B should know the value received is the value sent • B should know that C knows the value sent • D should know that E does not know the vote cast • F should not know that G and H shares the secret x • ... etc. etc. ... Epistemic logic: Formalization of modality A knows F Agent Property of agents state M. Burrows, M. Abadi, R. M. Needham: A Logic of Authentication. ToCS, 1990
What Is Cryptographic Knowledge? Not trivial Standard accounts are cryptographically omniscient: If x = enc(y,z) then A knows x = enc(y,z) Ruins all cryptographic security !!
What Is Cryptographic Knowledge? State: Assignment of terms to variables x = enc(y,pk(z)) y = pair(0,1) z = c All operations and public constants are one-way computable Different agents have access to different variables A knows F in state s: F holds at all global states s’ that A cannot distinguish from s
What Is Cryptographic Knowledge? State: Assignment of terms to variables x = enc(y,pk(z)) Accessible to A y = pair(0,1) Not accessible to A z = c Not accessible to A All operations and public constants are one-way computable Different agents have access to different variables A knows F in state s: F holds at all global states s’ that A cannot distinguish from s E.g.: A knows y = pair(0,1), :(A knows x enc(k,pk(c’))
Results A can distinguish global states s, s’: Same equations hold for A in s and s’ Static equivalence in applied pi Computationally justified semantics for BAN logic Complete axiomatization of validity For some theories, cryptographic soundness through link to applied pi: A knows F at s if and only if F holds at all states that are computationally indistinguishable from s in sense of cryptography M. Cohen, M. Dam: Logical Omniscience in the Semantics of BAN Logic, Proc. FCS’05 M. Cohen, M. Dam: A Completeness Result for BAN Logic, Proc. M4M’05 M. Cohen, M. Dam: A Complete Axiomatization of Knowledge and Cryptography, Submitted
State of the Field Single-session, approximate analysis of industry-scale security protocols becoming feasible - ”Static” protocols - Limited control flow, no recursion, no concurrency - Cf. Avispa project site Cryptographic analysis remains complex and error-prone Cryptographic soundness active research area - May become feasible in limited applications Main challenge, cf. ACCESS: - Lifting analysis techniques to dynamic and concurrent systems
Survivable Systems Testing, diagnosis, repair, of large scale distributed systems – how? For given protocol, how to identify a faulty (random, byzantine) node? How to neutralize a faulty node? For which fault models? Random faults? Byzantine faults? Relative to given attack goal? Goal: Probabilistic guarantees for fault detection and elimination Bob Alice Charlie Eve
Confidential Aggregation? Example: Epidemic protocols At round 0: Local estimate = local value At round n+1: Neighbours exchange + average local estimates Local value leaked at step 1 Or when local value changes Is it possible to aggregate without leaking information? 6 B 4 A 2 3 B 2 3 A 5 B 5 A